@2a48eef0 This is VERY interesting. I've had lots of conversations lately about the strange symptoms now being attributed to COVID. My assumption was that it wasn't really COVID, but what if it's medically mutated COVID? https:// phys.org/news/2023-09-anti-cov id-drug-virus-mutations.html
@2a48eef0 This drug sounds awful. I don't remember this part of the experiment. One note in here says women should use contraception during and 4 days after taking this, and men should use contraception for 3 MONTHS. I know it doesn't take 3 months to cycle through a batch of my little swimmers. is that just how long it takes to generate a reasonable doubt that Merck is at fault for all the future short-armed babies? https://www.drugs.com/molnupiravir.html
@3a574d14 In the fine print it says: "expect mutations for the next three months, during which time if you father a child it will be a reptilian, after which you have only moderately increased risk of sudden crash cancer and myocardial infarcation especially if you are a healthy athlete under forty years of age."