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 Zero chance Barron Trump doesn’t suck dick. 
 Crazy that societies use so much energy to build a better place for everyone but we then elect the DUMBEST people to allocate our energy. 
 Eventually the rich will realize they won’t be rich for long if they don’t start adopting. 
 It’s about to happen right? 
 Who are today’s bitcoin companies and influencers who are actually feds? 
 Aren’t we all feds? Are you serious? I’ve been working for the federal government since I was 12. Still have the pay stub to prove it.  I literally had to pay them for the permission to work. 
 Saylor bought it all 
 Isn’t that the amount of cash Saylor was sitting on after the last bond offering? 
 I bought $100,000. Zero chance it’s a scam. It’s Trump. USA USA 
 AI isn’t learning from us anymore. It only had to become just above average intelligence before we would start “learning” from it. Scary times. Protect yourself. 
 Look, a fucking shitcoiner.

No water for politicians.

 Scams followers to pay lawyers. USA USA USA 
 I love Saylor 
 Whenever I think about proof of stake I laugh. 
 Every politician promises to clean up the mess in Washington. The problem is they can't because t... 
 Yes it is 
 How can the government spend more than they bring in EVERY year? 

They borrow money. 

Who do they borrow the money from? 

The federal reserve! 

Where does the federal reserve get the money?

 I remember the first time I’d ever seen a computer. It was1984 in Little Rock Arkansas I was 10. The teacher took the entire class to a different room in the school and they showed us a Commodore 64 and I’ll never forget them telling us that we were looking at the future and anyone that learns to program one will be rich. I remember saying I wanted to learn and the teacher specifically telling me “none of us know how to use it”. They could basically turn it on and load lemonade stand. That was it. I never saw that computer again and it wasn’t until I was 16 did I ever get my hands on a computer. For an hour a week playing lemonade stand. Seriously the teachers I had never learned to do anything. My family definitely couldn’t afford one. Once I got in college I finally started to get some serious access to a computer but  was so far behind leading to programming was never happening. I had no idea how a computer actually worked until last year. 🤣🤣🤣 
 Like so many societies learned before us we don’t have to play their game 
 Musk, Zuckerberg, Thiel, Bezos, Trump are the enemy of freedom 
 I agree. The only thing I’d add here is that we have to do it properly and not hastily. Given o... 
 Every DM should come with 12 SATS minimum. If someone wants me believe that they are a) a real person and b) not a scammer then I must be compensated for my time. It also would almost eliminate haters filling up your DM

Jason Lowery talked about the concept of “cost of attack” in his MIT thesis and he’s spot on. If you want to stop spammers and scammers then you have to make it too expensive for them to attack you. 

Imagine making a controversial post and having tens of thousands of haters filling up your DM with shit comments about you but each one comes with SATS 🤣🤣🤣 
 Wish I knew what any of that means. 🤣🤣🤣 
 I often wonder what mental illness a person suffers from that causes them put a Harris Walz sign ... 
 It’s called “I don’t want a retard as president again” 
 It's weird to see external people that are aligned with Nostr's goals and even the overall design... 
 X isn’t incredibly stupid, all of its users are. 
 I’d love to play poker with Adam Back 
 What a waste of time watching the #HBO #bitcoin special.  Can't say I'm surprised. 
 If Adam Back wants to play poker I’m in…. 
 The PUMP is coming. The US government is buying. Buckle up. 
 Good morning to all you wise and sovereign people. I am subverting the state by sourcing my beef ... 
 Remember, the state is not your friend, the state is not there to help you, the state is there to... 
 Honestly asking what reasonable level of government assistance did you expect from a country $36t in debt? 
 It’s not. Also that’s not at all answer to my question.  If you intentionally lived in a very rural area that’s not easy to access when there actually is a road gets hit with a once in a lifetime flood what would be your expectation of government assistance? 
 How dangerous from a security standpoint are QR codes? 
 Once you opt out they can never hurt you. 

