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 A while back, around the same time the idea of ROGD was becoming controversial, I saw a couple articles/studies about "Trans OCD." This was a proposed subcategory of OCD where the person obsesses over whether or not they are trans and compulsively "tests" this with changing their gender presentation and the like.
Haven't really heard about it since, so I wonder if it went nowhere or the psychologists who came up with it were made to shut up. 
 How much of the kweer madness is due to "fear of missing out?" A painful, clawing need to be included? My gender-afflicted loved one had a meltdown because he couldn’t be in constant contact with his friends for a mere few days. He admitted feeling depressed because they could "make plans" without him, because he would have no say or even know what was going on.

This unsettled me. He spends the majority of his time with friends as it is, whether out and about or at home on his phone or computer. And it is generally not work related.
I have long thought his begendered status may have arisen from a desire to connect with certain people, and now these connections are consuming his every waking thought. 
 One of my local bookstores has the new "Robert Galbraith" novel in the window. I was surprised, considering they always have gender books for teens on display and TIPs working there. 
 I watched one of the videos with the sound off. Not sure I could stomach more. It was disturbing. That girl will carry this trauma for the rest of her life. TRAs whine about how bullying has left mental scars on them all the time. But will there be any sympathy from them if the victim isn't a TIP too? I doubt it. This is targeted physical assault, the type of violent bullying that people like to pretend is going extinct. This is sex-based violence, the type of oppression that people love to pretend doesn't exist.

 "Because they weren't born in the right body..."

I'm a demicreative transartist. No, not an an artist who's transgender. I identify as an artist because I didn’t have the privilege of being born talented and rich. Praise and/or pay me for this cursed image an AI spat out or you’re a transphobic ableist classist bigot.

Jeebus H. Christo.

 Compare Robin Williams dressed in drag as a middle aged housekeeper to any drag queen doing DQSH today and tell me they're dressed/made up remotely similar. I dare you.
It's not that a man is dressed as a woman. It's that a man is dressed and behaving inappropriately. And they are telling kids, who already have a poor understanding of boundaries, that being uncomfortable with it is wrong and that putting a sparkly dress on and dancing provocatively makes you a she/her. 

TQs tend to be obsessed with the found family trope. They long for that fantasy friend group of super cool, ride-or-dies that will become the "true" family full of acceptance and easily resolved disagreements.

I wonder if this is why the trope feels more and more shallow now? Gender-addled writers and animators don't want a real family, genetic or found. It's too messy, too challenging. They want the easy, minimal effort fantasy. 
 What even SHOULDER length hair is now too short to qualify as a woman? 
 Short = man
Long = woman
Mid = non-binary 

I've been a woman only a few times in my life. 
 This is infuriating, and it’s exactly what we’ve been saying for years.  The gender identity ... 
 They claim to be against rigidly gendered things, when in truth they need strict gender to justify their "special true self identity". 

"Just a cis girls" that look exactly like genderspecials cannot exist their world. 
 This character looks like a young version of how my very much a straight woman mom looks now. She even has some polos. I convinced her to get a shag cut almost exactly like this. She's very happy with it.

Always telling on they/themselves. "There's no way to look nb, buuuuuttt..."


 I can appreciate what radblr (radfem/gc community on tumblr) is doing, but dang, they have serious infighting problems. I'm barely a casual lurker, so if the drama is obvious to me, it has to be bad. 
 Spinsters, what, if any, are your controversial food opinions? 
 Going to the DMV today. Send good thoughts into the universe for me. 
 Past generations love to make fun of millennials/gen Z who like avocado. What's up with that? Avocado is delicious and I'm not ashamed to say it. 
 Have not seen Barbie yet, but an Ovarit poster was saying how terrible an actor Hari Nef is. Having seen other TIMs on screen and stage, most are poor actors because they are trying to play two roles simultaneously: their authentic "woman" self and the character they've been cast as. Some actors (of either sex) are capable of doing this convincingly, but it's a challenge. TIMs can't focus and choose between fully realizing the character or maximizing their genderfeels, so both are flattened. 

TIFs are SLIGHTLY better at it, but that's just my experience. 
 Apparently California is trying to make Trans History Month a thing now. In August. Because clearly we don't have enough trans related things (designated or co-opted) ALL FRICKIN' YEAR.

Is there any other tiny demographic that demands this much attention in every avenue of life? I doubt it.