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Notes by Dr. jonny phd | export

 nostr:npub14d70xk632yuqshz7hdrnnj79j3yufrphy4u7ryekmpr7vztwvf5q8zdm4s yeah this is precisely my i... 
Like I am not an advocate for "fast science" but I just dont understand why it is the prescription of so many metascience papers? "it really sucks being trapped in a small ball that a big machine is pushing really really fast. Makes us all motion sick. Therefore the ball should go slower." Like SURE but also maybe we can get out of the ball or do something about the machine 
 Even if the "publish fewer papers" plan for improving academia were possible, it doesn't make any sense to me. Even if there were fewer papers, presumably the same amount of work would get done, and maybe more since it wouldnt be punctuated by so many long writing and revision cycles.

Whats really the problem anyway? Probably that most results talk past each other and dont build any sort of cumulative understanding. Maybe that we are driven to publish rushed and sloppy work by the prestige economy. I dont see how decreasing the volume of papers while keeping their form and the rest of the system intact addresses that.

They're different, but for the sake of illustration, is it a problem that there are 150-200k edits to Wikipedia every day? Is it a problem that there are ~8 million pages, the vast majority being very low quality? No. Its because things have a place, and you can find things that are related from any given place. Arguably there should be more edits and more versions of pages bc the stodgy Wikipedia mod class.

Imagine instead Wikipedia was structured such that every edit had to be a self contained monograph, organized by the moderator that received the edit rather than by the page topic. Then it would really be a problem, and we might be tempted to plead to slow down editing because we couldnt keep up with all the edit monographs coming in.

IMO too many papers is a symptom of how knowledge disorganization is obscenely profitable. The journal system makes about as much sense as charging for every wiki edit and incentivizing more edits by resisting consensus on a topic. The problem is the form of journal articles and how they're organized, not that there are too many of them. 
 mRNA derived vaccines are indeed great (I am a beneficiary), and the researchers who did the foun... 
Fucking Amen. If there's anything to be learned, its precisely the opposite of "academics are more effective in industry" - the intellectual property regime of for profit science actively prevented the rest of the world from being able to manufacture and access the vaccines. It is a bad thing that two companies manufactured all the mRNA vaccines, as opposed to putting that tech in the public domain and actively assisting with tech transfer. 

If theres one thing we learned from  https://www.peoplesvent.org/en/latest/ it was just how strongly the medical intellectual property and liability regime is designed to favor profit at the expense of health 
 I think in the future if I am ever writing a code paper I am just going to take the list of contributors and copy paste that into the authors list with links to a git blame (with consent). If we're going to have a credit assignment system as broken as authorship, we can at least err on the "include everyone" side of the brokenness - I want the person who submits a PR to fix a typo in the docs to get credit for helping. People being incentivized to make lots of little contributions is good, actually.

It should be the same way with regular papers too - put your lab techs and undergrads on the paper! Put on the grad student/postdoc who isnt explicitly assigned to this project but ends up helping out anyway. Its literally free! Authorship inflation is a made up problem thats not even a problem! 
 #Amazon releases details on its Alexa #LLM, which will use its constant surveillance data to "personalize" the model. Like #Google, they're moving away from wakewords towards being able to trigger Alexa contextually - when the assistant "thinks" it should be responding, which of course requires continual processing of speech for content, not just a word.

The consumer page suggests user data is "training" the model, but the developer page describes exactly the augmented LLM, iterative generation process grounded in a personal knowledge graph that Microsoft, Facebook, and Google all describe as the next step in LLM tech. 


We can no longer think of LLMs on their own when we consider these technologies, that era was brief and has passed. Ive been waving my arms up and down about this since chatGPT was released - criticisms of LLMs that stop short at their current form, arguing about whether the language models themselves can "understand" language miss the bigger picture of what they are intended for. These are surveillance technologies that act as interfaces to knowledge graphs and external services,  putting a human voice on whole-life surveillance






 Tired: reply all to an entire listserv
Wired: reply all to an entire spam address database

 I am yet again graph layout posting.

If there was some meaningful order to nodes, like eg. time of appearance, then could you add that as an additional constraint on initialization, or use that as a means of computing more local position optimizations... or do iterative optimization so nodes that interact more consistently across the order, rather than only in a small burst in part of the order, are represented as being closer together 
 what's the deal with #GoogleScholar constantly reminding you to make subtle metadata updates on all the articles that it indexes on your profile. like I have done nothing, but it is constantly giving me weird and different permutations of the year and capitalization and whatnot.

yet another time I need a #metadata librarian like I need an adult 
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 @909066c4 absolutely not. if anything, post more. this should be a pretty simple fix, just something we hadn't run into before and so didnt' have any sort of storage pruning set up for ;) 
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 @42c36172 I think it's mostly because CRAN mirrors are operated by a bunch of volunteer R nerds rather than some coordinated effort. the one up at OSU is very cute and also legit https://osuosl.org/about/ 
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 Masto strips HTML on incoming federation, but iirc you can detect accepted MIME types and send the markdown to the instances running glitch et. Al that support it and then do a Unicode approximation of the other elements for the ones running base masto. I mean pushing masto to support more of activitypub/streams and making a view for object types other than Note would be cool too. 
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 I have made a model of the schema language so that I can load the schema and its extensions, translate, link, and compile them into another schema language so that I can make different models that can be translated, linked, and compiled into other schema... 
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alright well if you're not even going to engage with what I say and repeat the same thing then I don't see this going anywhere productive.