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Notes by sargoysmuck | export

 then why does ian crossland talk endlessly about doing moderation on minds.com 
 So youre jewish then?  
 what's with the green laser in the last mp4 
 Shinning it at riot police like st floyd riots. 
 also the cum 
 The voice

> you vill coom

 holy shit it's jihad time 
 This could be the mad max of our generatio.  Imagine lord miles reporting on the convoy… 
 Jeff cliff. #theprophet #darkjeff

 Knowing the kikes they let this happen to give themselves further casus belli 
 Never forgot the greed at seeing ukies get their aid… 
 Geopolitics is a lot more complicated than most people (you?) think.

If you think Israel is "The... 
 No, they are both equally reprehensible, Vid related.  Orthodox scripture doesn’t necessarily mean you believe the same things or worship the same god (gods), it’s more about observing ritual.  That’s why there’s an entire legal section (talmud) about it.

I think I’m going to put some baileys in my coffee and watch the rockets fly this morning :cheers:

 I don't even want to go to sleep now. Debating on whether or not to make a pot of coffee. 
 Haven’t been on in a few days and was awoken by nothing with an urge to check in and am not disappoint.

 How are you indigenous and a terf. It’s obvious that you’re cucked by white Europeans. And I... 
 do us all a favor and 41% yourself tranny.

I hope one of you fucks around on casino land and gets ritual sacrificed.

 Gays are so repulsively oversexed and depraved that we as a society have to invest millions into ... 
 These antibiotics have a finite number of uses as well.  Them being wasted on this will eventually cause a medical disaster after everything is prematurely made resistant to our current lineup. 
 Is Tariq just self owning at this point? 
 @Autism is a Choice ‘s take on nashneed is how I view him.  Basically a s tier shitpoaster raking in sheckles from retards. 
 “At least it’s rain water”. She says wallowing around in floodwater you stupid cunt 🤣 

I never I understood people’s obsession with driving in floods like this either.  Even if you don’t hydrolock your engine your still going to be filling your differentials up with water, amongst other things. 
 I guess. It says he is an admin. Of what? 
 It’s the fse admin 
 I was going to say that it was nice of them to censor elftummy’s waifu. 
 sometimes shit gets stuck friend but nobody is "throttling" you 
 nostr:npub1lnzm7z9lye2k22rlsy8hh9j426dl4kd54wh0endygjgax9q6nx9qusk8dk nostr:npub1wqw5r76y3ka9enyx... 
 Did they use a third party boring company?  They have to be separately bonded and most power companies have linemen and powerhouse workers and outsource the rest. 
 He’s probably ruined if that retard lives tbh. 
 Only way I can see that is if they jump in to help Ukraine. How does all that work though? Will t... 
 Them maintaining their current bases and infrastructure is looking like it’ll require conscription.  Apparently the darpa ethots didn’t pan out. 
 You ain't gonna convince Graf that I was a Fuentes ally since I knew him way before Fuentes myste... 
 nostr:npub1jk4395t8gzz0npyd77enpj2hzhp5d47vkgl4kh25crg37ked6cuqmz6r6y nostr:npub1e2c4300jc5c3cllp... 
 nostr:npub1jk4395t8gzz0npyd77enpj2hzhp5d47vkgl4kh25crg37ked6cuqmz6r6y nostr:npub1e2c4300jc5c3cllp... 
 nostr:npub1jk4395t8gzz0npyd77enpj2hzhp5d47vkgl4kh25crg37ked6cuqmz6r6y nostr:npub1e2c4300jc5c3cllp... 
 nostr:npub1e2c4300jc5c3cllp3k3p64w5mvmrrq2vccx0ul5cjflp0dknjrpsva2cu5 nostr:npub156m785sp8fvdfxsd... 
 Your fellow niggers already have a blocklist what more do you want?  Just click the defed and all the pain can go away, dickwasher.

 what kind of games do you like then? because it seems like a lot of people get butthurt about Bet... 
 Idk map painters nowadays or autism sims.  I don’t really mind their stuff though but this one just doesn’t feel like it last compared to even fo4.  Like i don’t know even feel the desire to pirate it if that makes any sense. 
 The one thing I can tell you is the warping option in space makes the tasks less annoying. Instea... 
 They’ve had fast travel in most of their games so I don’t really see any difference, especially since you’re just stuck in a small grid like a very other todd game.  

I didn’t actually hate it in the other ones but it just makes this one look kinda empty/forced spawns. 
 idk, typical Bethesda game so far, but I like Bethesda games so I'm happy. Space adds a little so... 
 The actual space shit I’ve seen (combat/space walks) seems meh. 
 I KNOW, lol, hopefully the computer can hang. 

Idk wtf is going on with it. I think it's a perm... 
 Game looks pretty boring from the stream I watched tbh.  Maybe they make up for it with base shit. 
 nostr:npub1zqmw7ggf5drkmeu6plalzwshcurfhepz98wn8zmdc85ut9tpxfdsypj4kk nostr:npub156m785sp8fvdfxsd... 
 mfw when my MacBook is 6 years old and can't use the software I want. 

I downloaded stable diffu... 
 You are going to melt that thing if you get it running 🤣 
 yea i know about the rockets, HONESTLY you can just play pike and shot warfare in med2 or shogun ... 
 Yeah if they just touched up pathfinding in med2 I think that’d be my go to tw game.  The ai ven feels more confident in battle than the newer ones. 
 empire is one of hte better games, just cuz all the smoke ands hit really immerses me in a 18th c... 
 Wh2/3 are honestly better gun line games but are a little cartoony.  Try the rocket battery you won’t be disappointed. 
 I tried making a throwaway and it wants me to either put in another email or a phone number
 Hmm maybe Tutanota? 
 >proton mail requires verification now
I am gonna vomit 
 What lol 
 Two niglets were repeatedly assaulting this beaner on campus and the school refused to punish the... 
 How is this not manslaughter… 
 So dumb. My thermostat only works through Google Home, this place is fucking retarded. 
 A lot of apartment thermostats only gave you like 5 degrees of control anyway, unless you had a window unit.  So they basically just added a spying device. 
 Can't help when we are born, old man.

Hope you're well nigger 
 I just remember having to suffer through law and order marathons where someone is going to get raped with an inanimate object 98% of the time. 
 It was all to get us ready, desensitized to the idea of lawlessness, two-tiered justice systems a... 
 >  I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that this all came after 9/11.

Oh sweet summer zoom zoom, although I’ll agree they started pumping and it melees amount out and puns then. 
 The extra fun of thinkpads: Lenovo shipped them all w/o the right drivers for thunderbolt, so you... 
 >Trusting lenovo

🤣 let’s look at what else happened in 2019

 MMT is just Keynesianism for people (well, retards) who struggle with basic calculus 
 Yeah I just think it’s funny when he says anything controversial he has to point out, that he got the better deal than jeb.  

As far as libshits are concerned he occasionally covers interesting shit and probably wants to nuke a certain country with the zeal of a neocon/lib, so I just let it slide. 
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 i don’t disagree but you know it makes ben eternally assmad so there is a silver lining.

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 Lol wtf is wrong with your hand man.  Like lay off the goyslop and be not fat.

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 Think he’s going to wall finally? 
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 here’s the last eat but he comes whenever you @ him. ao whatever you don’t do that… 
