Really fascinating, novel research on how solar arrays can increase crop yields if implemented right… and crops might even enhance back solar energy yields.
“In arid regions, the shade provided by photovoltaic panels can improve water retention and protect delicate plants. The added shade can also be beneficial to farm labourers and grazing livestock during the heat of the day, Sistla says.”
Pretty fair telling of sama by Elizabeth Weil (but next time, probably someone else should write the headline): https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/sam-altman-artificial-intelligence-openai-profile.html
I had heard rumors that ChatGPT4 was totally capable of delivering superior, honest answers and factcheck itself against other non-AI search engines.
His question indicates that it has not reached that level. For one, I can think of dozens of colleagues quite capable of articulating a fair answer to what we know would happen w SRM (that’s published)
Sinkholes and brain jarring cracked pavement aside- I am 1000% grateful for the peace and safety of the Hudson River Greenway. Wish more bikeways were like this one (because then everyone might get that joy and feel that freedom and relief during their own commutes and be happier).
Seriously… If I need to bike south on the Westside, I take the circle path inside central park, if I need to bike north, I take the HRG— you’re BikeNYC tough Gernot!
projecting what I know of Columbia:
I read her account to mean she was a research professor— up to 100% soft money faculty & grueling b/c you are at the mercy of funding calls to raise your salary + staff off proposals w <10% success that take months to years to learn outcome
Adjunct gives access to libraries, students, postdocs, labs— extremely valuable. still must raise grant $, but removes uni overhead (T1 60%+) for your own salary,but its less secure job than tenured prof
Ironically <strike>,
In a remarkable demonstration of forecasting,
climate scientists predicted 40 years ago that we’d see 1.5degC warming around 2030.
🔨nailed it
Looks like they also got the whole spun up water cycle right too.
Several folks have been sharing news of a private company trying a #geoengineering approach to ‘cancel out’ some global warming.
#SRM or solar resource management is humans trying to co-opt the way strato-volcanic eruptions impact the earth. #Volcano #climate
Here is my summary on WHY I think this is a bad idea. (Think my colleagues would agree; please add on.) 1/
Columbia has all of its faculty/staff doing their annual NYS mandated anti-harassment training.
One thing in particular bothers me this year — as it has in the past:
When you see a crime or harassment, shouldn’t call number 1 be to the police? Call number 2 to an advocate? And THEN call number 3 to the appropriate, university-run reporting mechanism?
According to Columbia, reports should be filtered through them first.
Bothers me again this year clicking through on this sequence.
For large delivery trucks that happen to have pedals — these aren’t really bikes any more.
I worry about these trucks because of visibility problems and lane stopping and momentum- they have mass.
Ceding bike lane space instead of parking spaces or ‘burbanite driver lanes seems like the wrong direction.
<50kg evehicles in the bike lane are mostly ok — a fast bike/moped lane would be better. My commute has considerable topography, & probably influences that opinion
Notes by legraLeGra | export