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Notes by Thrive ₿ Therapy | export

 Do I have to be disciplined around food to be considered a good bitcoiner or is staying humble an... 
 You do you.  ❤️

But be aware that once your time preference changes as a bitcoiner, the discipline around food and health just seems to happen as a by product.

It's fascinating from a behavioral psychology perspective 
 I'm reminded of the story of the  grasshopper and the ant.  

Bitcoiners are the dutiful ants stacking sats relentlessly preparing for the coming winter while the grasshoppers are frittering away valuable time before disaster strikes.

 Hello world! Trying this new #nostr out. Well, new to this old mama 😅 Here to support anyone t... 
 Personally, I'm cautious and usually only speak about Bitcoin to people I know relatively well. I've never attended a conference, so for me that's not a problem.  The thought of a wrench attack crosses my mind, though.  

When Bitcoin goes absolutely bonkers and the world potentially turns to crap, how many of these people will knock on my door and in desperation will any of them come to try to do me harm. 
 This is horrifying...I shouldn't be surprised but...everytime, I am.

I'm not sure if it's the stupidity or the utter hubris which astounds me more. 
 What’s kind of intriguing to me regarding #nostr is:

The default, or perhaps average, #zap I s... 
 For me, it's because the penny will be worth less by the time you pick it up, put it in your pocket and take it home, the sats are very likely to be worth more. 
 I also zap about 25 sats on average, but that's also because that's what I tend to receive mostly, so I imagine for me it has to do with price anchoring early on in my nostr journey.

As for zapping I try to pay my zaps forward and zap out anything I earn wasting time on zbd games during a day.

I do fight the urge to horde sats, though I know that if we want this to work we have to spread the love.   
Still having fun with Venice.ai
Loving that its not trying to censor me
 Really impressed with Venice

I've been trying to get an AI to make a picture of a Kamala Harris Muppet and I've been threatened with being banned on most platforms.

Venice did it without complaint

I'm kind of partial to the first and the last one

What do you guys think?

 I had to use the prompt.  create a photo of a muppet dressed in Kamala Harris' outfit.   If you try to make Kamala into a muppet it gets confused.  But with my prompt it seems to get it correct most of the time 
 Really impressed with Venice

I've been trying to get an AI to make a picture of a Kamala Harris Muppet and I've been threatened with being banned on most platforms.

Venice did it without complaint

I'm kind of partial to the first and the last one

What do you guys think?

 It horrifies me that there are parents out there right now buying this garbage for a growing and developing child.  

And we wonder why our children have massive behavioral issues nowadays. 
I feel like my baby girl might have a future as a mascot for alcoholics anonymous 
Just say no to alcohol!
 Let’s see what this is about 


Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


 Hey Selina.  I've given you a follow.  Sounds like we have some of the same interests.  I even used to crochet a bit myself.

Welcome to Nostr. 

 If you’re a #bitcoin maxi, nerd, addict, or even just beginning to understand the asset please ... 
 I have to admit, there are really frightening things happening in this world right now.  Things I believed could only happen in books.  And it chills me to my very core.

I wake up with feelings of unease, my dreams filled with anxiety.  

I feel that we're nearing another turning point in our history. There will be a before and there will be an after.  

I just pray that we are able to navigate through these dark times while protecting the shining beacon of liberty, freedom, and the very foundation of our civilization . 

We can never give up our fight against the dark forces swirling around us, or we will be consumed


#Nostr #bitcoin #USPoli #freedom #politics  

Getting away from the news cycle helps.  Spending time in Nostr feels healthier.  I try to spend time with friends and family and play with my dog, which always helps.

I practice gratitude.  Compared to other friends, I'm well positioned to weather an uncertain future.

I also try to focus only on what I can control.  Every once in a while though it just washes over you. 
 you can't think your way out of overthinking

go do something 
 So true.  Kick yourself our of the rut your mind is stuck in. 
 We are way ahead of where the average public is in terms of understanding how the world works. 

