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 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 its amazing how tone deaf t... 
 @Terry the worst part is that it works.
I have a friend who's considerably based come to show me how "Israel totally destroyed a refugee camp and it showed the tunnels beneath which proved they were right" 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 nostr:npub1e2l34j8ns5v23vjp... 
 @𝗠𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗶 @:hoshino_smug:  @smugumin IIRC the commander tax is only cumulative for each time you send him to the commander zone, not for every time he dies.

For instance, if the commander dies 3 times and you send him the 3 times to the commander zone, he'll cost 6 additional mana when you try to cast him again.
If you have a weird reanimate deck and the commander dies 3 times but you send him to the graveyard the first 2 times to reanimate him, and only put him in the commander zone on the 3rd one, he'll cost only 2 additional mana. 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 >I know this won't be used ... 
 @Kerosene :christmas_wreath: :padoru:  oh, that's a special varis filter because Halo thought it would be funny. The actual word I typed is not so wholesome. 
 Hail to the affordable Ironmonger
Prophet of bricolage of the last eclipse
Purchase cutting edge items at the Ironmonger's
Ineffable copier of the seven keys

 I'm watching a Dell presentation on Edge computing and shit like that.
They have AI with "computer vision" trained to identify shit like fights/assault, vandalism and even "suspicious behaviour", like abandoning a briefcase or a bag in a public space.

And that's not super special NSA technology that requires a huge datacenter, I'm talking about appliances available to mom and pop shops and small towns, and need very little in terms of infrastructure.

I shudder for the future because I know this won't be used to stop assaults, cuddles, break ins or gun robbery, it will be used only to stop dissent and identify white males accused of doing a racism by some nigger.


 I can't really believe this not only is on Youtube, but also the algorithm pushed it to me in the "shorts" area.

 nostr:npub1e2l34j8ns5v23vjp79g94dkkxtvhng3vth6qunnvm5r3r2us2vxqsn6cpk nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg... 
 @𝗠𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗶 @:hoshino_smug:  EDH became trash when they turned it into "commander" and started desigining cards and products directed to it, desu. 
 @Kyonko802 come for the sexo game, stay for the shitty and shallow philosophical and political rethoric that is just repeating stale points. 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 What was the solution? 
 @Ronnie21093 So, the problem I had was that the audio crackled and cut and stuttered in certain situations, and it actually made the whole system stutter when it happened. There were games that were absolutely unplayable.

At first I thought the problem was in my DAC, but I couldn't really test it because I didn't have a replacement and the cable of my IEM was a balanced one that wasn't compatible with the regular analog audio output of the mainboard. So I kinda lived with the problem, trying to see if there were any kind of software solutions for it. And it turns out there are people complaining for years that this chipset is giving them USB and audio problems, and AMD was promising to fix it but nothing was happening, and the workaround they found was forcing PCIe to 3rd gen. But I tried doing it and it didn't work.

Anyways, I got a new DAC and a new regular cable, and started doing some tests, and found out that it really is a problem with the chipset crapping itself with USB or audio, and I was absolutely bewildered because I have the latest BIOS update and surely this 3 year old problem would already be solved by now.

Doing some research, turns out it wasn't solved. And not only that, but some people reported that they only solved it when they forced PCIe to 2nd gen. Then I tried doing it. And it worked.

In hindsight, this problem started after I got a GPU. I haven't realized it at the time because I had also changed my audio setup, so I thought the problem was there, but no, actually the PCIe bus completely shat itself with the GPU.

So, yeah, 3 year old bug that affects a lot of people, and AMD's solution is "reduce your bus speed to year 2007 levels". Fuck them. 
 So, I found out a solution to my weird audio issues.

Long story short, fuck AMD.

 @Ronnie21093 when I used to play Marvel vs Capcom (the first one) in an arcade near home (yeah, I'm old, deal with it), I went out of my way to input the code to play as Roll, and she was just a worse version of MegaMan.

And I kicked ass with her.


