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 What's this ReplyGuy and why's it echoing every post I make?


#replyguy #bot 
 If the government wants to clamp down on miss information it should shut the fuck up; 98% of miss information would be gone immediately. 
#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint 
#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint 
#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint 
 Well, well, well. Cambridge University's Naked Scientists forum just deleted a thread about my device after it had been running for perhaps two weeks. None of their 'naked' scientists wanted to look at the geometry and magnetic fields in the device, rather they just dismissed it and when I questioned their dogma they said they were not dogmatic, they were open minded and no scientific laws are certain, all are open to be disproved or improved with sufficient empirical evidence. And then they deleted the thread. Very open minded. Not. 
 The Switched Flux Transmission has now evolved into a Switched Flux Magnetic Motor. It should now start running as soon as it is assembled solely due to the geometry of the device and the arrangement of magnets and low reluctance paths. Prove me wrong.


More info on my web page: https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/sfmm

Full CAD files at: https://github.com/prajna-pranab/sfmm-Mk1

#opensource #freeenergy, #zeropoint #overunity 
 Whelp, I've come up with a completely revolutionary (heh, heh, excuse the pun) design for my free energy device. This one should start running the moment it is assembled and not stop till it wears out. It works on the same principle as my previous ones but I've found a way to make it so that it doesn't need any input energy; just the geometry of the device and magnetic force will run it. It has even given the skeptics on the physics forums pause for thought.

More info on https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/sfmm

Here's the simulation:

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sfmm 
 Maybe so. Or maybe the laws of thermodynamics are less universal than the dogma suggests. 
 Whelp, I've come up with a completely revolutionary (heh, heh, excuse the pun) design for my free energy device. This one should start running the moment it is assembled and not stop till it wears out. It works on the same principle as my previous ones but I've found a way to make it so that it doesn't need any input energy; just the geometry of the device and magnetic force will run it. It has even given the skeptics on the physics forums pause for thought.

More info on https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/sfmm

Here's the toon:

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sfmm 
 I totally forgot that there was a free energy engineer on nostr.

(Who was it who had the idea to... 
 Whelp, I've come up with a completely revolutionary (heh, heh, excuse the pun) design for my free energy device. This one should start running the moment it is assembled and not stop till it wears out. It works on the same principle as my previous ones but I've found a way to make it so that it doesn't need any input energy; just the geometry of the device and magnetic force will run it. It has even given the skeptics on the physics forums pause for thought.

More info on https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/sfmm

Here's the toon:

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sfmm 
 Whelp, I've come up with a completely revolutionary (heh, heh, excuse the pun) design for my free energy device. This one should start running the moment it is assembled and not stop till it wears out. It works on the same principle as my previous ones but I've found a way to make it so that it doesn't need any input energy; just the geometry of the device and magnetic force will run it. It has even given the skeptics on the physics forums pause for thought.

More info on https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/sfmm

Here's the toon:

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sfmm 
 Does anyone else posting on github experience malware link bots posting immediately after e.g. cr... 
 I do notice that when I post a new repo there are immediately a number of clones and I've been told they are bots looking for keys accidentally left in the code. 
 Sadly, I need to redesign. At this scale it is very difficult to get the tolerance needed to get this design to work. Also I need to design in adjustment for lining things up. The crank mechanism, whilst beautiful and good in theory is not ideal in practice, so I'll use a much simpler Scotch Yoke system to convert the reciprocal motion to rotary motion.

 Thanks for posting. Hallbach arrays are very interesting and his "field cancellation" is exactly the principle I am using. It would have been more interesting if he had gone into more detail and examined some of the other aspects of field cancellation. 
 Nostriches of the #android

Which OS do you use? Why?

Stock Android, graphene, calyx, lineage, o... 
 Using stock coz I have a Redmi oddball, not easy to change. Used to run Cyanogen years ago on an Xperia. Also have a Nexus running Ubuntu Touch. I'd run that on my Redmi if I could. 
 Bitcoiners! If you had the choice between deploying tomorrow a #FreeEnergy technology that would ... 
 Interesting, I've recently invented a (possibly) free energy machine. Just waiting for FabLab to get back to me with a quote to build it.

 Off to FabLab. Wish me luck. Here's another render before I go:

 I picked up the printed parts from FabLab a couple of days ago and am in the process of cleaning up the parts for assembly. 
 Latest Switched Flux Transmission (SFT) simulation:


#FreeEnergy #ZeroPoint #OverUnity #SFT 
 Latest Switched Flux Transmission (SFT) simulation:


#FreeEnergy #ZeroPoint #OverUnity #SFT 
 Latest Switched Flux Transmission (SFT) simulation:


#FreeEnergy #ZeroPoint #OverUnity #SFT 
 Latest Switched Flux Transmission (SFT) simulation:


#FreeEnergy #ZeroPoint #OverUnity #SFT 
 Who needs 3D printing when you can just use good ol' fashioned elbow grease and duct tape? 😂 #... 
 You guys don't know much about engineering do you? The rule is: if it moves and it shouldn't -> duct tape; if it should move and it doesn't -> wd40 (but actually, wd40 is their 40th attempt to come up with a decent water dispersant, it's not really a lubricant at all.) 
 Well I'm real anyway. 'legit' might be a bit of a stretch given that I'm off-grid and an infamous rebel (I feature in the UK's domestic terrorists list, I believe). If you read my website carefully you will see that I am not claiming overunity so much as suggesting there might be. Either way we should know in a week or so once I can get it built and tested. 
 I'm working on it. Just waiting for my FabLab to respond with a date to discuss it but they have an event all this week so it will probably be early next week. 
 My Switched Flux Transmission is now up on GitHub ready for anyone to download, explore and adapt.

