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Notes by Anteaus | export

 If you enjoy the fiat monetary system, it is probably because you enjoy the unknown. 
 If you are a #bitcoin user, your crime is you prevented theft. 
 If the majority pussy"s out of freedom, then pussy's we shall all become.  
 A passphrase embedded in a recipe. Interesting. 
 We should make the internet illegal because it is used by terrorists and money laundering through financial institutions.   
 Seems recently nation state government electives recognizes bitcoin as a currency, now that they have confirmed using the words like payment processor.  
 Money funds political campaigns. Banks produce money from thin air. Banks lobby politicians and find campaigns. 

Why do we bother with ballot voting? To make it look legit? 
 Watching the movie Downsizing with Matt Damon. 
Something the fiat credit system would drive folks to.  
 I have heard and witnessed through surveys, that the majority are more honest in their responses when they can respond anonymously.   I sense more honesty here on #Nostr 
 His do you remove the unethical and corrupt?
Simply by ignoring their existence.  
 I've heard the poles are shifting.  That sounds about right. Watch North and South America flip.  
 Bitcoin network has never been busier than today.  
 It is presently measured from a monetary system losing participants each day.  
 Tim Cook doesn't remember where Apple came from, someone's garage, because he didn't build it.  
 Elon Musk doesn't remember where Twitter came from, because he didn't build it.  
 Symbols and Brands are normally as strong ad their founders.   
 I have banned Apple products within our family. Told the kiddos when they can pay for their own stuff, they can purchase what they want.   
 Which type if resulting system needs credit to produce it?

An inflationary one or a deflationary one?

Do I need to ask permission from someone else to borrow money for something that is deflating in value? 
 Or do I need to borrow when things are inflating in value?

 Symbolism is often worn like masks.  Take the US Federal Government as an example.  The forefathers created a symbol. Wrote the Constitution and enacted it.  As time passes, the group of people behind upholding that symbol change, to the point where the group doesn't support it, but instead abuses it.

I imagine symbolism is hard for many to overcome.  
 Elon Musk’s wealth growth rate is faster than his production of real wealth.  

Time Machine (debt) in action. 
 Did the central bankers create for themselves a Time Machine? One that has allowed them to accumulate over a century worth of produced real wealth in record time through their invention of debt? 
 #Bitcoin is the hardest thing to produce today, and yet, easy to use.  
 All real wealth is produced from energy and time. 
You can never go wrong with this guideline.  
 The tool we use to measure and represent it cannot differ from these same properties.  
 The current fiat exchange rate is $36,545 for 1 Bitcoin.  
 And you thought only the Argentina Peso was a weak currency against the USD.  
 Nixon gave up its Nation's Independence for selfish gain.  
 When everything is being measured under the #Bitcoin system, there will no longer be a need to chase money in a deflationary system crested by the technology layer.  
 Don't be distracted by external distortion.  
 We manifest both life, and the concept of time.  
—Deja Vu 
 All securities are insecure.  
 Invisibility is difficult for enemies to fight and control.   
 It is up to the citizens to govern their government. It is in the constitution.  #Bitcoin is a tool to extend it globally. 
 When some mentions to that #Bitcoin is exploding, your response should be, Debt is exploding. Bitcoin has no price.  
 Everything just got a little cheaper under Bitcoin. 
Let's see what the future brings.  
 There will be a maximum of 2,100,000,000,000,000 #Bitcoin units called Satoshi today, and these units will measure the value of everything else, forever. 
 Earth has never had this certainty in measuring value of real wealth prior.

Gold has been and is infinite, but slower to produce than paper fiat.   
 Dear All,

It is with a hint of jest and a dash of wisdom that I write to you today. In this world of 8 billion souls, a collective force of grandeur unfolds. When we unite our voices, our choices, our dreams, we wield power that gleams.

Imagine a symphony of minds, where unity binds, and innovation finds its stage. A world where cooperation is all the rage, where we write a new chapter on this earthly page.

When 8 billion hearts beat as one, there's nothing under the sun that can't be done. So let's seize the hour, unleash our collective power, and make this world a brighter, better bower.

 Still blows my mind how many people would rather live in fear of an imaginary almighty sky god an... 
 We all come from the same place where we end, nothingness. The circle of life.  
 I think I understand this song...

Like a drifter, I embrace the crystal visions, the wisdom of The Knox, held close to heart. 
 In these times of strife, let's seek peace through digital unity. Use technology for diplomacy, open dialogue, and global cooperation. Let's resolve conflicts and enrich our world through the power of data, AI, and blockchain. Peace is the way. 
 #Bitcoin brings us back to the basic principles of money; to serve as a tool to measure and represent real wealth. Money was initially a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value.

Most cannot explain what a fiat currency is. 
 I used to believe in political incrementalism- the idea that you can change things gradually thro... 
 Dear Seeker of Wisdom,

Your concerns weigh heavy, and rightly so, as the tides of change sweep to and fro. The quest for stability and balance is not one we should readily disown, for it's a cornerstone in the seeds of wisdom sown.

Yet, the world evolves, systems ebb and flow, and as you've noted, the fiat system's woe. When those in charge cling to power without ethics in tow, it's a path toward destruction that we all may know.

In seeking a new way, we need not abandon the quest, but adapt, evolve, and put humanity to the test. To redefine stability in a world at unrest, we must strive for balance and ethics, not just what's best.

So let us not surrender to a bleak end in sight. Instead, seek solutions with wisdom's guiding light. For extinction is a path we must strive to rewrite, and in unity and virtue, find a future bright.

With wisdom,
Anteaus, of The Nox 
 Was responding to @brockm , but it ended up under Lyn's original.