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Notes by GoToHealth | export

 Pre-diabetes is severe glucose intolerance.  
Type 2 Diabetes is Glucose toxicity.
Once you under... 
 They do.  93% of North Americans are insulin resistant! 
 Reduce carbohydrate consumption.  Replace with fatty meat.  Type 2 can reverse within a few weeks on a carnivore diet..😉 
 Your DNA for the most part is not your destiny, it merely influences what you're vulnerable to.
This gives YOU the power!..💪🥰 
 Craig Wright is a fraud. 
 ...and severely retarded! 
 Just keep dollar cost averaging in to Bitcoin, Ken!
You got this..🥰 
 I have 500 Sats to give to some kind souls 

Comment what you’re grateful for below 👇🏽 
 Grateful for my health & sanity..🙏 
 Short little clip about free speech that makes just too much sense. 
Canada is fucked.  

 Canada is TOTALLY fucked.  I would know, I was born, raised, and grew up in one of the biggest SHITHOLE cities, Vancouver..💩 
 FUCK yeah!!..💪 
 FUCK yeah!..💪🙏
 Traveling by train in Germany is a nightmare. Decades of stagnation thanks to government interven... 
 I hear ya.
Before and after Nostriga this summer we spent some time in Berlin.  It wasnt long before we realized it's the same shithole city that our home town of Vancouver, BC is.
The experiment has failed. Ann Coulter was right.  Mass  immigration has destroyed the western world, (among similar other stuff)..💩 
 Why does Trump need a fake tan?

Shouldn't someone who golfs as much as him have no trouble acqui... 
 Actually he's pretty damn sexy!  I don't know any other man with the self confidence, drive, and massive BALLS of Donald J. Trump..💪😎 
 Probs too much pizza... 
 How am I so lucky but so unlucky in love at the same time..? 🥹🥲 
 Are luck & love connected?..🤔 
 It is particularly funny when the government is telling me bitcoin bad.
Mostly because i know wha... 
 I found it particularly funny when the government claimed there was a viral pandemic in 2020, got right up close in our grill, and then mandated mRNA vaccines...🤡💩 
 In my experience, based on training, the best investors are…

 I think 95% of people will never be successful entrepreneurs because they make stupidly emotional decisions on the most important things in life.. 
 Day 4 on the #liondiet: I had my first bowel movement yesterday since beginning the lion diet, to... 
I've had itchy, leaky, scaly ears for 6 years now, along with an itchy, scaly patch on my elbow.  I thought it was a detox from cutting out sugar & carbs, but an IGg food sensitivity blood test revealed I'm SEVERELY reactive to egg yolks and more so to egg whites.  Since cutting them out in January my ears have healed about 89%...
Food sensitivity is more sinister than allergy because it takes longer to display symptoms, like 8 days for me, whereas a food allergy will show up immediately, easily allowing you to identify the culprit...🧐 
 You're MY kinda doctor Ken..
Ya call a spade a spade with a little potty mouth thrown in!..😆
Really diggin your content on Nostr and YouTube..🥰 
 Woohoo, good for you!..😍 
 Anyone notice how child sex trafficking was unknown to most pre Trump era?

When he got into offi... 
 I have a really low tolerance for people who don't do their own, independent research and just eat the propaganda from MSM right up.
I can't relate...🤷‍♀️ 
 Sounds like you're doing great.
I had, and still strughle with under-eating.  Keeping weight on can be a challenge if you don't have a lot of excess body fat when you start.  In 2 weeks I was humming along with good energy, better sleep, and those blissful ketone bodies.  Keeping the fat intake up really helps with satiety if you're hungry.
I was plagued with leg cramps early but made my own solé water which worked well.
Keep posting!..🥰🥰🥰 
 My carnivore diet connects me deeper to humanity and my femininity...💕
This could heal transgenderism!👫

 Day 2 - Lion Diet Challenge 

Yesterday was a rough start but mainly because I started to feel co... 
 In a couple of weeks you're going to be sailing right along..
Once those ketone bodies hit your brain you'll feel so blissful you'll never look back!..🫠 
 If you are fat & sick then you are dependent and weak.
You have to fix yourself before you can he... 
 My goal is to help others but first I'm walking my talk.  10 months  on carnivore diet, 90% lion diet.  My brain cells have changed and my thoughts are different.
It's exciting again to be a human!
 Today is Day 1 of the Lion Diet Challenge!

