Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by cmad | export

 My condolences to the single-issue Bitcoiners who supported a presidential candidate who's now of... 
 My take is to quit looking for someone to “save you” or “save us”. 
It’s the anti thesis to self sovereignty. The opposite of everything Bitcoin stands for.  Full stop. 
 This is my crew. 🏴‍☠️ 
100 percent. 
And I wouldn’t trade them for ANYTHING!!! 🥰

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”

— Hopi Prophecy 

 Careful Lauren. 
Big fan of your content. 💓
But you are at risk of falling down a FUD wormhole here. 

You are projecting a “i see all the pieces of the puzzle and you don’t” vibe. 

Just be careful. That’s all. 👁️🪬 
 The EO 6102 one….

Its potential is massively over-hyped IMO. At least in the near and intermediate term. 

And even if such a catastrophic rug pull were to happen, it doesn’t matter to the integrity of the protocol, which is ALL that really matters in the end, from my perspective. 

A 6102 type confiscation in today’s world where just about every asset is held digitally means that ALL financial assets (stocks, bonds, CDs, etc) could be confiscated in the same manor. In an instant. Such an action would end the modern GLOBAL monetary system in a day/week. Defeating the purpose of such action in the first place. (Presumably, the continuity of the existing FIAT system and its self appointed Overlords masters) 

Full disclosure, I generate my own keys and self custody my hodlings to the best of my knowledge and ability (as well as advise and teach others to do the same)

I sent that note to Lauren, because the spirit and vibe of her recent rant of posts on MSTR struck me as very out of synch with the vast majority of her beautifully inspiring posts on all things spiritual. 🪬
(Infinite love, compassion and understanding, et al) 

I’ve learned the hard way over and over in my 6 decades during this incarnation that if something really triggers me, it’s ALWAYS a reflection of something of similar vibration hiding in my shadow. 

I mean no ill will. Otherwise I wouldn’t take the time to write this. 

Peace and love to you, brother/sister
 Just sent longer response to Buddha on his question. 

I was only trying to share that your string of posts on MsTR, et al seemed (to me) to carry a heavy judgement vibe. Very uncharacteristic for you from my reading and enjoyment of your content. 

Didn’t mean to ruffle feathers. 

Peace 🙏🏻 
 Agreed….and yet, understanding Bitcoin is similar to meditation 🧘‍♂️….
One must come to it on their own. No one can do it for them. 

A true paradox, Buddha. 😌 
 Beautiful affirmation, Erik. I couldn’t agree more. 🙏🏻😌

 This happened during a demo of Tollgate, a tool for OpenWRT routers which let's users pay for WiF... 
 Wow! 🤩 
 I think he was being sarcastic about the “conspiracy theorists” 
 Is hyperbitcoinization the same as a #Bitcoin circular economy? 
 Quite the opposite. They are both inevitable. 👁️ 
 Beautifully said and on point Brother

 Agreed. Curious why @jack finds value in it. 
 How can I watch the satoshi nakamoto film in HBO if I’m not in the US? Any way there’s a copy... 
 Meditate or go for a walk instead 🧘‍♀️ 
Better use of time 😉 
 Eldorado Canyon in October. 🍂 
Magical place 🏔️💫 
Feels good to be leaving just a weeeee bit stronger 🧗👊

 Today something amazing happened, it's worth writing about. 

For 25 years since I've known my fa... 
 You are literally doing “gods work” (evolution 🧬😉) with your father in law, Parman. 

So beautiful 💓😌 
 Oooooo lord 🙄🤣 
 Best to Nat and hubby  💒 
 It's a great day to buy $bitcoin!  
 Just did!!!! 👊 
 This is “The Narrow Gate” 👁️🙏🏻🧬

 Minority Report 1.0

 Wonderful 🙌

Maybe add….

The Power of Now by E Tolle 
The Untethered Soul by M Singer 

 We need more of this content on nostr!!!

 Heeeeeeeeell yes!!!!!! 🙌 ⛰️🥰 
 The fact that NYC and Zurich are right next to each other destroys the credibility of this  report. 🤣

I’ve lived in both and Zurich is a FAR better experience. From every perspective. 
 Someone told me today that the idea behind Bitcoin is dangerous and that it is upsetting the orde... 
 Classic Stockholm Syndrome….

Many many will feel this way as Bitcoin gains further adoption and “disrupts” the State’s monopoly on money. 

Stems from a toxic combination of fear and ignorance. 
 GM! ⛰️🌞
On a wee walk in Eldorado Canyon this morning with the pup 🐶 
Feeling immense gratitude 💓😌

 GM! ⛰️

There is something so existentially rewarding about teaching the next generation the skills necessary to climb and stay safe in the mountains. 🧗😌

Eerily similar to helping others find their way to Bitcoin and self sovereignty 🧡 

 “NOTHING stops this train” 🚊
💵 🔥 
 Indeed she does 🤓

This train has been unstoppable for well over a decade now. It’s just that nearly ALL can see it now. And those that can’t yet, will soon. 😉 
 The deep state started playing big
It’s amazing to me how many super intelligent “bitcoiners” still can’t see this reality. 

There is ZERO overlap between the emerging Bitcoin Ecosystem and the currently collapsing nation state. 
💵 🔥 
 Blows me away everytime 🧡🧬 🦋 
 “Don’t look back in regret….or forward in anxiety. Look around in wonder”
💫 👁️🪬🧬💓 


 Not worth the brain damage. 🧠 💣 

Do yourself a favour and turn it off. 😉 
 Leading sketchy, run-out, trad makes me feel alive. As in, “every cell of my body” alive. ⛰️🧗🧬😌

 When you wander into a new smoothie shop and IMMEDIATELY know it’s gonna be GREAT! 🪬💓😋
 My got to zap amount of 38 sats has been worth .02 for so long now. This to soon will change. 
 Indeed 😌 
 Great DMT visuals 🫶 
 Smoking DMT is not for the faint of heart. No doubt 😳

Far more beneficial and manageable (albeit confronting) to ingest as Ayahuasca. Then you have 4-12 hours to work with the insights of the medicine. 🪬 

We are building out cyberspace, so that we can go live in it.

That i... 
 We are evolving. These Avatars we live in are about to take a quantum leap in the next few generations. 

We don’t need to build them. We ARE them. 😌🧬🦋

(So to speak 😉) 
 Love that line! I lived in Zurich 15 years ago. Spent some special time in and around Zermatt 🏔️🇨🇭 
 Question time for #Nostr :

I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on this: Do you genuinely b... 
 No — our “watchers” won’t allow it. 👽😉 
 Good Morning! 
Hoping everyone has an inspired and fulfilling day 


 Love it guys!!! 🪂 

Just back from a few wee flights in Chamonix and Annecy. 🏔️

Agree with all your advice above ☝️ 
 So beautifully put, my friend. 💓🙏🏻😌

“In the end, there is only love” 

 Soooo adorable! 🥰 
 This is EXACTLY where we are 🎯 

Very well put brotha. 🙏🏻😌

 There are two kinds of people in this world. 
Sauna people and hot tub people.  
 I disagree….

Pizza people and Ice cream people 😋🤣 
 Truth is a vibration. A state of being. Not a mental abstraction. 


 What’s the chance, in your opinion, that there will be no election because of pre planned event... 
 Does anyone have movement, holistic remedies, etc for lower back / hip pain? So much more compass... 
 Hello my dear….deep squats/malasana 15-20 min a day cured me of sciatica issues 14 years ago. 🙏🏻 
 Either there are no coincidences or it's all coincidences. 
 They are the same thing… 👁️ 🪬 
 Brave and inspirational. 🙏🏻😌

This is “why I Nostr”


 I’m gonna make a bold prediction….

That’s the LAST time we cross over 58k. EVER


 GM/GA from an early winter(y) day in Chamonix ❄️🥶