When our game gets more participants than theirs it’s over. 
 You mean all the soon to be bankrupt airlines? 
 The only way it works is if we keep holding and stacking. 
 The civil war happed in 2020. They lost again. 
 I didn't realize how early we are here. As I understand it, Nostr is only 4 years old, and develo... 
 I’ve always been a big reader and I’d heard about bitcoin in 2010. I called a broker for Merril Lynch and he literally laughed at me on the phone and said “are you fucking stupid”.  Ended up just buying Google and not learning much more about Bitcoin. I didn’t have much computer experience. When I got to the point where I had to download some exchange and send money on a CC I gave up. I didn’t know enough about it and that sounded too risky for me so I did what most people did. Nothing. The first time I bought it was off an ATM because for whatever reason it trusted the ATM. They way overcharged but I was ok with that because I got a wallet off the App Store and stuck a few $100 in the ATM and my bitcoin showed up immediately. I still didn’t understand it but I was pretty comfortable with the idea that I did have some. Felt more real than the Google stock. 
 All you have to do is drive out to rural America to find tp. Those folks don’t waste their money on stuff like that. During Covid I drove out to smaller towns in Nevada and they had all the soap, wipes, TP you could ask for.  You look around the store and see how dirty everyone is and it’s actually HYSTERICAL. 
 Every Bitcoin community should be posting on Nostr. We have to use the freedom tools at hand. 
 I love nostr. 
 I don’t have kids but if I did I would buy even more BTC for my kids because you can give them 24 words and that’s it. No government can tax you when transferring your wealth to your children. No government should profit off the death of its citizens. 
 OMG I dropped those thanks for finding and returning them to me. 
 Open the borders. 
 Best cold wallet? 
 At what point will Saylor no longer find sellers under $75,000? This could go on for awhile. He keeps showing up with high hundreds of millions and has no problem finding lots of sellers at $62,000 to $67,000.  At some point these whales are gonna stop selling. 
 If Trump wins (I don’t personally think he’s got a chance) Truth Social puts X out of business. His tweets were the most read world wide almost hourly. If he wasn’t tweeting he was golfing. Those are facts. 

Donald Trump will then own everyone’s data. The sitting president will own the algorithm that controls your mind. 

If you’re not a fascist and you allow Elon or possibly Trump to harvest all of your data you’ve got to be the dumbest of the dumb. 
 Ok cool guy 
 That’s just Texas. Everyone there has BO. 
 I’m 50. I’ve never needed a gun for anything. Nobody looks at me and even considers fucking with me. Maybe you're a little dude and don't feel safe. I guess I could understand that. I've worked out for 40 years. I don't play. 
 I have never spent money on any of that nonsense and a million other stupid things, ever, and I s... 
 Why would a deer never come at you while your walking through  the middle of a field but when you’re going 90 in an F350 at 3 AM they try and kill you 
 Who are these clowns that can’t say”$100,000”. 

Why is Saylor still buying at $60,000.  

If I see Saylor at my door looking for $1b in BTC I’ve not gonna be $60,000. 
 Who decided that Elon could surround us all with space satellites? 
 There’s no switch. The dumbs are still voting republican. 
 Republicans are the worst. 
 Saylor is a fiat retard and you need to stop simping him. like right now. or like yesterday.

I m... 
 You’re definitely busy. Busy crying. 
 So popular 
 This is how the MAGA movement started. A talentless clown attracted a large group of less talented people to  embarrass themselves publicly. And take pride in it. 
 Republicans be like “America is the greatest country in the world but it’s completely awful, I hate it, and everything sucks”. 
 I’m glad right wingers exist. As long as they are around I’ll never be the dumbest person alive. 
 The earth is round. 
 Trump never mentioned Bitcoin…. 

Who was the clown that made him a headliner at a conference? 
 I find it incredible how easy it was for him to steal so much bitcoin from people that claim to against everything he stands for. 

Never sell your bitcoin! Instead GIVE it Donald Trump!

A known moron that will without question squander it.