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 The author made some interesting points about the “Leadership Industrial Complex”… its a $60 billion dollar industry but does it actually provide meaningful results?


 Thank you sir


 Great deconstruction of the deconstructionists.

 “Who am I?”: the modern concept of the individual self 


#philosophy #self 


 Disney tells kids to “follow your heart”. All that means is follow your feelings, because feelings are very easy to manipulate. It’s a form of subtle mind control. 

Clearly we need to do more to protect children from the sinister Disney cultists.



 Great interview! She has courage for speaking out from the belly of the Beast. 

The Palestinian people are heroes for the world. They are modeling resilience and resistance that we will all need to adopt if the human race is to survive.


 Estimated 180,000 Palestinians have been killed so far per US healthcare workers in Gaza. Wow

 Good idea to pray and fast for the people of Gaza today. 

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy.


 The Israeli genocide against their neighbors and relatives continues. Sickening.


 It’s interesting that I find a mental block about investigating this topic. I’ve learned so much about so many topics over the years since I first started researching 9/11 almost 20 years ago, but never gone into this topic. Clearly it’s some sort of conditioning.


 Love the feel of this one


 Great discussion. History of how the left overtook and destroyed the American Episcopal Church.

 DeMu boost!


 One thing that I struggled with as a Protestant was the idea that God loved me. The view I grew up with saw salvation as binary: either I was covered by the blood of Jesus or I was under the judgment and wrath of God for my sin. There were no other possible states. In that framing any salvation that is something more or other than “by grace through faith” was spiritually toxic because it made the salvation of Christ inaccessible and therefore meant my experience of God was only wrath. 

But all I’ll say is that God loves you. God is for you, not against you. God’s wrath is not my problem, sin, death and the devil are my problem. That’s what we are saved from. 
 Love it!


 The land promises to Abraham were all fulfilled (sorry dispensationals)https://fountain.fm/clip/FkANwzWjRjN2IAL7E7BD

So Joshua took all the land, as the Lord commanded Moses, and Joshua gave it as an inheritance to Israel by division, according to their tribes. Then the land rested from war.† (Joshua 11:23, OSB)

Not a word failed of any good thing the Lord had spoken to the children of Israel. All came to pass. (Joshua 21:49, OSB)

Also command the people, saying, “You are about to pass through the boundaries of your brethren, the sons of Esau, who live in Seir; and they will be afraid of you and will be in exceeding dread of you.† Do not engage them in war, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as one footstep, because I gave Mount Seir to the sons of Esau as an inheritance. (Deuteronomy 2:4-5, OSB) 
 Rumor is that the Washington Post is looking into Kamala’s family history too. I wonder, are the team Bezos rats jumping off a sinking ship?

 Orthodoxy is the primary target of the New World Order globalists. The globalist/communist goal is always to destroy the church. #1 enemy of the NWO


 Solid geopolitical analysis in this episode.

 You know what’s crazy? You are completely ghosted in @fountain_app 

I can’t even see this comment in there. Is it a relay problem or a fountain problem? 
 Oh, I added one of your relays to fountain and now I see you. Maybe I’m just new here. 
 When I was Baptist I met an ABWE Baptist missionary to Ukraine who was back in the US fundraising. Something about him struck me as off. Then later I saw his YouTube channel where he was blatantly lying about Orthodox Christians in Ukraine and I thought aren’t missionaries supposed to be honest? Then after the Russian intervention in 2022 he was interviewed by ABWE, and literally every word he said was a slogan or official CIA talking point. 

So when Jay pointed out that tons of Protestant missionaries work directly with the CIA, I can say I’ve met one.

 Interesting show. Thank you sir


 You will never read the Bible the same way again after this one. This is NOT what we learned in Sunday School.

 I’m honestly so stunned that evangelical baptism is just a statement. I’ve never been to a ba... 
 My low church Protestant baptism did not include an exorcism prayer. Or much else forOne of many reasons I’m thankful that my priest decided to receive me into the Orthodox Church by baptism. That liturgy is so much deeper and richer than the low church version. 
 My bishop at the time was the Patriarch of Antioch. Thankfully we have a local bishop again now. 

I’m pretty sure trying to explain the nuances of American non-denominational churches to the Patriarch would have been a tall order. And then he’d just say “baptize the heathen!” 😂 
 I think Russell is sincere, but fame can be spiritually toxic to anyone, new converts in particular. I’ve been a Christian for a long time and seen plenty of celebrity converts go sideways. People always say “oh he wasn’t sincere!” But the truth is that putting new Christians into a leadership role is really damaging to their faith.


 I’m reserving judgment about Kanye. He went through some very difficult messed up stuff. But yeah his whole conversion and tour seemed… off. 
 Good point. Would not surprise me if Russell was sucked into the gnostic side of evangelical Christianity, he seems to trend that way. 
Most modern Christians have no idea how much of that gnostic crap they already believe. 
 Re the longshoremen strikes, is the Panama Canal at full capacity? Last I heard it had serious water level issues. 
East coast and west coast ports are not interchangeable.




 Interesting, but im skeptical.


 Yes it is as long as a Rogan episode, but trust me it’s much more enlightening. No mushrooms or aliens required.

 Number of the Beast boost for cashless Israel.




