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 One day you’ll realize that there’s an invisible rule book. 

It doesn’t exist on paper any... 
 This is true on several levels and the realization happens about a different set of invisible rules at every stage of development. 
 Is he OK? Is he OK? 
 My literal nightmare 
 Every human social order is built on a foundation of violence. 

Except bitcoin. 
 A dubious claim that requires a very narrow definition of social order 
 Well said Lyn. The Timverse was definitely unmatched in it's cohesiveness and story arch. 

For some reason, as a kid I always gravitated more to the storyline of the 90s Spiderman cartoon.  There was a similar (albeit less grandiose) story arc with the regular appearance of other marvel heroes.  Lots of moments stick with me, including the hilarious ending of spiderman taking Stan Lee out web slinging, but one that comes to mind often is the story of captian America.
When spiderman meets him, he had been locked in battle with the Red Skull, suspended in time for the past 60 some-odd years.  In the final battle, Cap sacrifices himself to the same fate he had been pulled from without hesitation (essentially dragging the Red Skull into purgatory to battle for eternity).  It was such a lesson for me in both accepting your fate, and how choosing to do what you know to be right, regardless of the person cost, is what makes you a hero.

As someone who didn't grow up with religion in any capacity, these stories filled the roll of teaching me about good and evil and I'll always be grateful for that.

Moments like the end of the Timverse ring so true that they feel like they write themselves.  The culmination of that 14 year arc was the summation of the character who encapsulates what it means be a hero within that story. 
 Millennials are the hero generation. 

I didn’t believe it myself for a long time, but it’s c... 
 Whats interesting to me about the verbiage in this statement is how I think it relates to mythology.  

If we look at the digital realm as a new world and superimpose the Norse or Greek pantheon on top of it, we can follow a generational storyline that was laid out as the foundation of the cosmos in antiquity.

The first digital generation were the titans who shaped the initial world and embedded themselves as the very forces of nature within the structures of reality (the arbiters of truth).  While not malevolent, their purposes were small in overall vision and merely self serving.

The next generation would be what the ancient pantheons called the Gods.  Born into existing structures, they reshaped the world and introduced order with benevolent intent, along with many flaws, and created a system of eternal rule.

The offspring of the gods would then become the heroes you're referring to Hodl.  Great deeds done in tribute to, and in defiance of the gods, that bring great boons and terrible consequences  like the stealing of fire and the opening of Pandora's box.

We here have all heard the analogy of bitcoin as the fire in cyberspace and I think it's pretty safe to call Satoshi a hero for taking digital scarcity from an arbiter of truth and releasing it to the world of the small, inconsequential, individuals that go about their days without the lofty aims of great deeds done in service to higher purposes. 
 I'd argue that 90's marvel was equal in quality.  The characters hadn't yet gone through multiple interations within the TV medium and so they were just truer to the spirits of the characters.  Also the OG stories taken from the comics are just generally better than shit that was produced later by TV writers.
And no, it's not just the nostalgia talking. 
 This is just another way of saying that it would be miraculous for someone to guess your seed phrase. 
 Being a parent results in personal growth that cannot be attained in any other way. Everyone who is interested in self improvement should want to be a parent. 
 Without Anger we Are incomplete.
The trick is to use it in your advantage and always in favor of ... 
 I live 50 miles from any stop lights.

I have a deep hatred and enmity for stoplights. The Pavlov... 
 This is the same thought I have every morning on my way to work while I sit at the same red light for 60 seconds and not a single car drives by.  Traffic cameras are poison for the soul. 
 Let's say I listened to an insane person for 20 hours and now I want to replace all my light bulp... 
 The hate for led lights is unwarranted Luddism.  While they certainly are not the end all be all that they were proclaimed a decade ago, they are superior in virtually every way to incandescent bulbs. 
 And anyone that installs lights of all kinds for a living 
 Regular led bulb > regular incandescent imo

They fail less and have less duds out of the package(in my extensive experience) and don't heat up to dangerous temperatures (which causes many issues beyond the fire hazard). They also use 1/10th of the power

The positives for incandescents are that they don't dim as much over time and they are cheaper to make.

The things I care about as an electrician are the things in column A. 
 Yeah, that's about as interesting to me as astrology. Light is light. What changes is the spectrum and that can be set at any wavelength with LEDs.  There is no meaningful amount of anything else radiating from an incandescent light.  The fact that it's a piece of molten tungsten doesn't make the light different than a cold diode of the same color. 
 Snark all you want. If you think your incandescent light bulb has some kind of health benefit, I have a bridge to sell you. 
 The sun is not a small band of glowing tungsten.  Troll harder 
 I love it. As much as I love all your 2d art, I'm a sucker for the sculptures. 
 I think it needs to said, whoever this whistleblower is, he didn't kill himself. 
 The seinfeld episode we should have had 
 The spectrum is not Communism on one side and Capitalism on the other.  It's authoritarianism of any type on one side and free capital markets on the other.

Central Planning vs Rule of Law 
 Good morning.

When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson

Lest we forg... 

You are not what you feel inside your head.  You are the the combination of what God made you and the story that you tell through your actions. 
 Saifedean is kinda unhinged ngl 
 His pod with Constantine was straight up insane. I can't believe he actually put it out. 
 The patriots whose blood must be shed to refresh the tree of liberty have already been born, and tyrants await them. 
 Laser eyes had to die for the next phase to begin.  There are more interations of the cult to come yet. 
 People who are kinda just dicks for no real reason
 Elon Musk is not Hank Rearden, Hank Rearden did not depend on government contracts or public subs... 
 John Galt is yet to emerge. No one fits the bill well enough for the name imo 
 That said, the closest approximation by my estimate is Satoshi. If there is something that will stop the engine of the world, it's bitcoin. 
 Gotta get some white hockey tape on those handles asap 
“Life has no meaning; it is just a bundle of desires. When desires are satisfied, there is emp... 
 On Twitter, there's a GIF library I can look up for memes in-app, and post them. Sometimes I use ... 
 Agreeability is essential for functioning in a group at any scale.  There has to be things that the majority of people don't care to argue about.  The courage to stand against the agreeable group for things you do care about isn't the temperament trait disagreeability, it's integrity. 
 Did you stay at Blackrock? 
 Just the once then nostr:nprofile1qqspnzgrfett3asxcuj0gksje6z2zxzpvgd27uvz58m9vsuqh8zzw6cpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqgjwaehxw309ac82unsd3jhqct89ejhxqg5waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t0rjj54p? 
 Ross Ulbricht is in jail because no one raised red flags or tried to protect him, even though som... 
 The majority of bitcoiners certainly do not go to conferences or political rallies 
 It's OK, when they figure out that nostr is about as private as bitcoin, I'm sure they'll make a centrally controlled, completely opaque communication protocol. 
 Bidets rule.

Europe and Japan you win this round. 

My butthole has never been so clean. 
 I’m gonna be on stage at the conference sort of representing nostr users. 

I have my own thoug... 
 The irreverance 
 All companies drink their own kool-aid. Bitcoin companies are no exception.  These people are selling what was once a dream but has evolved into a hallucination. 
 #quotes from #books 📚

"At some point you have to recognize what world it is that you belong t... 
 "Thou hast no figures nor no fantasies
Which busy care draws in the brains of men;
Therefore thou sleep’st so sound."

-Julius Caesar; Brutus