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 The violent and extreme far right is reshaping itself.

One of the biggest trends is violent Nazi mixed martial arts clubs meant to recruit and train young men.

The other huge trend is pseudo-benign white lady orgs like M4L, which give those men an excuse to violently enter public space.

 This represents one of the most extremist developments out of the Moms for Liberty world, yet.

Tennessee Active Club isn't just any white supremacist org; it's home to Sean Kaufmann, dangerous Nazi I watched share bomb making plans online on terror Telegram.


 Elon's "smart [white] people should make lots of babies" rhetoric is highly driven by white supremacist replacement theory and eugenics,  and it's something he couples with intentional, aggressive reproduction.

The way he treats the actual labor behind production (aka women) should be a powerful lesson for any women tempted to play handmaiden to these types.


 Practice contractions are super-fun because you're in pain and then you go to look up if it's normal or not and all the med sites are like "oh no they're painless, just like menstrual cramps"

Oh great right, famously painless menstrual cramps 
 This is heartbreaking.

Josh went through so much and came out the other side a compassionate advocate for people whose hardship he knew & could relate to from personal experience, especially folks in unhoused and HIV+ community.

A huge loss for Philly & all who knew him.


 Teaching the toddler to say "dystopia" any time someone asks her where we live 
 I like to give Elon a hard time about things, but he's 100% right on this one.

Everyone knows that the Roman Empire fell because its big box corporations decided to use sensationalized stories of mass theft to disguise their loss of market share to online retail

 Toddler just discovered gendered pronouns, so today is rapidly becoming a giant coming out party for all her toys 
 Always grateful to Will Bunch for his coverage of the Proud Boys and their local impact here in Philly.

 Imagine being so miserable that the very IDEA of a woman enjoying a concert and a delicious breakfast sends you into a boiling misogynistic rage.

Such is the life of Matt Walsh


 Mastodon is missing quote tweet functionality,  Bluesky is missing DMs.

Eventually one or the other is going to adopt its missing vital feature, journalists are gonna finally make the leap en masse, and the Nazi hellhole that once was Twitter will finally, mercifully die. 
 Incredibly surreal to spend years explaining 8chan antisemitism on Twitter, then watch Twitter's owner go mask-off 8chan antisemite 
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 @a461cadf eat the rich, *and* also I always warn folks to be careful with "social parasite" language because it has been used so often by antisemites that it gives antisemitic vibes sometimes even when that is not intended