Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Cristalina | export

 I will say I feeling better, but still sometimes a little dizzy.... similar like when you stand up to fast, but different. Can't explain... 
 Looks like the bot may have changed tactics. 
 Sick and tired....🥱🥱🥱 
 GM 😊 
 GM Tuco ☺️ 
 What is this replayguy? 
 Morning Moon 🌝 ☺️ 
 GM 🫂 
 Who that??? 
 Yes, everywhere! Is it a bot? 
 You too lovely 🎶🪷🎶🫂 
 When you say mute, is the report/block button here on Amethyst? 
 You did not see? Awkward 🧐!
I was absent for 3 days...but glad you can see them now! GM 🫂🙌✨🪷 
 Okey, done it ! Thank you 🙌 
 gm ☀️ 
 GM 🌻 
 What’s the best non-bitcoin nostr account to follow? 
 Thank you Troy ☺️☺️☺️ 🥹🫂💜 
 If you like Art... 😊
 Still a bit Dizzy, so going to sleep....but feeling much better. 🙂
Wish you a wonderful night! ✨🫂
No rest for the wicked lol

Night Night 🌙


 Thank you Node, I am better and being Friday always help 😁😆🫂 
 Thank you lovely! 😍🌹 I am better #phew!!! 🙌🥰✨💜 
 GM 🫂🙌✨ 
 “No one changes unless they want to.
Not if you beg them.
Not if you shame them.
Not if you use reason, emotion, or tough love.
There's only one thing that makes someone change: their own realization that they need to do it.
And there's only one time when it will happen: when they're ready.”

— Lori Deschene


 I am a bit sick ..don't know what it is...will be not as active as usual, but I will come around...with my usual silliness... 🥹😆
Have a wonderful day, week ! 💜


[Art by Eric Brenner] 
 Thank you so much 🎶🪷🎶💜 
 Thank you, will try 💜🫂💜 
 Thank you, 🫂💜🫂 
 Thank you everyone for the care! 🙌💜🫂 
 It's a  boy....


After a blasting festival...where I met beautiful people that I did not see for years, and new beautiful people from around the world, had loads of fun and almost no sleep, I need to catch some sleep, so I go crash....🤣🤣🤣

Night Night 🌙

 “We think too much and feel too little.
More than machinery, we need humanity.
More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness…”

~Charlie Chaplin, excerpt from “The Great Dictator” 


 Vitor already knows, we made a test... 
 Here it is, a video from last night
 A little bit. 😆💜😆💜


 I can't upload videos. It seems I riched the maximum space allowed for free....I will think of an alternative cause I wish to share it with.
Festival this year is amazing in terms of music and there is an harmonious energy as I did not felt in a while in a festival.
Sooooo nice! 

 His name is Ambler, from Australia, DJ. Very good !!!  
 The upload is not working. I will try upload you tube and then share video here. 
 It has....I am forbidden...of uploading for free. 
 He's going to play tomorrow 1.30pm, I went ask him. Lol
Tomorrow I will be there again.  
 Yes it has...says forbidden, user has no space... 
 I noted one...go check ! Last one. 🎶🪷🎶 
 The place I am at.... 

Now having a falafel  with music in background, stage/ dance floor  at my back https://nostpic.com/media/04c960497af618ae18f5147b3e5c309ef3d8a6251768a1c0820e02c93768cc3b/8efbdddface98bf16a45e32ad37ad02f4464537a2241282bbe995cae4715f8e4.webp

 Wow! I really admire people who do bold moves like that! You are the true warriors! All the best for the new journey! 🎶🪷🎶
 If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.... 
 Learning to bring yourself into the present is one of the best gifts each and one of us can give to ourselfs ! All other timelines are illusions, they are not happening in reality, is like a film you are directing...

 "What if instead of a broken heart, we saw a pair of wings waiting to unfold?


Pain is a powerful thing. 
It can cripple us, or it can strengthen us. It's like fire; it can destroy, but it can also forge steel. 
When our hearts break, we feel lost and alone. 
But it's in these moments of darkness that we discover our inner strength. We learn to rely on ourselves, to find comfort in our own company.

So, the next time you feel the sting of heartbreak, remember this: it's not the end. It's a beginning. It's an opportunity to transform your pain into power. 

Let your broken heart be your wings! Let it carry you to places you never thought possible. 

Because in the end, it's not about avoiding pain, but about learning to fly through it."


 Well, I can only talk for me. But I am sure there are out there a lot of women like me, that only gives complements, to men and women, when the compliment is due...
I won't just compliment you out of the blue, or if not sincerely felt. Never. That's why I don't like generalisations, each person is different and uniquel.