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 Opinion: A Pierre Poilievre government would mean a climate catastrophe


#canada #ClimateChange  #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Children at climate risk

For instance, a staggering 88 per cent of the worldwide disease burden linked to climate change impacts children under the age of five


#Children #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Flooded Texans resist government buyout offers

In Harris County, flood-prone residents are resisting buyouts despite repeated flooding, citing affordability and attachment to their homes


#Texas #USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Medical device companies warned that ignoring climate change could spell disaster

Taking to the stage as part of the MedTech Forum 2024, representatives from the World Health Organization and the European Commission urged manufacturers to be wary of their carbon output


#health #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Climate activists break into Amundi offices to protests TotalEnergies investments

Item 1 of 3 A police officer and two CRS officers look on as Greenpeace activists deploy a banner with the portrait of French energy group TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanne saying 'WANTED: Boss of TotalEnergies, The civil society is looking for the CEO of the French company that is the most polluting, making billions at the expense of the planet and its people.


#France #ClimateStrike 
 Where classrooms are becoming too hot for learning

As heat waves creep north, they are baking schools that previously did not need air conditioning. Fixing the problem will be neither cheap, nor easy



#school #education #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Life in the Dirt Is Hard. And Climate Change Isn’t Helping.

Heat and drought are taking a toll on the tiny soil creatures that help to lock away planet-warming carbon, according to a new analysis



#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 ‘We’re up for this fight’: Labour plans to make climate key focus of election

Leadership now sees environment as core issue for voters and strong dividing line against the Tories


#UK #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Lake Victoria - bordering #Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - is heavily fished by some 200,000 fishers, in spite of frequent severe thunderstorms and its reputation as one of the most dangerous bodies of water in the world.

These findings are especially concerning considering that thunderstorms, wind and rain are predicted to become more intense and up to 10 times more frequent by the end of the century, the authors note in the study, published May 22 in the journal PLOS ONE

 Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world’s atmosphere

Experts issue warning after finding global average concentration in March was 4.7ppm higher than same period last year


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 A new natural gas project comes to northern Michigan, amid climate concerns

The project is being celebrated by the utility and local officials in Wexford County, but criticized by environmental groups


#Michigan #USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Joint Statement on housing measures in the Federal Government’s 2024 budget

Partly refinancing programs to get heat pumps and other energy efficiency measures to low- and mid-income households will help families reduce their energy...


#canada #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Election of Donald Trump ‘could put world’s climate goals at risk’

Former UN climate chief warns of global impact of a possible regression in US green policies


#UN #USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Alberta policies are adding fuel to the climate crisis fire
David Suzuki
6–7 minutes

The government has chosen not to crack down on the polluting messes, but on the flourishing renewable energy industry


#Alberta #canada #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Véhicules électriques : les subventions sont-elles nécessaires?


#Québec #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 La fin du programme Roulez vert arrive « beaucoup trop tôt », selon les concessionnaires

Québec croit au contraire que le moment est venu de réduire les subventions aux véhicules électriques


#Québec #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 How ‘assisted migration’ could help species survive climate change

Habitats are changing quickly, but many plants and animals can’t move to new homes on their own


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Mental health and psychosocial interventions in the context of climate change: a scoping review 

The evidence on the impacts of climate change on mental health and wellbeing is growing rapidly



#MentalHealth #psychosocial #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Electric Vehicles Beat Gas Cars on Climate Emissions over Time

New research says building electric vehicles leaves a bigger carbon footprint than making gas-powered cars, though EVs make up the difference in the long run


#car #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 BUDGET 2024-2025 DU GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC - Électrification des transports : un ralentissement des investissements qui pourrait nuire à l'atteinte des objectifs environnementaux du gouvernement québécois


#Québec #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Malgré leur coût environnemental, la saison des croisières est lancée à Vancouver


#Vancouver #CB #canada #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 LA CAQ doit cesser d’instrumentaliser la transition énergétique pour favoriser les lobbys


#Québec #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Les ponts de glace pourraient bientôt disparaître au Québec à cause des changements climatiques


#Québec #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Québec « tire la plogue » sur les subventions à l’achat de voitures électriques

La subvention du programme Roulez vert, qui est de 7000 $, disparaîtra le 1er janvier 2027


#Québec #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Climate change is forcing massive changes to how Australia protects endangered animals and plants from extinction


