Very strong employment numbers in the US and Canada today.
Canadian boomers are still retiring.
The ~1M US boomers that died of COVID have still not risen.
Another tech recruiter reached out about a hybrid opportunity today, and they got the standard answer: I'm only considering fully-remote opportunities at this time.
@30ce86c6@6b078667 autistic dogs? WTH? I don't even think it's possible to diagnose autism in dogs.
I think the govt should step up the penalties for missing rabies vaccines in pets. They are already pretty steep, but should include jail time if your unvaccinated dog bites someone and they have to go thru rabies prophylactic treatment. It's usually a little kid. The kid should be able to shoot the owner in the nuts too.
@cf9936ac I have a hand-cranked standing desk, overloaded with 3 monitors and crap on a 6ft x 3ft top. Has served me well for many years with no issue.
@b541bfe5 they pre-threatened to use the notwithstanding clause. We'll see if they follow up, and if the feds will use disallowance against SK's use of the notwithstanding clause.
Still, disallowance hasn't been used against the QC gov using the NWC like drunken sailors.
@cf9936ac@4464071c many, many years ago, when there was only usenet, there was a C or Perl program called the Encheferizer, that produced excellent Swedish-chef mock Swedish.
There were some serious flame wars when trolls started running the serious replies from Swedish forums through it. Probably set back Sweden joining NATO by 30 years.
I never have been able to find it again.
Remember, no matter how uninterested or unqualified you are for the recruiter's opportunity, you always reply that you're too busy and only considering fully-remote opportunities at this time.
@adfbf87b horrible, horrible selfish vile creatures, those bunnies. They kill anything here that isn't a tomato or pepper.
Going with a 4ft fence next year with a quarter inch mesh.
Notes by John Francis | export