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 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c Prepare for the next meetin... 
 @f9408be4 Hahaha! Good idea. 
 i imagine the tds crowd is thinning, by one mechanism or another 
 @dictatordave Self selection …


Can you honestly look aro... 
 @8853cd19 It is working and will continue to for some time. It absolutely CAN NOT last, though, as lies are unsustainable and are no match for the power of Truth. Truth and goodness always win out, and will do so eternally. But, for now, darkness is ascendant. I will continue to fight for what is true and good, regardless of their success or lack thereof. If not for the fact that truth and goodness deserve our fidelity. 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c I dunno who is scarier - yo... 
 @137f4e49 For the record, Lydia is the most dangerous. 😉 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c you proved my point that if... 
 @9ae5aff6 Honestly, the overall canvassing experience has been really good. Just a couple idiots here and there. Do it! 😉 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c Best of luck in the upcomin... 
 @23c484ba Thank you! 
Sending you much encourage... 
 @11036f3d 🙏🏼 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c he sounds so brave, at the ... 
 @11036f3d 😂😂😂 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c Yes sir. I'm not really flu... 
 @e2c7778b Yes, M4L got a handful of candidates on the board and they consist of the majority. I think they are trying to eliminate all the racist and queer curriculum from the schools, but the lefties are going nuts over it. The average parent just thinks the school board is dysfunctional and that a cadre of right wingers is making a mess. 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c My brother in law lives at ... 
 @e2c7778b We are working really hard to win this thing. We've got a solid path to winning the seat, but it's going to be God if it happens. TYFTC. 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c run with the Partisans , pa... 
 @65573fdf If we don't get our act together that might be where the West is heading. 
 What follows is an example of how left-wing millennials fight fascism, taken from the campaign trail. 
 1/ So I am thick into door knocking right now. As many of you know, I am running for Charleston City Council. And, to win a race this this one, you have to focus on the grass roots. That means knocking on doors, meeting neighbors, talking with people. I am doing a fair amount of speaking engagements and fundraisers, too, along with some digital marketing (video, etc.). But the bulk of the campaign is getting out into my district and knocking on doors. 
 2/ So, for knocking you usually get a list of people to visit. These are typically people who are most likely to vote in the upcoming election. The database is comprised of Republicans, Democrats, and Swing voters and typically these are people who vote in every election, not just the big ones. This way, you are only focused on talking to people who vote and are likely to vote in down-ballot elections. (Side note: This election is pretty small as it's just for mayor and cit council.) 
 3/ Now, I should mention that the local papers (left leaning), the mayor (leftist), and my opponent (leftist) have been trying to smear me as some right-wing, fascist, Moms-for-Liberty candidate. I think I surprised them with the strength of my campaign out of the gates and with the level of support we garnered so quickly. Lots of people want a change and they want a more conservative, solid approach to government. The race is non-partisan, btw, so I'm not running on a party. 
 4/ My main competitor thought he was a shoo-in. His family has been in local politics for many years and his name is well known (but not well loved, tbh). So, when we came on strong I think his team, and the current mayor's team, panicked and tried to find a way to scuttle our momentum. Hence, the M4L, right-wing, fascist takeover narrative. For the record, I am not funded or supported by M4L, but that didn't stop the local papers from running stories saying I was. Freaking liars. 
 5/ Our county school board was flipped by M4L last year and it's caused a big battle in our community. Of course, right as I'm gaining momentum, the school board has suspended the new superintendent, a black man. The left has gone wild claiming racism, etc. The press is having a field day ... and I'm covered in political mud much to my opponents' joy.

So, now that you have some context, here's how the millennials are fighting the fasch. 
 6/ I walk up to this one house. It's listed as a swing voter (a couple) that tends to vote to the left, but a swing none the less.

Look around and see little kiddie toys on porch and a Tesla and a Prius in the drive. Okay.

Knock and a young woman answers. Prob in her early/mid 30s.

"Hi. I'm Mike Gastin and I'm running for city council. I'm introducing myself to neighbors ...."

We talk and I share why I'm running and ask her what she's concerned about. All that stuff. 
 7/ The whole time she has a funny look on her face, like she's a little scared of me. Okay, I'm a 56-year old guy at her door. Maybe she's a little nervous as a woman. She was kinda small. I dunno. I just try to be friendly and polite. I'm always careful to stand back from the door so people don't feel threatened, etc.

Anyway, when I ask her if she has issues with the city that she'd like to share, she pauses and then says, "Can you wait here just a minute?" I say sure and she closes the door. 
 8/ I wait a long time. 
 9/ Finally, the door reopens and standing there is her husband/partner. He's all of 150 pounds and he's got short hair and a tidy mustache. Very typical, effeminate vibe. And the kicker is, he's wearing a black t-shirt covered with trans rights messaging. The T-shirt is skin tight and he's got it tucked into his tan slacks.

And he doesn't say anything. He just opens the door and stands there was this weird, smug smile on his face, like he's trying to challenge or shock me. 
 10/ Of course, I soldier on. "Hello, sir ..." I introduce myself, explain why I'm at the door, and try to engage him. Clearly, his wife thought he and I should talk. The whole time he just stands there with his smug, prissy smile. When I ask him if he has issues he'd like to discuss he just dismisses the race with, "Oh, I don't pay any attention to local politics. I'm really not that interested." And the smugness just increases. It's like a challenge. 
 12/ And there you have it. That is how millennials fight the fasch: They wear t-shirts with queer slogans and stare at you with a maniacal, smug grin on their face and then they feign indifference when engaged.

Folks, we live in a world filled with delusional people; people convinced that they are so powerful that their t-shirts are enough to change the world, and that somehow all they need to do is look at you and they've won.


God help us.

My campaign site: https://votemikegastin.com 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c that’s really good. In my... 
 @90aca61c I think you’re right. The tough thing is actually getting people to the door. It’s pretty easy to connect if I can talk to someone face to face. I’m really curious to see how this work translates (or doesn’t!) to voter turn out. Thanks! 

Voter turnout karma! 🌈 
 @8b28c332 Yeah!!!! Thanks! I need that. 😃 
 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rcwe5ktsfx60es5s4wj55gqv22lhujnqas5mfsnw765c Good Vibes, and good luck, ... 
 @1c9d9207 Thank you, brother! 🙏🏼 
 From now to early voting (Oct 23), I’m grinding out the door-to-door canvassing. I want to knock on every single door before 10/23. I think going house to house and talking to the people in my district has to be the best thing about this race so far. Sure, it’s hard. But people have been really good. Many folks thank me for running; for wanting to serve. Lots of great discussions. I’m really glad to be doing this. Even so, I’m constantly tired and am going to sleep so well after Election Day. 
Words are violence (and who... 
 @6d6ec790 Lol. Ow! 
 nostr:npub1yh2hl89d72h2gfnfcz0zsuxclnqcnzrddm0a5l280azgg03ft00sf4gvz5 nostr:npub1me36rv7zjj5zt6rc... 
 @b2e3a57d Thank you! It’s a lot of work and this is when it gets real because right now is when door knocking starts. Seems races like these are all about the ground game. I’ve got a really savvy and tough opponent, but we know what we need to do to win. 

Event not found
 @8853cd19 Okay, first, truth is not relative. If I smash your face with my fist there is no relativism. You got punched. So, let’s at least agree that the truth is a real and objective thing. Second, they are forcing a lie upon the world. It will work for a while, but it’s not sustainable. Third, I have no idea why you’re bringing respect into the convo. Who said anything about respect?