#Australia #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Corals Have ‘No Reprieve’ as the Great Barrier Reef Faces Its Latest Bleaching Event

Increasingly frequent marine heat waves are hammering away at the world’s coral reefs, scientists say


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Climate change will make bananas more expensive. Here's why some experts say they should be already

London — Industry experts say the price of bananas globally is very likely to rise due to the impact of climate change — but some believe paying more for bananas now could mitigate those risks


#food #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 The multinationals already cutting employees’ flights due to climate change

The Travel Smart campaign’s ranking analyzed 328 large companies and found that 85% do not have credible plans to reduce or replace air travel with train journeys or remote working


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 How did Norway become the electric car superpower? Oil money, civil disobedience – and Morten from a-ha

More than 90% of new cars sold in Norway are electric. And it all started with some pop stars driving around in a jerry-built Fiat Panda


#Norway #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Peut-on installer une pompe à chaleur dans un appartement ? New York teste une nouvelle technologie de montage sur fenêtre pour les locataires


#NewYork #ÉtatsUnis #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Des batteries pour fournir des maisons en électricité pendant 3 jours

Nova Scotia Power a testé l'alimentation de secours dans 125 foyers équipés de batteries de stockage


#NouvelleÉcosse #canada #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Un tout premier additif alimentaire réducteur de méthane pour bovins autorisé au Canada

En 2021, le secteur agricole était à l'origine de 31 % des émissions totales de méthane au Canada


#canada #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Australian sport runs financial and legal risks due to climate inaction, new report warns

    Less than 1% of organisations mention climate in annual reports

    Report identifies areas of liability in event of extreme weather


#sport #Australia #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 How a Trump win could cost the world $900 billion

This surge in emissions would effectively cancel out the environmental benefits gained from implementing wind, solar, and other clean energy technologies worldwide over the past five years, twice


#USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 No, Republicans Have Not Evolved on Climate Change

News articles periodically portray the Conservative Climate Caucus as evidence that the GOP is ready to pitch in to fight global warming. Nope!


#USA #US #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 How a shipping carbon tax could help Africa build climate resilient trade

Pricing the emissions of the international shipping industry could raise $100 billion/yr


#Africa #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Québec doute de ses ambitions de récoltes de bois à long terme

Les cibles sont désormais remises en question en raison des feux de forêt et des peturbations climatiques


#Québec #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Paris sous l’eau, l’Occitanie en désert : ces cartes dessinent notre futur climatique


#France #ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 New gas power plants needed to bolster energy supply, PM says

Critics say a commitment to build new, gas-fired power stations would threaten climate pledges


#UK #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Addressing Climate Change's Psychological Impacts: How?

Australian Psychological Society

In order to prepare our communities for a world in which our climate looks and feels very different, we need to invest in strong psychological support to build resilience in our communities


#psychology #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Climate Superfund Act would make oil companies pay for climate damages in Vermont


#Vermont #USA #US#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 These elections do little to inspire hope for climate action, as prominent candidates often prioritise policies that exacerbate rather than mitigate climate change. Campaigns are dominated by non-climate issues, reflecting the limited importance accorded to climate concerns by major political parties and the wider public. The silver lining is the potential for these elections to generate momentum for climate justice


#SouthAsia #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Study finds benefits of uniting climate mitigation, adaptation

“Even in the situation that we reduce emissions to zero at this moment, these benefits aren't going to be felt immediately,” said lead author Matei Georgescu, director of ASU’s Urban Climate Research Center. “But local adaptation is going to have benefits that are going to be felt immediately.”


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Draft climate deal a 'monstrosity' that falls far short of what's needed, vulnerable countries say
Proposed COP28 climate agreement has no mention of oil or natural gas


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #FossilFueledDestruction #COP28 
 Brazil launches $204 million drive to restore Amazon rainforest


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Amazon #Brazil 
 Climate change’s financial impacts hugely underestimated - Kiwi researchers


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Even temporary global warming above 2℃ will affect life in the oceans for centuries

The decrease was observed for centuries. This means humanity will continue to feel its impacts long after atmospheric CO₂ levels have peaked and declined


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Nous n'atteindrons pas l'objectif climatique de Paris. Le mois de septembre était plus chaud de 1,75 degrés par rapport à l'ère préindustrielle:
«Cela signifie qu'il ne sera possible de maintenir le réchauffement en dessous de la limite des deux degrés qu'au prix d'énormes efforts»
Jochem Marotzke

