aren’t art generation tools just a new part of the artists toolkit?
Indeed! Where do you even draw the line (pun intended) between "generated" or not?
My main concern is client turning into ai image dump of which there are so many soulless abominations already
A "visual media"-first community app is something I'm very curious about. The community aspect (around a certain type / style of art) can solve a lot of these issues from the get go.
agreed, it sounds like a very interesting idea. Maybe you could have the version of the client that you distribute/brand which has a specific taste and emphasizes/surfaces the stuff you want to see in the app/world (non-AI generated, maybe you ask people to attest to that or have other mechanisms of identifying such). Other people could take the same open source client software and go in different directions (AI-only, AI-powered, etc.). A lot of this depends on how you choose to do discovery of people and content in various surfaces like “onboarding” and “explore”.
Artist who want to be recognized by their ability to use their hands and eyes to create need ability to display their work separately from enhanced/generated stuff. It even feels weird for me to post my own digital drawings next to physical ones