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Notes by taijireality | export

 a sea of programmed blue-lit faces 
 In jazz terms blue is all about sadness. 
 Please read and sign the Hope Accord to restore sanity to vaccine policy: https://TheHopeAccord.org 
 it’s all theater. 

walk out. 
 Walk out to where? While we were in the theater they stole everything outside of it. 
 Bitcoin Magazine asks RFK Jr. about his plan to back the dollar with Bitcoin. Robert Kennedy Jr. explains how he will stop runaway inflation through hard currencies like gold, silver, platinum, and bitcoin. #soundmoney #gold #bitcoin

 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has just announced that the first thing he will do as President is to pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. 


His statement starts around 21’00”

 The exits are closing.

Make sure you have a plan and resources in place. 
 Which exits are you referring to? 
 A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. 
 Not playing is not an option - until death. 
 "Stop resisting, Stop resisting!" is one of the most instantly recognizable phrases of the new Am... 
 In taijiquan the perception of an opponents resistance gives you information about their abilities. The ideal is to be entirely empty of resistance such that when they attempt to place force on you it has nowhere to land. 

In this way they defeat themselves by fighting things that are not there. 
 It seems I can’t upload a profile photo on iris. 
 Am having the same problem. Please let me know if you find a fix, thanks. 
 Western leadership points to the behavior of other nations as the reason for the tragic state of the world. They refuse to recognize it’s their own lack of understanding and consequent misguided policy that’s mostly responsible.

Wise leadership interacts with the world on negotiable terms and does not attempt to force other’s behavior to align with its own preconceived myopia.

Here in the US we have been plagued with inept leadership on both sides of the aisle for too long. The world cannot take it anymore. We need competent open minded leadership. #Kennedy2024 
 No form of civilization? Modern industrial production, perhaps - but civilization? Persia, India, China - you’re either kidding or unbelievably ignorant.

And by the way - modern industrial production (if that’s what you meant) is not equivalent to civilization at all. Why is the West so desperately trying to recover its sense of cultural identity? Industrialism destroys culture. 
 This is what you wrote:

“No country has had any form of civilization until the west colonized them.”

You were not talking about the present. Nice bluff.

There’s no way to separate the present civilizations in India & China from their past iterations. Maybe Iran but that’s mostly due to the efforts of of Kermit Roosevelt Jr. and the Iranian reaction to the overthrow of their government and installation of the Shah by the ever so civilized West.

But feel free to make up whatever bullshit you like.  That’s the beauty of this medium. 
 Brilliant argument!

You have no idea what you’re talking about but don’t let that stop you - confidence and bluster always trumps actual competency. You’ll go far for sure.

He’s not for reparations: https://x.com/thechiefnerd/status/1715040063363407907?s=61&t=1u_fwgtV4aWRzyoQeiP12w

 Kennedy supporters: we now have clarity in our direction - we must convince ALL reasonable Independents and as many Blues and Reds as possible to join us in restoring our floundering democracy! 

To assist you in spreading the word I have made this QR Menu, about which someone remarked “This works like a charm! How could anyone view these videos and NOT vote for Bobby?”

Pass it around! https://image.nostr.build/9cb34cb0bba18c12602029466e0ab26423679ed979602581246a7122e390564c.png  
 I think the situation in Israel is going to be dramatically destabilizing to global security. 
 It will be used as the excuse to take the gloves off - and not just in that region.

Is it a coincidence that the FBI just created a “MAGA extremist” category last week? 
 A unique debate event utilizing blockchain tech to restore US democracy! https://freeandequal.org/ 
 I believe Nostr could play a major role in restoring US Democracy if we get organized. All other social media platforms are compromised and will be used to quash 3rd party or Independent candidates. We can use Nostr as a reliable place to maintain a network, strategize and coordinate action on other sites. If you’re ready to make it happen convene here: npub12vpqxleuesz053fdxr40ey7vhecrkxlh4m0u5ft8gvke2wlyl82sej00nk 
 The thing about corrupt totalitarians is they have a tendency to eat their own. Don’t despair - nothing is certain but it’s also the case that  meaningful political is not impossible when good people decide they’ve had enough.

Nostr can play a huge role in this upcoming election if the movers here decided to organize. Kennedy is the only candidate who explicitly supports BTC - he accepts it for campaign contributions!

What the f is everyone waiting for? 
 Status quo is the opt out. 
 What’s the one issue? 
 RFK Jr. is the first candidate to accept contributions in BTC, right? Do you support his candidacy? 
 Hard not to feel disappointed in the media these days. Harder still as you age, having read certa... 
 Corruption is an entirely natural process 
 Just paid the 5000 sats to join eden.nostr.land Interested to see what it is like 
 Would love to see that list too... 
 If anybody is interested, I can do their profile pic and banner pic selection for them🫶💜 Fi... 
 I'm game!
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