 It’s like he’s contracted and required to talk about aliens, brain chips, or the AI takeover in every episode 


 I’m only half way through and already need to boost because the value received from the show is overwhelming. #v4v 


 Thanks for sharing, I didn’t know about peertube. Use the other 4 frequently. 
 Adam’s review of “Am I Racist?”https://fountain.fm/clip/QWH3yZnhGzEYbflytpPU 


 Candace is arguing that there is no evidence that Kamala is actually half black. The media is responding by saying that is “election disinformation”, which is code for “that’s true but we don’t want you to know about it”.  Wild

 why is there only one YouTube? who in the early days would have thought there would only be one streaming site anyone cares about?


#youtube #rogan 


 Love all the talk about #homeschooling here on #nostr. We take it for granted that homeschooling is legalized in the US. But it wasn’t always. 

I was raised as an evangelical Christian homeschooler in the 1990’s. The legality of homeschooling was always being challenged in many states during the 80s and 90s. One of the ways homeschoolers fought back was to go meet state lawmakers in person. Anytime a bill was introduced to curb homeschooling rights, the committee would find themselves overwhelmed with comments from articulate educated and civically minded high school students. It had a lasting impact on legislators of that era. 

Just a reminder to the current generation of homeschooling parents that you may need to do the same. The attacks will return. Be organized and prepared. 
 The magic number 33 continues to show up in the news.

 Great track




 Love this tune


 Just watched the film. Well done production. 

The most shocking thing to me was the soft tissue found in dinosaur bones. Utterly destroyed the idea that dinosaurs died out millions of years ago when the soft tissue can only last 1 hundred thousand years at most.

 Wait… David Ike got on V4V just to get Gene’s epic hate listening boosts? 

I have not listened to that guy in almost 20 years. 
 People get excited when we talk about giants

The Ark and The Darkness director talking about giants 


#giants #ark #bible 
 Candace is my favorite antiwar commentator. She needs to talk to Scott Horton on her show.

 Great song 🎧


 False prophets are bound to come. Wolves and false teachers are bound to come. Things that cause men to stumble are bound to come (but woe to the one through whom they come). 

The problem is not that pope Francis is a false teacher. There have been heretical patriarchs and even popes before now. 

The problem is that the Roman church has no way to deal with a pope as false teacher because you accepted the false doctrine of Papal Supremacy. The correct response is to hold a church council and deal with the heresy, but you can’t do that because you declared the bishop of Rome is above all church councils. 

So maybe Christ is providing Francis to you to give an opportunity to repent of the terrible error of papal supremacy.


 I think this is the only podcast I need for today. Very deep and insightful

 John on his experience with Eastern Orthodoxy and deep discipleship 


#orthodoxy #discipleship 
 Me too. I read that book at a fairly young formatives age. 

Following his podcast occasionally over the last few years I kept on thinking John knows more about the ancient eastern church tradition than he’s letting on. Lots of hints here and there but still trying to keep his content accessible to an evangelical audience. 

Now in this episode he’s talking about visiting an EO parish and even quoting St. Maximus. 
 I’ve heard priests say that encountering the spirits of loved ones after their recent deaths is a very common occurrence. They say it was common all through history and even continues today but people don’t really talk about it anymore. 

I know people personally who I totally trust who describe encounters, but I have not sensed it myself. 

So yeah, you’re just having a normal human experience as far as I know.


 “Once you slow down you will find answers.” 
Wow that’s a powerful message. I needed to be reminded of that too.


 Dude, quit with the Iran BS. Makes as much sense as the whole “Russia blew up nordstream” nonsense we got 2 years ago. Iran doesn’t like Trump, but they don’t benefit from his death when he’s the one guy holding back the war machine. They know that. Unlike the US elites, Iran’s leaders are not suicidal antihumans, and it’s pure projection to pretend they are. 

Simple explanation is that it’s deep state elements behind these attacks. Why even pay lip service to the Iran narrative from the neocons when they lie about everything.

 Sorry, I guess it’s actually the 2nd episode of TLH News. Not sure why the first one didn’t show in my feed. 
 I think Candace is right. The war machine is rolling and Trump is in their way. This won’t be the last attempt to kill him.

 I was homeschooled in the 90s. I turned out weird. That’s probably why I ended up here on #nostr. 
 Remember you are Amalek 
 There are many different schools of Judaism. I’d be curious how widespread this interpretation actually is. 
As far as I know, 2nd temple Judaism saw Amalek as a giant clan, employing dark supernatural forces to create super humans and dominate surrounding tribes. 
 The great Catholic news outlet LifeSiteNews ran a story about the noahide laws a few months ago. Scary stuff. 
 Hi Nostr

 Hilarious. I was just wondering today if there was a Nostr ham radio community to be found under the #hamstr hashtag. nostr:note1pns66m3vn2t6yg23s0vphvtn63sazkw3tua34gxzwdxm6vxe9jkqzca26a 
 I’m not saying that Pope Francis is the false prophet of Antichrist, but if he were I don’t know what he would be doing different. 

 Who else voted for Ron Paul back in the day?? 
 Yes! In ‘08 and ‘12. Active with the local campaign in 08, hung our unofficial signs from the overpass. all fun memories. 
 Profound insights in this conversation.
