Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by unwired ⚡️ | export

 Can you recommend services that use this type of "dead man's switch" mechanism to verify if a user is still alive? I would like to send an email to my family and wife after I am gone and that respects my privacy. 

 Do you know of any open-source Android/iOS apps for IPTV? 
 Drop it; I can see a worm hiding 
 באסה שזו כתבה בתשלום 
 וואי לא הכרתי את זה. מגניב 
 Welcome to Nostr. I think it would be better if you performed some dances in Gaza. I believe you will be welcomed there as well. 
In Israel, many Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Druze, and Jews live in harmony. 
You are welcome to visit in Tel Aviv 
 Welcome to Nostr. I think it would be better if you performed some dances in Gaza. I believe you will be welcomed there as well. 
 In Israel, many Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Druze, and Jews live in harmony. 
You are welcome to visit in Tel Aviv 
 Looking for a Telegram to Nostr bridge so I can read my group chats on Nostr. 

#asknostr #nostr #telegram 
 My mood right now: GFY 
 @Ava Do you know how Mr. Robot schedules his automatic emails to be sent if there is no acknowledgment? 
 Iran had to respond.

It sounds Iran has given several days notice.  They have notified Israel, t... 
 Israel has killed a senior Iranian chief commander who was planning an attack on Israel in collaboration with Hezbollah. So why is it legit to strike Israel? I'm just wondering if this would be your opinion if Iran attacked your country. 
 @Deleted Account I have an issue with Mutiny wallet. Can I send you dm? 
 I have just paid for Mullvad VPN with #xmr. Privacy, here I come! 😀 
 My mother’s cell phone bill:

Feb 2020: 188.39 pesos 🇦🇷
Mar 2024: 10,500 pesos 🇦🇷

 I wish your mother a long life and good health 🙏 
 When #zapathon? 
How can I use a private relay whose address no one can find? Do you think using habla.news as a private notebook (with my private relay) is a good idea? #asknostr 
 Spring.site is crashing from Webview & #amethyst is displaying replies to long-form with no conte... 
 wen iOS? 
 @402 Payment Required 
Your YouTube playlist on GPG is simply excellent. It has a hundred views just because of me 😀

 How can you participate in two world wars without printing money and being in debt? 
 The first 100 people to comment on this post get a 🫂 
 Gm ☀️ 

Blockstream Jade is the worst device ever created for Bitcoin self custody.

Don't buy one... 
 For me only diy @SeedSigner 😎 
 Let’s give this thing a try! 

 Fix a wallet 
 every comment within 24 hours
gets 2121 sats 
NO double comments allowed
feel free to share 
 @PABLOF7z can you build private E2EE notebook on Nostr? 🙏Does it make sense? 
 @Gigi is my hero!! 🙏 
 You say GM, I zap. Simple.  
 Gm ☀️ 
 Need help with #mutiny wallet. I’m trying to send sats out but getting error ‘Failed to find a route’. Any suggestions? 
 @Mutiny Wallet I need your help 
 @walker @Titcoin thanks for the zap. To hear your voice reading Satoshi's white paper podcast will help me fall asleep 😴 

Gn folks

 Payback cashu to community 
 Gm ☀️

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 cashu: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 
 I really enjoy listening to your podcast mostly about offline cashu transactions. The concept is fascinating and truly innovative! Keep up the great work, @walker @calle 👁️⚡👁️ 
 Remember friends, backup your nostr:npub1dx5q2el8nd4eh3eg9t2e25fd7zuqg7zxz6ldkc3uzgh66ss2yc6st288... 
 Send link to iOS 
 I sent #btc from Coinos, but it's too slow. How can I increase the transaction fee? 
 Israel wants the Gaza Strip to be free of Hamas terrorists. The war can end when Hamas releases the hostages and leaves Gaza. The massacre of October 7 must never happen again 
 Happy to give some choice privacy advice to someone who clearly understands what I'm doing.

1) G... 
 Add it to my bookmarks. thanks 
 #amethyst is the most mature and privacy respecting client on mobile. period. 💯 recommend 🤙... 
 When on iOS? 
 Live in a war zone right now. Do you know of any offline messaging apps in case of no internet or cellular reception? 
 Good night, everybody 🌙 
 Gn 🌑 
 Another Happy #eurothon

 Happy #eurothon

 How can I find who redeem it? 
 Yes you are right 
 Have a nice day ☀️⚡️

 Gn ☀️ 
 Sent you via eNuts app ⚡️ 
 Zapped you with eNuts app⚡️🤟 
 #zapathon 🥷🏻⚡️🌰
 Check your eNuts app ⚡️ 
 i'm gonna do an nostr:npub1dx5q2el8nd4eh3eg9t2e25fd7zuqg7zxz6ldkc3uzgh66ss2yc6st288sj  #zapathon ... 
Event not found
 But make it private