Molly sees it. Why is the mainstream media protecting him? He is doing their lords' work laundering money to 'just' causes. They believe rules are for those they don't agree with.
>>> @35910b88 : As we enter the trial, and you see the endless reporting referring to the "boy genius" "crypto whiz kid", remember: Sam Bankman-Fried is not a child.
#ftx #sbf #crypto #cryptocurrency
@7ea6f088 I'm reluctant to believe that a state run industry is superior to private industry except in a unprofitable sector. The current failure is tolerating collusion in a strategic industry, thus allowing the dominants to act as a monopoly. There are laws to prevent this for exactly this reason. The resultant state security problem is with enforcement of law and interference by captured politicians.
@bb644797 It's never big enough once the kids and pets squat.
The bigger the bed, the more likely you are to end up without sheets when the sheet-thief turns.
@6d6ec790 I find no humans are illegal speciest in light of the UFO revelations and frankly sets up future AI, transhuman and uplifted animals bigotry.
No mind is illegal.
@7ea6f088 Russia is also lying. Their bela causi is neither Nazis nor preventing genocide, but rather to secure Crimea and keep NATO out of their sphere. Good reasons yet illegal. Russia was not invited into Ukraine by its government. This contravenes the UN Charter Russia agreed to uphold by an Act of their parliament. It is irrelevant that the USA does this all the time. Neither 'side' is innocent nor right.
The difference is that Rus lies respect our intelligence and Ukraine is hard to like.
@7ea6f088 Not buying it. This is a sales pitch; a call for more money. I'll go so far as speculating that USA is two generations ahead already on hypersonic warfare, which I suspect they had in the mid 90's.
@c1d79855 Birx in South Africa. She aggressively chased control of the biggest aid programmes for the CDC (often in conflict with USAID) with marginal to no delivery in the coopted programmes. But her partners got the money. She treats control of budgets as a pissing contest without the ability to deliver.
Even the corrupt ANC government had to ask her to leave.
@7ea6f088@826f7fe1 Not the Russians? Not the Americans? But Elon himself? Riiight.
Russians can use EMP or jamming tech to the same effect.
Musk's fortune comes entirely from US governments contracts. Twitter historically has close ties to US intelligence agencies. It is highly unlikely that he's independent. Nobody is as patriotic as a newly minted citizen. I say his paymasters told him to do it, if he did, to avert unpredictable escalation. Or they simply did it themselves without asking.
Dune Quotes (@3796f148)
"Good government never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery."
#Dune #Quote
Notes by Miyagiyoda | export