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 Tallow is amazing for the skin but a little goes a long way. The tallow soaks in pretty quickly but the beeswax leaves a thin barrier (she swims in chlorinated pools).

She didn't have any breakouts but she's never really been a huge wearer of makeup. She has some sunscreen & skin cream that I picked up from nostr:nprofile1qqs9w9hjtk0ltx3utuxqev5l0e5wjyqqu2ahjujxx3r29cmxywpn30spr9mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctv9udvacfv & she loves it too.  
I’ve never been one to wear make up either, nor sunscreen, probably should’ve worn a hat more often though (my face is definitely older than I 🤩). 
Not sure if it’s the tallow butters or my change in everything since BTC but the kids compliment my skin now (my family are not big on compliments 🤪🤣) 
I have now even stopped using shampoo and conditioner, use our Tallow soap and some vinegar,  my hair is now stronger and longer 🤷🏼‍♀️. 
 Lol I still don't put it on my face 🤣

I probably should. I think plenty of fatty red meat is good for the hair, nails & skin.

Collagen & cholesterol baby! 
 My main diet , 🤩, so probably mainly that and a bit of the tallow butter 🤷🏼‍♀️