@misterjesus@Alex Gleason@anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 Im not about to impliment object factories in C++ from scratch... Im going to use com
Not gonna whinge about who has the bigger cock. I just don't think this is gonna be a constructive conversation in general
@misterjesus@Alex Gleason@anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 The number of times composer would fail silently astounds me. npm is pretty obvious if something goes wrong, and it typically only goes wrong when youre doing something you shouldnt be doing (100x more eyes looking at npm makes it less buggy imo)
@misterjesus@Alex Gleason@anime graf mays 🛰️🪐 I dont think thats an A-B comparason.
You can 100% build Javascript that doesnt require npm. You probably don't want to do that unless you are doing something VERY basic
The same is true with PHP. At some level of complexity, you are going to need to use externally written code. PHP SUCKS for this. The best solution i found was using composer, which is infinitely more shit than npm
I would go as far as to say, PHP doesn't really have a good niche atm other than being quick and dirty