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 In the first years of commercial television in #Australia there was a lot of discussion about how much advertising was acceptable. In the end, the government regulated a certain amount of minutes per hour of programming.

Why, then, do we have to put up with constant intrusive advertising on the internet? 
 @40cd5708 Oh ffs. This is a small price to pay for avoiding organ damage or Long Covid. 
 I like to do a few small jars of preserved tomatoes.  These jars had passionfruit in them
 Perfect size.


Roll balls of aluminium foil down the hallway for the cat to chase.


The Handmaid's Ponytail


"I've been through the desert on a horse with no brain" 

Acne Spotting

 @872ab8e1  I guess people silly enough to buy something called "concentrated water" need protecting. 
 I dislike shopping for clothes and my wardrobe shows it. For a birthday present my family bought ... 
 @2bda365c Please report back on how this goes. I've always assumed a stylist would try to create a "me" that isn't  me. Hope I'm wrong. 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu my alternative would be to ... 
 @e496e6e0 Ditto. A koala would be nice. 
 @8606bdb4 Took a great deal of courage to do that and I applaud them. 
 The image of Chaz lll to be on Australian coins is beyond boring. I wondered if anyone would like to suggest alternatives?

#Australia #OzCoins #BritishRoyalty

 @7dfc084c Dutton wants to pump new life into the old and tired colonialism of "Keep the natives (ugh!) in check or they might rise up and take back what we stole."

#auspol #Voice 
 @0ecd8d1a @4183a04c @3a447f2a Swan did a good job of interpreting what was happening at the beginning of the pandemic, but that doesn't mean he can't  be wrong on other topics. 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu nostr:npub1qzc8ejmflltq5uuw... 
 @6b3caab6 @00b07ccb Yes. Or even substituting "the flow of profit" makes it clear that it's an economy run for the benefit of shareholders, that assumes that what's good for shareholders is good for all of us. 
 @c0f00411 Not surprised #climate scientists are resorting to the vernacular.  Sober expressions like "Red Alert" seem to have no impact.

But where do we go after "gobsmackingly bananas"?

#climateScience #ClimateMessaging 
 @a6fbe814 @2b63efd8 Can we please make a rule that AI cats use their own hashtag and keep #cats and #CatsOfMastodon for real cats? 
 @718a2973 Is it an auction? Call me old fashioned but I thought these things were decided by votes. 
 @ed72a998 Who do you mean by "us"? Posts like this need to identify the area of the globe they apply to and also not assume that all readers are from that area. Thanks. 
 nostr:npub1e6yemhfkfqnlnjkfysd5382rdzmkext6uxhfvfgn45nufhqet4jsec2dfn nostr:npub13lxfrf4n552v8xah... 
 @673a8797 @ce899ddd @8fcc91a6 Like "Woe be the tide"? 
 I am begging. The English-speaking world. To look up the difference. Between "horde" and "hoard."... 
 @ce899ddd I collect these for fun and you've all given me so many juicy examples to add to my list.  😁😃 #homophones 
 Approximately 1/3 of cat owners think their pets are able to read their minds.

🐾 #RandomFact ... 
 @52a4b80b I'd  like it known that after a lifetime of living with cats (70 yrs) I have finally taught one to obey a command.

#cats #catsOfMastodon 
 @8388665a Do they need to be an American? I'd  like to nominate my cat Finn. He has the Pelosi look of calm authority, don't you think? 

just a hint: the governme... 
 @6ed9269d Thanks for the tip 🙂 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu Glad to hear you're ok toda... 
 @630be9a4 I know I should but I hate seeing a doctor after the symptoms have gone away. They're so dismissive. "Come back if it happens again" then they put their hand out for their fee. 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu If it hasn't stopped, yes. ... 
 @630be9a4 I called Nurse on Call. They said see a doctor. It's  dropped a bit now but still high condsidering I've  been sitting down for an hour. 

showed this to the nurse ... 
 @6ed9269d I called Nurse on call. They said see a doctor. 
 Should I be calling an ambulance? Been sitting down for at least 15 mins trying to deep breathe but pulse rate has increased.

 nostr:npub1lm59tkrwa65sf4asqhuchp9ygf54t2th2lqgaf6t0fuve2mwacns37f6wy Honestly I've been trying t... 
 @1b1e65e2 @fee855d8 Agree about the critical thinking classes. On twitter I spent a lot of time pointing out failures of logic. Not so much here. 
 @18d72897 Blimey. #Adelaide had a few rolls of thunder and a couple of showers. Must have been saving it up for #Melbourne.

 Just woke up to my phone buzzing and buzzing with total fire ban warnings and fire weather warnin... 
 @bc59d9a2  In the 80s you saw the smoke first and heard the radio report afterwards. 
 nostr:npub1swyxvkhew2qcjpgmsf7c4salsxsedx4veavatjd5yzhxhmtk58aq54snpj It's irrelevant that she's ... 
 @02439a38 @8388665a I'm  not sure it is irrelevant, since the message of the post is that genius can have a woman's face, and be a woman who is otherwise quite ordinary. It's  quite ordinary for a woman to be a mother. The kind of people who witheld support for her career may well have thought of motherhood as a factor in their decision, whereas fatherhood is never seen as a reason to discriminate against men. 
 @cfda352e There's  no substitute for the comfort of sitting near a heat source, though. I've  got ducted aircon and insulated walls but I still sometimes turn on a column heater and place it near me, for that feeling of toastiness. 
 @73e47efb  That "declaration of war" statement was about the last thing that needed to be said. The Uluru statement is the very opposite of a declaration of war. 

Whose interests does Mundine think he's  serving by such an outrageous utterance? 
 Shoplifting is causing the closure of three Target stores in the Bay Area. People lose jobs and r... 
 @a125d25e Pay people more and they won't need to steal.

Also, target could employ twice as many staffers like in the good old days. 
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 @2bda365c If you're fit and have all your faculties, you should be able to work. 
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 @630be9a4 It dropped back to normal. I didn't get dizzy and I'm okay this morning. Thanks for your advice though. I was confident the nurses of the Fediverse would come to my aid.

I live close to Flinders Medical Centre but South Australia still has a serious ramping problem. 
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 @7dfc084c We don't  know yet whether that incident was caused by turbulence, but anything that discourages people from flying is a good thing. 
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 @f4ae3f66 Good one, Mr Monbiot.👍🏻 
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 @728613c4 Quite an achievement for a traditionally catholic society. 👍🏻 
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 @684e23f9 Looks a bit dodgy. 
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 @176f88ee What rubbish. 
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 @d6daf688 I'd like to open one called Depresso. We'd serve Black Dog, Dopamino and Lactobacillis. 😄

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 @be314b31  Seems to be a human trait that, if a person doesn't  understand what's happening, or the cause of something, they'll explain it in terms of something they do know.

This is particularly a problem when said person is certain they're right.

Thus we still have conspiracy theories, superstitions and, as you say, religious beliefs, at a time when more science is more available than ever before.