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 Hyvää perjantai 13. päivää. 
 Japanilainen tutkimusryhmä on eristänyt mikromuovi­hiukkasia japanilaisia vuoria ympäröivistä pilvistä. 

Tutkijoiden mukaan tulokset todistavat, että mikromuovi leviää ilmakehässä ympäri maapalloa tehokkaasti ja muovien yhteisvaikutus kasvihuone­kaasujen kanssa kiihdyttää ilmaston­muutosta.

 Tämä on mun 6464. tuutti. 
 Talking about open and ethical way of using social media (Mastodon) is like talking about sobriet... 
 @c6d0060b being angry and being drunk makes people numb. that's kind a the point.

you're asking people to feel and that's scary shit, bro. 
 If everyone who has an account on X is a nazi, and everyone who has an account on Bluesky is a na... 
 @c6d0060b yes. 
 - Mom, can we buy freedom?
- Honey, we have freedom at home.

Freedom at home:
*sad Trump noises* 
 Miksi äärioikeisto tykkää Venäjästä?

#äärioikeisto #Venäjä #politiikka 
 @1f235f4c niillä on yhteinen kuvitteellinen vihollinen, joka uhkaa heidän tavallista ja normaalia elämäntapaansa jatkuvasti. 
 I feel like hung-over this morning. And I don't drink. My mood is low, my head hurts, no energy. ... 
 @c6d0060b run for fun, not like hell. 
 nostr:npub1cj8t48a7vxu80f3gt7j654t8957jsdpl6gdgwx4lx9889nn3lhcq8x0jjz funnily enough, moments bef... 
 @c721880c god in me connects with the god in you 🤭 
 so, dharma as in the natural order of things, justice, law, these are the eternal rules of life a... 
 @c721880c also Atman, which is the god within us is much like same than Holy Spirit in christianity. 
 I learned from Star Wars, that there were group of elite, who could manipulate people's thoughts to cloud their judgment and solve problems by using force, but that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. 
