He cares, bigly. His MAGA followers are penniless gun-nut sycophants or rich business owners who hope for the tax break his rule could provide.. His "business deals" abroad are all contingent on what business he can bring them in the future.
When stripped of his fame and earnings potential he will fade away like Enron or any other scam that once held sway on our attention.
It would appear that *that* party's capture by extremists was but a handful of whacks that played the numbers game to make a statement. It is now incumbent on *that* party's actual leaders to take back control of the children and play nice on the schoolyard.
I am still, to this day, doubfounded that "The Floridian Fondler" got away with it. We knew, prior to his ascendence to office, who he is. It was laid bare in direct recorded quotes (grab 'em by the pussy, etc) that this "man" is evil. How did this come to pass? How have we strayed so far from reality to allow this gollum to harvest so much attention from us?
This must end now! Stop giving air to the gas-bag that wants to hurt us all.
The only possible reaction to this outrage could be WTF? If tomorrows papers do not have outrage on the front page we need to clean house around here.
I want to believe we (all of us) are better than that. Among my friend and family group I know several that would identify as "conservative" (honestly, I would as well outside the current context). None of them or I would willingly be a spoiler for the MAGA viewpoint in a jury pool. Do not lose hope that people are good, Dan. Most of us are true to what is good in this world and will fight for it as you do.
@f8d9bc1c I recall and miss using an Emacs Usenet client to chat among friends on a Linux netsec board 20 years ago. I fondly recall user “Luke” posting “ring, ring, Neo” and waiting for my reply before he dialed me (from Australia!) to surprise me (I’m American). I miss Usenet chat.
Now it is just a service that I use as a utility for pulling in binary data using a suite of software that decrypts gobbledygook posted in text form to forums that I’m unfamiliar with.
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