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 @00b07ccb It will take crop failure, massive starvation and death to make the ruling class care.

The Irish Potato famine is how bad. 1 in 10 people died of starvation while Ireland produced a grain surplus. 

The arguments were identical - Irish are responsible for putting themselves in a powerless situation. They aren't farming their potatoes right (personal carbon footprint). Famines are natural (during a surplus/climate change is natural). Even: it is good to reduce the population. Genocide before money.

It took a leader's political suicide to break the corn laws/corn subsidies to allow grain to stay in Ireland. 

The focus on blight whitwashes of the true reason 1 in 10 died. British landlords owned the best land and exported wheat, while the Irish day labors earned pennies and did not have enough resources beyond subsistence. 

Structurally we are no different than Ireland in 1844. Rather than deal the rich are building bunkers so they can ride today's genocide out in high style. 
 Correct sir , Ireland didn't not have a famine it was a genocide. 
 @BigDave @00b07ccb @21d229c4 

Indeed - great post @21d229c4 .  When millions starved in post-revolutionary USSR or China it's 'killed' by communists' - when it's in the British Empire etc it's never 'killed by capitalism' - yet the numbers of the latter are far higher overall - and still counting.

At the height of the Irish starvation, in 1847, Ireland exported  £17million of food to England, under the protection of English troops.  In 1845-50 a million and a half poor Irish died of starvation and the disease that followed it - but the disaster went on much longer in terms of both deaths and emigration - between the 1840s and 80s the population of Ireland almost halved, from over 8 million in 1841 to not much more than 4 million in 1891.

This was not a 'famine' - it was the deliberate gutting of a country for profit - and it went on all over the European empires.