Son constat est clair: on se dirige plutôt vers un monde à trois degrés d'ici la fin du siècle


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 How Climate Change Will Challenge NYC’s Transit System


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Report warns India of potential 35% GDP loss due to climate change by 2100


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #India 
 « Une croissance phénoménale » : la hausse des claims miniers inquiète en Outaouais

Le nombre de claims miniers a bondi de 49 % en un an dans la MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Outaouais #Québec 
Industrie minière 
 ‘Stabbed in the back’: Biden’s border wall U-turn leaves Indigenous and climate groups reeling
Maanvi Singh
7–9 minutes

The Biden administration’s decision to waive environmental, public health and cultural protections to speed new border wall construction has enraged environmentalists, Indigenous leaders and community groups in the Rio Grande valley


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #USA #US 
 Ministers ‘misrepresented’ UK climate advisory body, say scientists

Government challenged to explain claim that UK will need 25% of energy to come from fossil fuels in 2050


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #UK 
 Advocates say oil companies should pay costs of climate change


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Deux Québécois sur trois ne sont pas encore prêts à manger des aliments à base de déchets

Miser sur l'économie circulaire pour lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire vient avec son lot de défis, soulève une thèse


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat#Québec 
 Québec reçoit une mise en garde sur le troisième lien d’un de ses comités consultatifs 


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Québec 
 Comme ces feux destructeurs ne font plus la Une en Europe, les habitants de certaines régions des Alpes et de Suisse ont sûrement été surpris par une couche brumeuse qui a atteint les montagnes, le week-end dernier. Difficile de l'imaginer, mais ce sont bien les fumées des feux de forêt qui perdurent chez les Canadiens qui ont traversé l'Atlantique et ont provoqué ce smog, comme en juin dernier


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Europe 
 Climate Disinformers Love To Pretend The Problem Is The Solution

One of the old standbys for sophistry is accusing people of hypocrisy (in other words, claiming that someone is saying one thing, but doing the opposite). Of course, hypocrisy should be called out, as actions speak louder than words and all that. But these accusations are also easily weaponized & used by bad-faith actors to put their opponents in no-win situations

#pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 October heatwaves set to become more likely and Britain must prepare, climate scientists warn
Parts of the UK are expected to record temperatures as high as 26C this weekend


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #UK 
 Japan climate group urges ban on power company's 'CO-2 free' ads

Jera, Japan's largest coal-fired power generation company, plans to use ammonia alongside fossil fuels to generate power at its existing plants and reduce its carbon emissions.

But NGO Kiko Network has said the company's ad campaign fails to mention that the production of ammonia emits carbon dioxide


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Japan 
 Business attitudes on sustainability regressing as costs rise
3–4 minutes

Nine in 10 businesses (90%) believe it is primarily the responsibility of the government to tackle climate changes, SSE Airtricity has found.

Businesses are also more likely to believe responsibility for tackling climate change lies with the general public (73%) than themselves (71%)

#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Business 
 Expedia CEO Peter Kern has led the online travel agency for three years, from its pandemic nadir to the post-COVID surge in travel. With that experience, one trend he says he doesn’t see changing anytime soon is people traveling like there’s no tomorrow. What’s more, he says, people talk a good talk about climate change angst but are not modifying their behavior much


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Behind the apparently loveable and unassuming facade, Australia, as a nation state, is very sophisticated at a few things. Protecting our gas and coal industry is one of them. Our climate policies are all designed to protect fossil fuels – whether rebranding as a renewable energy superpower or feigning ambition through an increased climate target or a thriving carbon offset industry


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Australia 
 Young Italians take to the streets for 'climate resistance'
Green capitalism not the solution -Fridays For Future movement


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #ClimateStrike #Italy 
 Climate crisis: French Alps hit by increasing rockfalls


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Alps #France 

#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Afrique 
 il y a beaucoup d’eau que nous utilisons sans nous en rendre compte : c’est ce que l’on appelle "L’empreinte eau" ou "L’eau cachée"

– Un café nécessite en moyenne 130 litres d’eau.

– Une bière consomme 75 litres d’eau.

– Pour un T-shirt en coton, il faut compter environ 2500 litres d’eau.

