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 More Christmas ornament embroidery.  Just having fun with stitch designs, what ever strikes my fancy.

The square with a square is amazing because it almost glows with beadwork, while the grid pattern catches the light all at once and just dazzles. 

#embroidery #beading #Christmas #sewing

 Not a single bolt that I picked out had enough on it to make this wizard robe. Back when I worked... 
 @a3fff623 rumor mill has it they are about to go bankrupt. 
 Need help! Am playing with lace trimming/shaping. A bit of fun just because. 

Do I:
A) match the lace scallops on each side, making them overlap each other when closed
B) do I off set them?  So each scallop nests between the other, target like a zipper.
C) cut then off and just go straight edge because my 13 year old won't even notice the detail? 

#sewing #halloween #costume



 @62a04c04 I'm a Californian and solidly for Gavin in 2028.

My main issue is that you don't debate with Nazis.  All you end up doing is advancing their notoriety and help them raise money.  It is never about free speech for them, it is about them earning money off your (liberal) outrage. The more outrage, the more money flows in.  History has shown this is how American Nazis operate. Press=money.

So out of a misguided respect for debate, Gavin will be helping DeSantis fundraise.

No one who met with Hitler came off well. Being fair to those who have no sense of fairness makes you a sucker at best, complicit at worst. 

Very disappointed in Gavin for this. 
Event not found
 @00b07ccb It will take crop failure, massive starvation and death to make the ruling class care.

The Irish Potato famine is how bad. 1 in 10 people died of starvation while Ireland produced a grain surplus. 

The arguments were identical - Irish are responsible for putting themselves in a powerless situation. They aren't farming their potatoes right (personal carbon footprint). Famines are natural (during a surplus/climate change is natural). Even: it is good to reduce the population. Genocide before money.

It took a leader's political suicide to break the corn laws/corn subsidies to allow grain to stay in Ireland. 

The focus on blight whitwashes of the true reason 1 in 10 died. British landlords owned the best land and exported wheat, while the Irish day labors earned pennies and did not have enough resources beyond subsistence. 

Structurally we are no different than Ireland in 1844. Rather than deal the rich are building bunkers so they can ride today's genocide out in high style.