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 But your not self conscious to tell everyone you think it's a banger. Don't you think that's egot... 
 tfw I made a song in Suno and it's actually a fucking banger but I'm too self conscious to share it 
 After trouble shooting my 15 something year old GPU I've diagnosed enough to know it's fucked. lol

 >for the next 14 months
>the exact amount of time needed to take us all of the way through the election year
Kikes are up to no good right now and working overtime on a way to take advantage of the situation.


 Don't encourage the Wogs Brother Wrath and Gm 
 GM, Brother Dan. lol 
 Starfield is such a "great" game that there are half a dozen articles from various different jour... 
 "Puzzles" is a strong word and that was one of the first things I modded out before I tossed that steaming pile of shit in the bin. lol
Touch sparkles 6,000,000 times. No. I don't think I will.
Fucking riveting gameplay, Bethesda. Hope the ESG bux was worth committing suicide as a company. 
What are they going to do next, send a fucking 'strongly worded letter'? Fucking lol, lmao even 
 Every day it seems the likeliness that many of us will end up embroiled in some form of armed conflict, whatever form that takes for the royal /us/, ticks up a few more percentage points.
Very 'Doomday Clock' except infinitely more real. 
 >200+ notifications
I'm going to bed. 
 >be lefty kikes
>endlessly kvetch about 'geek culture'
>it's full of 'bigots' and 'racists' and 'toxic masculinity'
>proceed appropriate 'geek culture'
>act like they invented it
>ruin it
>blame the right for their repeated failures
What they did to a lot of these 'geek' IPs is the same thing women did to Video Games between 2005 and 2015.
>be early 2000s
>'only nerds play video games'
>'I'd never date a gamer'
>fast foward to 2015
>vapid whores completely inundate the entire entertainment medium
There's a whole fucking timeline somewhere. It's all so tiresome. Gatekeep your hobbies gentlemen and by 'gatekeep' I mean 'no girls allowed'. 
 nostr:npub19eg66cpf3y4ujwn9gsqjkm9peza76wgk500yl89nl34xmfghklqsqg46k0 nostr:npub17ck3xx8cskh9n027... 
 Fucking corpo kikes did to Libertarianism what they did to alarm bells about deforestation, the occupy movement, etc.
They take every legitimate public concern, taint it, and then turn a buck.

Deforestation really pisses me off. How it was coopted and became muh ozone layer, then muh global warming, then 'climate change'. The consequences of each evolution of that grift have been more (((profitable))) and catastrophic on the environment and the people. 
 "He wouldn't want it to be about race, now give his apathetic gf money so she can find, fuck, and live it up with his murderer like the coal burning leftist whore she definitely is."

You're autistic. Saved ya a bunch of cash there. 
 Need money for autism. 
 Well, Scott Adams is okay for a boomer now. Admitted his generation fucked up and that it's up to us (Millennials and Zoomers) to completely destroy the existing systems. 
 I'm a night owl who's been forced to keep a daytime schedule for the past six months and my work for the year is almost over. lol

 Every fiber of my fucking being wants to be awake at these hours and now that there's a night at the end of the tunnel I'm starting to wake up at midnight. lol 
Hope a senator goes completely ape shit postal and wastes half the senate. At the rate we're going this might actually happen. lol

 Good lord this shit is starting to fall apart fast.
Bunch of lefties all getting shot, raped, robbed, or stabbed.
Schisms forming at breakneck speed even among the most evil people in our shithole country.
Either incompetent or malicious nigger pulling alarms to manipulate voting procedures.
Getting wild. Fun even.

 Bing's AI image generator is pretty good but I will never share anything made on there on any of ... 
 It's too late for me then. 
 Really like how being an 'artist' has become a contest of the extent of your vocabulary and ability to stack like a autist.


 we need a dark fedi goon squad (not the leaflord kind) to move to cali and terrorize coons and li... 
 Stupid shit like this makes me reassess what in the fuck I'm doing with my life because these assholes are definitely making bank and won't be punished at all for it. 
 Anime convention called Youmacon. I haven't gone since 2018, but it's been a huge trash fire sinc... 
 Well damn. I only posted that because of the chilling way she asks. lol 
 >The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Anime
It's hardly close but damn if it isn't still good none the less.

 @The Dan Hulson™ you alright?
 How is this blasphemous piece of shit not dangling from a gargoyle right now? 
 inb4 'b-BuT dA dOsSiEr iN Da EmBassSY sAy He Da WuRkIn Fo dA ALDMERI' 
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 He's shitfaced again, isn't he? 
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 Oh yeah. This was 100% a coordinated hit. They had their finger on the trigger and sent some literally who out to make allegations. Now without formal charges or even so much as an arrest they have decided that he is guilty of a crime that probably didn't happen 20 fucking years ago.
It's some of the shadiest bullshit and also speaks to just how little they actually had on Brand. This dude must be squeaky clean, from a legal standpoint, for them to decide that this was the move they wanted to make. 
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 I call dibs on Abby. 
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 This good stuff? 
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 inb4 the Taliban just went for it 
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 It's definitely higher than even that. 
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 They're lying way too hard right now. lol 
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 "Other babies are worth 1/40th a Jewish baby!" 
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 Consider suicide, kike. 
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 We were relatively within each others proximity for a short period of time. lol 
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 I miss 95, 98, and especially XP... 
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 Holy fuck that yid is unhinged.