– Et la palme revient au smartphone, qui a besoin d'au moins 10.000 litres


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 

(texte visible en mode lecture) 
 A l'aide de l'IA, le WWF montre à quoi pourrait ressembler la Suisse en 2085


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Suisse 
 Pourquoi l’Autriche attire les Greentech et Climate tech ?


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Autriche 
 Glacial lake floods: a growing, unpredictable climate risk

What is a glacial lake outburst flood?

A glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) is the sudden release of water that has collected in former glacier beds.

These lakes are formed by the retreat of glaciers, a naturally occurring phenomenon that has been turbocharged by the warmer temperatures of human-caused climate change


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Whales and dolphins in American waters are losing food and habitat to climate change, US study says

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Whales, dolphins and seals living in U.S. waters face major threats from warming ocean temperatures, rising sea levels and decreasing sea ice volumes associated with climate change, according to a first-of-its-kind assessment


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Intense tropical cyclones are one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world due to torrential rains, flooding, destructive winds, and coastal storm surges. New research co-authored by a University of Hawai'i at Mānoa atmospheric scientist revealed that since the 1980s, Category 4 and 5 hurricanes (maximum wind speed greater than 131 miles per hour) have been arriving three to four days earlier with each passing decade of climate change


#environment #climate 
 Intense tropical cyclones are one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world due to torrential rains, flooding, destructive winds, and coastal storm surges. New research co-authored by a University of Hawai'i at Mānoa atmospheric scientist revealed that since the 1980s, Category 4 and 5 hurricanes (maximum wind speed greater than 131 miles per hour) have been arriving three to four days earlier with each passing decade of climate change


#environment #climate 
 En six ans, plus de 43 millions d'enfants ont été déplacés à cause de catastrophes météorologiques, alerte l'Unicef

95% de ces déplacements d'enfants s'expliquent par des inondations et des tempêtes, indique le rapport de l'Unicef publié vendredi 6 octobre. La Chine et les Philippines figurent dans les pays ayant enregistré "le plus grand nombre absolu de déplacements d'enfants"


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #enfants 
 The team’s findings suggest that the effect of rising temperatures vastly overshadows that of carbon dioxide. As Sharkey notes, “By the time you’re at 95 degrees Fahrenheit — 35 degrees Celsius — there’s basically no CO2 suppression. Isoprene is pouring out like wild.”


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate 
 Unprecedented October heatwave hits Toronto after 72 years


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Toronto #Ontario #canada 
 L'Est canadien bat des records de chaleur pour l'automne


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Montréal #Québec 
 There’s still a chance for America to reach net-zero, but it requires drastic action

That includes building more renewables, selling more electric vehicles, and fixing up more buildings


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #USA #US 
 Les Vingt-Sept ont conclu, ce jeudi 5 octobre, un accord pour accélérer la réduction des gaz fluorés avec pour objectif final de parvenir à réduire leur usage d'ici 2050. Puissants gaz à effet de serre, on les retrouve dans les réfrigérateurs, les climatiseurs, mais aussi dans les équipements électriques ou comme agents gonflants dans des mousses... et même dans les bulles d'air des chaussures de sport


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Saviez-vous que les grillons domestiques contiennent autant de protéines qu’un steak, à poids égal ? Leur production demande peu de ressources, en plus d’émettre considérablement moins de gaz à effet de serre que l’élevage du bœuf ou du porc (on parle de 40 à 550 fois moins d’équivalent CO2, selon le contexte)


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 L’été en automne: Montréal bat son record de chaleur pour octobre


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Montréal #Québec 
 Carrying this extra weight pushes up the fuel consumption of a typical #car substantially. Over the course of its whole life, driving maybe 300,000km, this amounts to an extra 1,500 litres of petrol and diesel, which, when burned, emits 3.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide and more air pollution, from the exhaust and from the tyres and road. It also makes driving more expensive and exacerbates the energy insecurity from which #Ireland suffers because of fossil fuel dependence

 Carrying this extra weight pushes up the fuel consumption of a typical car substantially. Over the course of its whole life, driving maybe 300,000km, this amounts to an extra 1,500 litres of petrol and diesel, which, when burned, emits 3.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide and more air pollution, from the exhaust and from the tyres and road. It also makes driving more expensive and exacerbates the energy insecurity from which #Ireland suffers because of fossil fuel dependence

