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Take it from me, a kid before there was a measles vaccine. I spent a miserable week in bed with the window shades down. Not fun and I was lucky not to get really sick--or die. I remember the relief when a vaccine against polio was finally developed. I remember the relief when we got rid of smallpox--what an achievement!

Read some history, people, and protect your kids. And be glad you can. 
 @453ca0c7 yup I got measles as a kid and then for next few years caught every single thing going as had nuked my immune system - I hate those anti vax fuckers 
 @453ca0c7 as a result of catching measles I spent the next five years in and out of the children's hospital with much of that time in an oxygen tent 
 @30ce86c6 @453ca0c7 I was born before vaccines were available. I was VERY lucky to avoid polio, smallpox, and cholera, but got chickenpox, mumps, measles, you name it. I will NEVER go thru that again, if I have to walk on glass and barbed wire to get vaxxed. 
 @453ca0c7 @30ce86c6 I came down with measles when a kid and it was very unpleasant. I didn't know about SSPE then. https://blotreport.com/2017/03/05/lets-kill-children/ 
 @453ca0c7 @30ce86c6 When we were babies, we got vaccinated against diptheria, whooping cough and tetanus.  A bit older, polio and measles.  Anybody complaining about covid vaccines - like being a 'pure blood' for not having had a covid shot - is just being silly.  j

And, as an #ActuallyAutistic person, I have to say - they don't cause it.  200 genes say it's not caused by the jab. 
 @fb6393a7 @453ca0c7 @30ce86c6 100% agree.

But: Polio vaccine removed polio from the developed world. 

Covid vaccines are "better than nothing". 

I caught Covid twice, each time < 5 months after the last shot. Caring for a sick child is just too much virus load. And I retained permanent damage from the first infection, so it does only statistically protect you from bad outcomes.

Yes, everyone ought to get their shots. But it's not the 10-years-full-immunity vaccine we hoped for. 

Mask up! 
 @925dd857 many vaccines require regular boosters - I get mine on the recommended schedule 
@fb6393a7 @453ca0c7 
 @453ca0c7 @30ce86c6 

I do wonder how fast the antivaxers would scream for the smallpox vaccine should there ever be a release or outbreak 🤨🤷‍♂️

There stupidity only fails to go horribly wrong because of those who came before them doing hard work. 
 @a9edea2e I reckon they would resist the vaccine - so many folks refused to believe covd was real even as they died from it

 @453ca0c7 @30ce86c6 My experience was the same. Dad walked for miles to find a phone box that was working to phone the doctor. The disease ended up ruining my eyesight but did prompt Dad to get a phone line installed. My brother, who's a lot older, nearly died of whooping cough and Mum was so grateful the vaccine had been invented by the time I came along. I hate that people are now taking these vaccines for granted and there is so much anti Vax propaganda being spread about. 
 @d059de22 yes I hate all this anti vax propaganda too 
