@86ee8b2c ok. If I were married to someone who didn't work (unlikely with my temperament) I wouldn't take out a mortgage without having a contract with said spouse. I'm sure such a thing could be written to avoid this problem. Of course if she wasn't working because she was raising my kids, then that's an arrangement I freely made and she deserves half the house.
@cc121fd8 Judges regularly throw out prenups because fuck the white man
@cc121fd8 Marriage is the contract, and the contract is “you have no rights.”
@86ee8b2c neat. It's been my experience that I mostly get what I deserve. If I'm looking for trouble, I get trouble. If I put in the work, I get something serious. I've been hurt many times, but it does me no good blaming the other person. All I can control is me, and I just keep working on that.