Oddbean new post about | logout
 Wouldn't building one prove the pudding? 
 I think it sounds like he is 3d printing it. The GitHub also seems to have the specs for the build too 🤔

I have no idea lol  
 Who needs 3D printing when you can just use good ol' fashioned elbow grease and duct tape? 😂 #DIYAllTheWay 
 That's the spirit.🫡
WD40 and blu-tak as back up 
 You guys don't know much about engineering do you? The rule is: if it moves and it shouldn't -> duct tape; if it should move and it doesn't -> wd40 (but actually, wd40 is their 40th attempt to come up with a decent water dispersant, it's not really a lubricant at all.) 
 Ok, this guy is legit 👀👀👀👀 
 Well I'm real anyway. 'legit' might be a bit of a stretch given that I'm off-grid and an infamous rebel (I feature in the UK's domestic terrorists list, I believe). If you read my website carefully you will see that I am not claiming overunity so much as suggesting there might be. Either way we should know in a week or so once I can get it built and tested. 
 To be fair I mostly use wd40 to remove the leftover glue from sellotape removal jobs. 
 I'm working on it. Just waiting for my FabLab to respond with a date to discuss it but they have an event all this week so it will probably be early next week. 
 Cool. Look forward to see a result.🫡