 Climat : le pic des émissions de CO2 de la production électrique bientôt atteint dans le monde selon Ember

-17% dans l'UE, -12% au Japon et -8,6% aux États-Unis, surtout grâce au recul du charbon. En Chine, les émissions ont augmenté de 7,9%, en grande partie à cause des mauvaises conditions hydroélectriques, et de 3,7% en Inde


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat 
 Vermont not meeting climate responsibility, missing economic opportunity, report finds


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Vermont #USA #US 
 Polar Bears May Struggle To Produce Milk For Their Cubs As Climate Change Melts Sea Ice

When sea ice melts, polar bears must move onto land for several months without access to food. This fasting period is challenging for all bears, but particularly for polar bear mothers who are nursing cubs.

Our research, published in Marine Ecology Progress Series, found that polar bear lactation is negatively affected by increased time spent on land when sea ice melts 


 Climate intervention technologies may create winners and losers in world food supply

A technology being studied to curb climate change—one that could be put in place in one or two decades if work on the technology began now—would affect food productivity in parts of Earth in dramatically different ways, benefiting some areas, and adversely affecting others, according to projections prepared by a Rutgers-led team of scientists


#pollution #environnement #Climat #food 
 Prévost, première ville du Québec à réglementer pour décarboner ses bâtiments

À partir de 2024, il y sera interdit d'installer certains nouveaux appareils alimentés au gaz


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Prévost #Québec 
 Dogs and Cats Can Be Healthy, Happy Vegans, Research Shows

Plant-based diets are good for our companions and good for the planet

Dogs and cats consume at least 9 percent of all land animals killed for food—7 billion animals annually

Cats and dogs are also major consumers of "food" animals

The production of cat, dog, and human food is a major cause of very high greenhouse gases and climate change


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #Dogs #Cats 
 Une étude publiée mercredi par l’Institut de recherche sur la religion publique (PRRI) a révélé que 35% des Américains estiment que la gravité des récentes catastrophes naturelles est une preuve que la planète pourrait approcher d’une fin catastrophique, mentionnée comme « la fin des temps » par la Bible.

Le nombre a diminué de 14% depuis 2014


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #religions #ÉtatsUnis 
 Lausanne: subventionnement des vélos électriques jusqu'en 2026


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Lausanne #Suisse 
 Dans un rapport publié en septembre, les experts du groupe Climate Action Tracker ont souligné la dépendance des Émirats au gaz pour sa production d’électricité, s’inquiétant du pari du pays hôte de la COP28 sur le captage du carbone

mais cet objectif ne prend pas en compte les émissions indirectes produites par les hydrocarbures exportées & brûlées par ses clients, & qui représentent la très grande majorité de son empreinte carbone

#écologie #environnement #Climat #ÉAU 
 France's highest mountain Mont Blanc is shrinking


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #France 
 Des arbres plantés pour limiter l’empreinte carbone ont été détruits par les feux de forêt

Deux plantations de Carbone boréal ont été la proie des flammes. Des chercheurs étudient les dégâts.


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Québec 
 Just Stop Oil protesters disrupt performance of Les Miserables in London

Five apprehended after climate change protesters storm the stage in Les Miserables production


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #art #ClimateStrike #JSO  #London #UK 
 Rishi Sunak annonce l'abandon d'un projet ferroviaire majeur au congrès conservateur


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Angleterre 
 Inde: au moins 10 morts, 82 disparus dans le débordement d'un lac himalayen


#ExtinctionDeMasse #pollution #écologie #environnement #Climat #Inde 
 UK new car sales rise about 20% in September, says industry body SMMT

SMMT had said last month the transition to electric cars in Britain would be hindered by any confusion over climate policy and the need for better incentives for customers


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #car #UK 
 India must Adopt Zero-emissions Technology to Mitigate Methane Emanating from Transport Sector

"While CNG usage surge is expected to continue to grow in the transport sector, there are some challenges to be overcome, including leakage of methane. It contains 80 to 90% methane


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #India 
 The problem is driven by middle- and low-income countries

because that's what they can afford

What's happening is that as a nation grows a bit wealthier there's a change from rural to urban and people leave the country to go to cities, which are often near waterways that flood in places

but as the city expands, it's more likely to grow into areas that it previously avoided, flood zones for instance


#MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate