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 Lunchtime sketch, prompted by the Cardinal family playing outside my window. Reference photo by Paul Tavares, Ontario, Canada (found in the Merlin Bird ID app).


 Post-work watercolor. A big perk of work from home is finding fun uses for reclaimed commute time. :)

 After 8 weeks, I broke down and created an "AI" to help answer emails based on preset scenarios and an "AI"-mediated Q&A. See how it worked out, and learn how to make your own here. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/emails/ Spoiler alert! It hasn't taken over my inbox (yet). 
 Do yourself a favor. Write down the books you've read. Otherwise, some day you'll find yourself wondering if that book looks familiar because you put it on a list to read or because you read it already. Faced with this dilemma, I used "AI" to help extract and clean data from 10 years of emails and online receipts. The result: a list of 400+ books I've already read. Here's a blog post laying out how I did it, and how you could do the same. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/archeology

#AI #Bookstodon #data 
 We planned for a day picking apples and navigating a hedge maze, but despite appearances, that is not a hedge maze. It was the 5 and 9yo’s first tough mudder (it rained a lot yesterday).

 Geekery Notice: RegEx!!!

In addition to being an open source client-side RSS reader with an algo-driven timeline that keeps your votes and searches on your device, https://myrssalgo.org just added a bunch of RegEx¹ functionality. 

Yes, there’s a RegEx-enabled search, but wait for it… now you can use RegEx to promote and mute content in your timeline—the dream is real!

¹ https://www.codingthelaw.org/Fall_2020/level/5/#intro_vid

#SuffolkRSSalgo #RegEx #RSS #FOSS

 nostr:npub1f2cqt26jn8r9tjajr6v38k9pesavd3trcyx5xskke55py8um05hqqjyavf nostr:npub1ttq42glgk9e0jsts... 
 IP issue-spotter of the day 
 @e7f76f0d I love this sort of thing as an issue spotter because for me it underlines how the same tech can be used to produce output that clearly infringes but (using other examples) also output that doesn't. I love the complexity of something which is not all or nothing. Reminds me of VCRs. 
 Do people make these kinds of arguments in other areas of the law? Do contracting parties argue i... 
 @e7f76f0d without seeing this post, I seem to have already replied to it. :/ See https://mastodon.social/@Colarusso/111177227122942673 
 I'm still thinking about the speaker at yesterday's #CounterfeitRoundtable who seemed to suggest ... 
 @e7f76f0d your summary from yesterday reminded me of these cases I used to see as a public defender where car rental/leasing companies would report cars stolen as a means to get the cops and courts to deal with their contract disputes. Basically, they wanted to turn the cops into their repo men and the courts into their collection agents by trying to make a civil dispute into a criminal matter. The end result was getting taxpayers to foot their cost of doing business. 😠 
 Work from home provides for some interesting "memories." This afternoon, the 5yo got to show off her watercolors to a member of our state's supreme court. Side note, if you're a supreme court justice and you engage my daughter in a nice discussion about her art, you become my favorite supreme court justice. 
 A good number of you know that I run @acfe394d (a bot that boosts #LawFedi content), but did you know ICYMI has a sibling? 

@a0cec04f is a bot that posts links to laugh lines in #SCOTUS arguments. It's a great way to engage with the cases and a nice occasional distraction. You should tell all your friends! ;) 
 My wife and I continue to use our turns picking family movies to introduce the 5 and 9yo to essential 80’s movies. This will be the 5yo’s first viewing. 👽

 5yo is home sick on the Moon Festival. So, it's time for one of the great musical montages of children's cinema (esp. if you're a 5yo girl who wants one day to visit the moon). #OverTheMoon Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.


 "When I scan the universe, it reveals truth and gives meaning. It's what I'm meant to do." 🖖 
 After the kids enjoyed Robert Preston in The Music Man, this week’s family movie choice was clear. “Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada…”


 Shana Tova! 
 This week we were doing a photo shoot for @32435a3d, and one of the associate deans approached the university photographer about getting a new head shot. They didn't want to become "one of those professors whose photo makes students question if they're in the right room." Hats off to you dean. Hats off. 
 I am on my way to #Ireland and I cannot wait. Pending question: Can I not check my work email for... 
 @f74b1fb3 if you figure it out, let me know your secret. And safe travels. :) 
 Remember this, there is but one unforgivable sin—failing to learn from ones mistakes. 
 I love the ability to edit posts and burden my friends with unending edit notifications as I ruminate over proper syntactic and semantic constructions. Yeah, that introductory clause really didn't need a comma. Um, for clarity I really should have said X, not Y. Wait did I put two spaces after that word...? 
 On X's apparent practice of not paying bills, "'Vendors should not have to sue a company in order to get paid, the same as employees,' Liss-Riordan said. 'It makes me question frankly why anyone would want to do business with someone who doesn't pay their bills.'"

 nostr:npub1cqwfpu4znm2al0jksr5ah40vqcmdgf9gsvjh269k3pfdjrlllkks2jqsc0 nostr:npub14wm95mv2m7r53w8q... 
 @e7f76f0d there's something tragically funny about how I now seem to know more about these types of cases from your social media outreach than the plaintiff's attorneys in this case did. :(

Thank you for your service. :) 
 nostr:npub1ulmk7rglm7y8cykt7h40zhwnhv9c37qxq5tnna3jqz4wjx52wd8q2whweg These flags look pretty sim... 
 @abb65a6d my understanding is that the plaintiffs got the court to take action ex parte making use of tools only available under trademark. So whether or not they have a copyright claim, they abused the court by asking for extraordinary action that is only available for claims they don't actually have, nor it would appear did they have a good faith basis to believe they had them. @e7f76f0d