In today's #MONEYCLASS over at @SN I share my journey into monetary economics and thinking about monetary matters.
Go check it out 😉
#nostr #monetaryeconstr #econstr
Yea, sometimes you just _hate your own goddamn guts_, don't you.
Expensive, silly mistake. Tune in at @SN for the full story
Today's MONEY CLASS deals with Gresham's Law... know, that silly little trope that comes up and now again: Bad money drives out good money.
No, no it doesn't. Featuring, not entirely favorably, @LynAlden
I'm really happy about how today's MONEY CLASS at @SN turned out. (The Nominal and The Real in Bitcoin Land)
Lots of monetary economics to learn here.
Some honorary appearances include @resistancemoney@breedlove22 and more
If I may be so bold and try to answer for the right-wing fascists etc [insert stupid labels]...
Yes, we appreciate that you guys are here,
- personally, because as you say you have overcome a LOT of intellectual baggage to arrive _here_;
- and instrumentally, because you can convey bitcoiny content to left-wingers that I never could since -- as I wrote in my @BitcoinMagazine review of @Jason Maier's book -- they'd instantly suspect foul play and shut me down. (I am a fascist, after all.)
Yes, we _also_ understand that you're not the caricature of a left-wing nut or much of a Democrat.
...hence we arrive at PINO (Progressive in Name Only). What, alas, is left once you've shed all these progressive talking points?
All of it would seem to collapse into "libertarian with strong social ethos," or small-gov right-winger who wants people to be nice to LGBTers. That's fine. By that metric, _I_ am a bloody progressive.
Trey -- would you give it your best shot to square this circle for me? Try to reconcile bitcoin/self-sov/unbank/stop money-printing and the big gov it allows with the many progressive aim and goals that seem to depend crucially on that.
You can think about life in games -- an insight popularized by James Carse or great like John von Neumann.
Nate Silver's new book _On the Edge_ does a great job flushing that out-- in all manner of domains: AI, x-risk, #bitcoin
Refreshingly: the bitcoin summary, while tangential to the book, DOES NOT SUCK.
#bookreviews #politicstr #nostr #plebchain
"Whether poker hands, public policy, or how to estimate the risk of runaway AI, On the Edge is about how to think well about a problem. That’s a worthy exercise for all of us."
"The post-1971 era that brought with it a booming real estate industry is suffering the same fate as the bond market; the generation bull market is over. Real estate prices may go up, but that will be nothing more than a mirage of wealth creation."
Let me emphasize that, from the bottom of my European soul:
No, we cannot.
Not the cars, not the shit food, not the drive-through, not the overweight people, not the paparazzi, not the President-pretending-to-do-normal-jobs shit. None of it.
Notes by Joakim Book | export