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sft #freedom #discussion

Take a look at https://github.com/prajna-pranab/SFT?tab=readme-ov-file 
 My Switched Flux Transmission is now up on GitHub ready for anyone to download, explore and adapt.

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sft #freedom #discussion

Take a look at https://github.com/prajna-pranab/SFT?tab=readme-ov-file 
 My Switched Flux Transmission is now up on GitHub ready for anyone to download, explore and adapt.

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sft #freedom #discussion

Take a look at https://github.com/prajna-pranab/SFT?tab=readme-ov-file 
 My Switched Flux Transmission is now up on GitHub ready for anyone to download, explore and adapt.

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sft #freedom #discussion

Take a look at https://github.com/prajna-pranab/SFT?tab=readme-ov-file 
 My Switched Flux Transmission is now up on GitHub ready for anyone to download, explore and adapt.

#freeenergy #overunity #zeropoint #sft #freedom #discussion

Take a look at https://github.com/prajna-pranab/SFT?tab=readme-ov-file 

Don't be a Marxist or SWP,
be nameless, blameless, peaceful and free,
be a subject of Nature, your nature, like me.
Not this'ism or that'ist or bound by belief;
escape all your limits and challenge the thief
who distracted, addicted you,
taught fear, greed and hate;
challenge your ego, your culture and STATE!

- by Prajna Pranab, 23/3/2005


Don't be a Marxist or SWP,
Be nameless, blameless, peaceful and free,
Be a subject of Nature, your nature, like me.
Not this'ism ot that'ist or bound by belief;
Escape all your limits and challenge the thief
Who distracted, addicted you,
Taught fear, greed and hate;
Challenge your ego, your culture and STATE!

Prajna Pranab, 23/3/2005 
 My one follower is interested in astrology. Maybe some others are too. I created an app that displays the Universal Celestial Calendar, a perpetual solar calendar based on the zodiac, the Yuga system and great year of the Greeks, the pagan eightfold year and ancient Egyptian calendar (probably shouldn't mention the Illuminati calendar that was used briefly in France after the revolution). It breaks us free from the seven day slavery system that has us out of touch with the seasons and the cosmos and puts usback in connection with the zodiac and our real state of consciousness (governed by our orbital position in the 24,000 year orbit with Sirius, which the Yuga system is based on, as was the Great Year).

Anyway, if any of that seems interesting then head on over to  for an introduction to the calendar and for the app.

#Discusd #Freedom #ucc #universalcommunitycalendar 
 Here's something I recently invented. It's causing quite an interesting discussion on scienceforums.com because it looks like a free energy device (and that is an anathema to physicists). Anyway, if you're interested take a look at https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT/

#overunity #freeenergy #zeropoint 
 I'm too terrified by the URL name to click on this. But very curious post indeed lol:

 Ah, tomboy-pink is like, "what's the sound of one hand clapping?". What colour is tomboy pink? Is there even such a colour? Have some courage. :) 
 This is a hot topic in the Classical Physics forum on scienceforums.com. don't know if you're interested but I have developed a device that looks suspiciously like a free energy device and it has, as I say, sparked off quite an interesting discussion. Here's a link to my page about the device: http://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT/ (soon it will be on an Https link but I'm in the middle of transferring the domain atm, so meanwhile just ignore browser complaints that the site's insecure.) 
 I have recently developed something that looks suspiciously like a free energy device, so much so that the physicists on scienceforums.com were initially reluctant to even evaluate it. All the info and links to discussions, the FreeCAD model etc are on my website: http://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT 
 Thanks for the zap. I give this to the world for free (which is how it should be) but I certainly appreciate anything offered back. 
 I have recently developed something that looks suspiciously like a free energy device, so much so that the physicists on scienceforums.com were initially reluctant to even evaluate it. All the info and links to discussions, the FreeCAD model etc are on my website: http://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT 
 You get to determine what words mean to you. You do not get to determine what words mean to me. Y... 
 Actually, McCarthy was all about stopping a comunist (read Jewish) subversion and take-over of the US government. He was a good guy rather than the way he is represented in the (jewish) media. He failed, btw. 
 Been thinking about free or new energy systems recently. Based on what Luke Gromen has said any e... 
 I have recently developed something that looks suspiciously like a free energy device, so much so that the physicists on scienceforums.com were initially reluctant to even evaluate it. All the info and links to discussions, the FreeCAD model etc are on my website: http://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT 
 Here's something I recently invented. It's causing quite an interesting discussion on scienceforums.com because it looks like a free energy device (and that is an anathema to physicists). Anyway, if you're interested take a look at https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT/
#overunity #freeenergy #zeropoint
 OK, so you guys showed me McDonald's jacked prices at least 130% on the core budget item: the mcc... 
 And the "100% beef" is actually hormones, antibiotics and mRna vaccines. Time to go veggie (but, of course, they'll poison them too.) 
Event not found
Event not found
 Ah, Robert Murray-Smith inspired my latest invention!

It's causing quite an interesting discussion on scienceforums.com because it looks like a free energy device (and that is an anathema to physicists). Anyway, if you're interested take a look at https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT/
#overunity #freeenergy #zeropoint
Event not found
 Here's something I recently invented. It's causing quite an interesting discussion on scienceforums.com because it looks like a free energy device (and that is an anathema to physicists). Anyway, if you're interested take a look at https://tomboy-pink.co.uk/SFT/
#overunity #freeenergy #zeropoint