Good. Normalize shooting "prakster" youtubers.
Actually, normalize shooting any kind of "real life" youtubers/tiktokers. Are you seeing a gy in public filming with his phone and talking? Put a bullet through his head, cut the problem at the root. 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 nostr:npub1srhg4hk63ew68kep... 
 nostr:npub1wg02ev7lfmnrwsjqu2tcm2qm4gw65aw0dyywfwvgafqnqyf02wmqhht0yf nostr:npub1srhg4hk63ew68kep... 
 @luithe @buy robux today :ROBUX: @:ihavenomouth:  @Pawlicker wait, so they didn't simply release CS2, they replaced CS:GO with CS2, is that it?

I don't really pay attention to CS, so I assumed they just released CS2 and gave it to people to see if they would migrate 
 This is a nice website.


Of course, ideally if you are buying these kinds of games and you want them uncensored, you shouldn't be getting them on Steam, but if maybe you have one for some reason, it may be worth it checking in here.

I was checking some games, and there are some that have uncensor patches for the steam version downloadable straight from the developer's website. 
 @Rasterman oh boy, I tried to look for this to see the real post, but couldn't find it.

What I found, however, is that there is an entire subreddit just for this shit. They even have their own glossary of acronyms for the stuff involved in cheating. And one thing in common in posts of this this subreddit (and others like that) is that they all avoid accountability, try to justify their actions, try to blame the cheated partner for the cheating, and are more worried on how they can feel better with themselves after ruining everything than anything else.

It's also funny to see the change in tone in redditor answers. The first 3 posts are very old, from 5 and 6 years ago, and the responses are no-holds barrel telling OP that she's a disgusting waste of space, that she messed up big time, and that the best she can do is just leave the guy be happy and just wallow in her own sadness. If it wasn't Reddit, I bet there would be people telling OP to kill herself.
The last two are more recent, from 1 year and 2 ago, and those, among others I saw but weren't as interesting, all have the same kind of response: despite saying that they are in the wrong, they still "send virtual hugs" or "feel sory for OP" and try to coddle and console OP in any way they can. Even the most critical ones have some kind of headpat involved, and I even saw a couple posts with something like "editing with positive feedback so my post won't be removed".





 @buy robux today :ROBUX: imagine following sjw and then scrolling through the home timeline in public 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 nostr:npub10kcds3c55ruvucs4... 
 @Christi Junior @7db0d847 I won't find it anymore because I'm banned from X so I'm rate limited and I closed the tab, but I've seen people saying that he unfollowed many "shirtless guys" accounts after he was called out, and people caught him interacting with a dude who sent a full nude picture in a tweet asking "what would you do to me". 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 nostr:npub10kcds3c55ruvucs4... 
 @Christi Junior @7db0d847 I would say that it probably is, by what I understood the charges are pretty heavy, and the guy is on the SO registry for life.

I bet he has to go tell his neighbours he's in the registry whenever he moves, and he must have some kind of watch over his social media (not much, though, because he was caught thirsting over shirtless boys on Twitter/X/Whatever, and after people called him out he started unfollowing a bunch of accounts). 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 nostr:npub10kcds3c55ruvucs4... 
 @Christi Junior @7db0d847 yeah, there are also images showing that he "supported" (liked) a tweet with a gay guy talking against the tranny agenda, so he must not even be a tradcuck, he must be a gay dude and he hates boobs.

As I mentioned before, he was caught thirsting over shirtless young boys. 
 Today on Twitter a gamma male was crying over Xenoblade 2's booba and the guy he was replying to ... 
 nostr:npub158mjll2lfz90m33vgp94ruess4ycwdjc3fklecjrrd0pdjq4rvus3hmjp4 nostr:npub18jcv6k5cxwjm3dcp... 
 Dear diary

Today I woke up at noon, which is a huge improvement over my regular schedule of waking up at 3 PM.
So I took the day off to organize my stuff, I finally unboxed all my shit that was laying around ever since I've last moved, over 2 years ago, and also cleaned up the kitchen, which consumed literally the entire day and then some.

But one my goals today was baking some bread. And WITH GOD AS MY WITNESS, I DID FUCKING BAKE SOME BREAD!

