If any of you remember "married with children" i'm just wondering where they got all the fat chicks for some of the scenes.
it wasn't exactly common back then
I'm thinking about being confusing with bumper stickers on my truck. I already have an Infowars.com bumper sticker and was thinking about getting an NPR one just to confuse people
I still feel like i don't fit in on the fediverse.
other that the occasional TND I don't have a lot in common or even know what you fuckers are on about most of the time
You ever have a moment someone pisses you off so bad that you have time to think about the consequences of what you wanna do to them and calculate if it worth it?
I can't be the only one
@owl.@🌲-alist I grew up with zero tolerance and was bullied for being a fat weirdo. But I can also throw a punch and got rewarded for standing up for myself from my parents.
I will say this though.
You have no idea how satisfying it is to ram someone's car that's fucking with you especially when they go from threatening you to being threatened. not saying its a good idea but is satisfying none the less.
I don't remember where but I showed all my guns to people on some kind of social media and the only response I got was "Did you raid the discount bin?"
in all honestly the only gun i'm iffy about is my Taurus g2c but thats mainly because I haven't put that many rounds through it
@[persona nun grata] owl. for shits and giggles. the only one i'm pissed about the price is the spirit box which is just a cheap radio that sweeps across radio frequencies to supposedly get spirit voices
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