 It reminds me of this opening scene with Steve Carell in The Big Short.

I live in a tourist city and sometimes when I look around, I feel this scene to my very core.  

I want to grab people and start shaking them awake, but... everyone has to get there in their own time, if at all
#bitcoin #nostr 
 It takes a humble person to look deeply into Bitcoin.  

It tears apart your deeply ingrained belief structures and it takes a special kind of openness to being wrong to be able to do that.  

Most people haven't suffered enough to be motivated to be humble.   
 GM Nostr Plebs.

Let's get at it today. 

I'm going to go out and spend time in nature with my doggo, enjoy another beautiful day of health and happiness, while I have it to enjoy it, and spend time with good friends today.

What's on the agenda for you? 
 It's perplexing.  I personally haven't been able to figure it out. 
 True. I strongly believe in personal responsibility.  As adults they have had the same opportunities to learn as I have but have chosen not to. 

That's their choice at the end of the day.  I'll be here if and when they change their mind but at the end of the day as the old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water..."
 Yah same thing happened to me with ZBD.  I often run a VPN because I'm a Canadian in Mexico.  They locked my account and I lost 1000 sats. 

I told them it was spectacular vindication of "Not your keys not your coin." 
 I am a mathematician by education and this is my first social media post. Glad to learn about the... 
 There is no way I resist that little guy.   
 I follow about 200 nostr accounts and only 10 of them or so are active. #plebchain a year ago and... 
 Instapot 😔.
This is not how capitalism should work.  Companies should be rewarded for making a good product, not for making something that breaks.  But when you break the money... 
 It's one of the best things about Bitcoin.  It inspires an unquenchable thirst for knowledge  
 Hey guys, just checking this out. Curious what it’ll turn into. I ❤️ fractals.


Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions



[ tapping microphone, moderate feedback can be heard ]

[ followed by loud pierci... 
 Hi guys, would you share your best tips on keeping your sound money safe and secure? How do you s... 
 Try this technique. Hiding a needle in a stack of needles.

You could quite literally put your seed phrase on a billboard and no one would figure it out.

 This is a general reminder to back up your data.

I always get fucking panic texts from friends w... 
 Lol.  So true.  Recently happened to me.  Procrastinated and almost lost my server.  Managed to save 95% of the data, though that moment of terror and panic was painful. 
 First post


Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


 Hello world! #introductions 

Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


 Grüße an alle da draußen!


Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


First post here in Nostr! 
Let’s discover this new descentralized protocol 


Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


 People must break free from the cages they were born in
#philosophy #quote #bitcoin 
 It took me until Bitcoin and the Rabbit hole for me to really see the cage. 

I always use a wallpapered room as the analogy of my cage.  Since I was 15, I'd noticed the wallpaper had cracks and seams that didn't fit right, but I never wanted to look closely at what I was seeing.  I trusted in my world view and believed there must be something wrong with me not the wallpaper or the room I was in. 

Then I found Bitcoin and it was as though the wallpaper had now peeled off in parts, just enough to let some light through.  It made me curious about what that light was and so I ripped the wallpaper off the wall and discovered the cage that it had been hiding and the truth on the other side.  Now I can't unsee it.  My own personal Matrix moment

 First post on any nostr client… interested to see how it all plays out over the coming years 


Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


 Hi everyone! I’m a video editor and photographer living in Miami. Looking forward to a great ne... 

Don't forget to link a lightning wallet so that we can zap you some sats.

Here's some easy to follow instructions


 Definitely not a positive sign for humanity at large.  But I console myself with the knowledge that the pendulum always swings back again.  

You just have to make sure you duck when it does. 
 I've never been fond of post-modernists and their warping of reality.  I could get quite heated in my philosophy classes back in the day. https://media.tenor.com/JgZ_QPzmdUsAAAAM/dog-smirk.gif