I also found out that rice flour has absolutely no gluten, and if you try to use it for bread, the dough, despite growing, becomes very brittle and hard to work with. I use rice flour to powder the banetton, and there was some leftovers from the package that didn't fit the container I used to store it, and I decided to make some steamed buns with it, and it was a complete disasters, 0/10, will never try again.

Maybe I can try and incorporate some rice flour together with the regular wheat flour just to see how it goes, but going completely gluten free with pure rice flour sucks big time. Gluten intolerant people can get fucked.

 @LoliHat @Depraved_Cunny @Ryu she's mean and cold to you at first.

Emi is pure, friendly, helps you to live a healthier lifestyle that ultimately will make your weak ass heart last a bit longer AND takes it in the ass.

 nostr:npub1jdhdp593zwp6yskjhde8ljzprl97ht03z23kuhhufjwcc7ms6wxs88qt97 nostr:npub16aqf2nwqj5mjjfes... 
 So, the company that made their entire brand over planned obsolescence and is completely hostile to the right of repair, and that uses proprietary cables and connectors different from what everyone else in the industry is using, forcing their customers to buy new chargers with all the logistics, transport and packaging involved (because they don't send the damn chargers with the products anymore) decided they would make a short film showing their incredibly diverse executive board groveling in front of a fat negress pretending she's "mother nature" and that would make them look... good? And "environmentaly-friendly"?

 It's almost 4am.

I had said I was going to fix my sleep schedule.

I failed.

Tomboy milk.

 >playing No Man's Sky
>there is a race of small, reptilian creatures with long curved beaks that specialize in trading called "Gek"
>they call everyone "friend" and are generally very nice
>doing a mission where I find out more about the origins of the different civilizations in the game
>turns out the Gek are a spiteful, greedy and warmongering race that obliterated the home planet of the robot civ, enslaved them and literally melted them for resources

What did HelloGames meant by this?

 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 today our president did a m... 
 @smartomato yeah, I know. The only support Lula has is from PT's paid shills.

There is a reason the sketchy company sent me Brazillian leftist propaganda to like, you know? 
 nostr:npub1jj5ffqvev09736qg30cpyhchkn9n5x2hjrtdqjuds7f3q2mkd8wsen3am4 do you have ultraviolet lig... 
 @cyberpunklord420 no, I don't have it.

And I didn't even know it glowed in the dark. Is it the quinine that does that? 
 It's pretty weird how tonic water is absolutely vile and disgusting, but then you throw it in a tall glass with ice and two slices of lime, and then tap it up with gin, and it starts tasting pretty great.

 Kek, so I was just contacted through WhatsApp by a "company" trying to recruit me to like tik tok videos to "help increase their visibility", paying me one dollar for each "like".

When I asked what kind of videos those were, the guy sent me an example and it was all Brazillian leftist propaganda videos.

So now you know how some stuff gets "naturally promoted".



He's the most badass mouse I've ever seen, and he also has the cutest roar of victory I've ever heard in my life.

Damn, I wish I had a mouse like this as a pet.

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 @Christi Junior @www.getgle.org @c7c4d23b it's kinda like yesterday when I was in the thread with the chink retard and the other guy, one of them kept sharing my posts to try and attract his retard friends to "dogpile" me.

No one has shown. 
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 @Hellhammer it's also a nigger, and also put it in the bio 
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 @Ronnie21093 Castlevania 2 - Simon's Quest, because it's the first entry of the series that fiddles with RPG mechanics and it's nice to see from where everything after came. 
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 @b760fc62 Wait a fucking minute. I saw a BG3 mod called "better aesthetics", and it seemed pretty tame, just making the characters a bit more "alive". So I thought "wait, why is this here? This is just an aesthetics mod, Nexus Mods has literally BG 3 mods to turn the ladies naked and big boobed and shit like that".

So, I went to search for it on Nexus Mods and...

WTF? What is the wrongthink inside this mod? Now I'm curious.

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 @Leaf Lord is this Death Grips?