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Notes by Dan Hon | export

 One does not simply operate in countries where unmanaged presence would result in genocide? 
 Getting *so close* to figuring out that much of an RFP is bullshit, now we're getting automated text generators on both ends, fantastic. 

"Mercifully for workers, after months of speculation about ChatGPT-style AI taking over white-collar work, the corporate chore of responding to RFPs is one of the first that generative AI is disrupting."

 I've launched a new thing! 


Sometimes the best bits of a conference would be in the hallway after a great talk. You'd be fired up and chat about the talk and meet new people. 

Hallway Track is my selfish way for me to get that back. Small groups, impromptu conversations, interesting people, on zoom. 

I'm capping them to 20 signups and the first one is about the Cosy Internet of the 2010s. 

Check it out! 
 For anyone more curious about the technical side than hilarious (to me, anyway) legal mumbo jumbo... 
 @ed709062 Hm. All this fits a stereotype of an Older Games Company for Older People who make software an Older Way, and are used to shrink wrapped. 
 I too aspire to have enough remnant mass to become a black hole 
 tfw your kid sneaked into the study and left you a note  because they knew you've been down and having difficult days lately

 actually, the TNG-era combadge is just one solid-state action button, in this essay I shall-- 
 misread "where does my computer get the time from" as "where does my computer get the time" and already I'm jealous of my computer and all the things it gets done in a day and it's not even 9am 
 With No Inadvisable Shower Selfie So Far, Will Meta's Attempt At Google Glass Succeed This Time? 
 @c4691757 whomst amongst us couldst have possibly foreseen 
 why not simply send the people in midwestern diners to coastal cities for three months and see what happens and how they react rather than constantly flying coastal journalists to diners 
 can't believe that thanks to light, the universe is laid out in reverse-chronological order 
 If you're following me here, you should:

a) subscribe to my newsletter, Things That Caught My Attention (it's free, or you can pay-what-you-want: http://newsletter.danhon.com/)

b) Buy my book! Things That Caught My Attention Vol. 1 collects the best essays from my first 50 episodes, exploring technology, society, design and being a person. 50% off for my fediverse friends: https://verylittlegravitas.gumroad.com/l/ThingsVol1/mastofriends

... and if you're a fan, please boost :) 
 Exclusive: Take a look at the new Klingon emojis in this year's LCARS update 
 Decided to go with a scary account name for October. 
 @c4691757 YES 
 the problem with enjoying repetitive tasks and being able to type quickly is that your threshold for automating things is quite high 
 Seeing friends on here from Twitter, I’m wondering if it’d be a good idea to introduce something like #indiebizmfridays[0] or whatever, for posts and boosts to this here federated social network, as a way to support:

* increasing visibility for indie shops and businesses
* increasing discoverability
* making “advertising” less of a taboo (don’t be guilty about sharing the stuff you make so people can buy it!)

[0] or whatever day 
 honestly it doesn't cost $44bn to set up a self-hosted blog so you can post unhinged fascist shit 
 I have redesigned the product you use to help make you more productive. 

Pray I do not redesign it further. 
 Ok but what if your past light cone defining your observable universe is actually a method of lazy loading and traveling faster than light is the equivalent of pull-to-refresh, in this paper I Sha 
 nostr:npub13zyzdlnuhv9kg498mwujk7fwtzqkauq7zcq6kqnuuy0kjzk4ys6qh43zww Celebrity Endorsements! Exc... 
 @6fdfac8e Can't believe Meta need to rely on such a celebrity endorsement campaign as part of a launch. 
 I too aspire to use Snoop Dogg, Paris Hilton, and Tom Brady to get you to like AI 
 went to a pancake bar for one of our kids' birthdays and tried to make a totoro but instead managed to make…

My Nightmare Totoro

 we've had some successful strikes yes, but what about a lot more successful strikes? 
 Holy shit looks like the WGA pretty much got *everything it wanted*, including structural change.


 How would a design museum acquire the "hamburger menu" or "pull to refresh" for its collection? 
 Is consensus incompatible with concepts of leadership? 
 Guess who's being pressured to become a school board member :( 
 oh what's the use 
 Rent control but for software and services subscriptions 
 landlord "softlord" 
 Also, Python [on macOS] is stupid. 
 no time to explain grab the guillotine 
 Life is short. Use the fancy olive oil and the special salt. Drink the expensive wine and the fine spirits you've been saving. Get out the nice plates you're worried will break. Buy the guillotine you've had your eye on. Stake out and learn the routines of billionaires. Blow that rainy day money on turning inside sources. Don't waste your life on what-ifs. Behead them all and let the revolution sing. 
 why are things not as good as they should be 
 Now *this* is cyberpunk: 

Paw Patrol snacks from Lidl under urgent recall because the URL on the pack has been compromised and is serving hardcore porn

 Yer a wizard, Ged! 
 Fuck yeah indictment