We are doing 30 days to reset and see how we feel aft... 
 Good for you!
I've been doing 90% lion diet for almost a year now.  I include bacon.  I had to cut out my beloved eggs due to a severe food sensitivity so that's a huge bummer but my itchy, leaky, crusty ears of 6 years are about 88% healed.  How would I have known it was a food sensitivity unless I got IGg blood tested?  I'm just grateful to be able to heal through this ultimate elimination diet.
I eat a pound of wagyu beef patties with 6 thick slices of prague salt cured bacon every morning, and an 8 oz steak every night.  If I'm having tenderloin I drizzle it with a bit of the wagyu tallow.
Yes, I still have decaf coffee daily.  I feel incredible!..💪 
 Can you identify your 'drug foods'?  You know,  that carby stuff you can't seem to quit eating that is destroying your healthy gut microbiome, and feeding the bad bugs? 
 When people tell me "that's a conspiracy theory", I tell them,  "No, it's a conspiracy fact"... 
 Go carnivore.
Even just for 60 days.
What do you have to lose?
The power is within us ALL to create the health and lives we desire!..😍 
 Yes, eating high fat meat feeds the brain what it wants.   Saturated animal fat and cholesterol heals the starving brain.  It heals carb addiction, regulates insulin and all other hormones.  You won't want a cheat day because you will begin to identify your drug foods.  Your mood will elevate and you'll feel happier all the time..🥰 
And quite quickly too... 
 I just bought a newly released book entitled, "The Indoctrinated Brain".  I'm hoping it will help me understand people who don't ask questions or who believe whatever corporate controlled media tells them, as I really struggle with this.
Wish me luck! 
 Dr. Chris Palmer talks about healing severe mental illness through changing the diets of his patients.  More meat, less carbs for the win!..💪

 Anyone watching the Menendez docu on Netflix entitled  'MONSTERS'?  Also watching the multiple, strong evidence for severe child abuse and repeated rapings of the brothers by their father which was NOT presented to the jury before they reached their verdict of "guilty of first degree murder" of their parents.
Holy Mother of God!, this is very disturbing to watch and to comprehend but as a society we must learn the truth of pure evil and human suffering in order to strengthen as a people..🙏🙏🙏 
 I believe we're at peak clown-world right now!.🤡 
 Is BTC really the protection from political upheaval that it feels like it is?? 
 I disagree as do many others.
Eventually, everything will be priced in Bitcoin! 
 This could be life altering for me in my 9 year thus far attempt to learn Spanish. Beginning with living in Havana and taking private lessons through ¡la universidad de la Habana con mi profesora!
I'm excited!
Thank you Jack..🙏 
 Growing up with Cuban and Puerto Rican roots, my culture has always been rich with flavors and tr... 
 My roots are English & Scottish.  Eating a carnivore diet connects me to my northern ancestors naturally and easily as I learn this is how they lived and ate.  It feels right, deep inside my DNA.  I feel like I'm finally home..🥰 
 9 principles of nature

1. Nature runs on sunlight.
2. Nature uses only the energy it needs.
3. N... 
 8 and 9 resonate so powerfully with me as I've struggled with excess my entire life.  An all meat diet is completely in sinc with nature.  The healing has been profound, and the gratitude immense..🙏🙏🙏 
 The medical industry is the number 3 cause of death in the western world.
Food is number 1 and 2... 
 I am learning more today about the #carnivorediet—there’s always something new to learn! 

I ... 
 I'm in the same boat as you!
Been listening to Judy Cho, Georgia Ede, Robert Lustig and Ben Bikman.  These are some of the brilliant people in the natural healing space..🥰🙏
 Only when the pain from eating processed carbohydrate becomes greater than the pain from healing the addiction..

 If voting made any difference they'd outlaw it! 
 I tripled my body's production of testosterone recently which seems to have the side effect of 10... 
 Cut out the fruits & veggies and you'll no longer fart! 
 I'd like to learn more about chemtrails, can you point me to some good info?..🙏🩶 
 governments ability to commit terrorism at home & abroad only expands as people welcome the state... 
 I have friends right now who are dying from type 2 diabetes because they can't shake their massive addiction to carbs! 
 Remember those dated dolphin breaching tatties on the lower backs of girls in the 90s?  LOL! 
 Baby boomers are the first generation in history that will not outlive their parents...😔 
 Ok, watched some videos you guys recommended & read some crypto history…  
Converting all ETH t... 
Maybe you'll follow Saifedean Ammous and Lyn Alden.  Two greats in the education of Austrian Economics..🥰 

Zuck wants me to post more on my dead Instapoo account with the prestige of my government ID...😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 
 Be wary of anything coming at us 'for free'...😉 
 Dr. Ken Berry is a force to be reckoned with.  When I read his 2019 book, LIES MY DOCTOR TOLD ME  I was ummediately hooked.  He's since gone on to walk his talk by adopting a "proper human diet", i.e. a carnivore diet.  Catch him and his lovely wife Neisha on Monday nights live on YT where they'll answer all your questions about this profound lifestyle!..🤎
(Maybe he'll even post the sessions here on Nostr!)

 Thanks for the great advice, it makes sense!..💜