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 Finished reading: Ember’s End by S. D. Smith 📚
 Finished reading: Ember Rising by Sam Smith Smith 📚
 Hospitality is more than a fancy meal. It’s opening our lives to those less fortunate and letting them in. It’s not a one evening thing, but a lifestyle change.
 This, my friends, is why you don’t let politicians select Bibles. No Bible includes the American founding documents. The Bible can — but shouldn’t — be printed along side those documents. And it can — God have mercy — be bound together with those documents. But, it never contains them. — Religion Clause: O... microblog.marmanold.com https://microblog.marmanold.com/2024/10/05/this-my-friends.html 
 I’ve noticed (at least here in Nashville) that  progressive clergy from denominations that traditionally haven’t worn clericals are suddenly wearing them. — I have a very strong “it’s a culture not a costume” reaction.
 You can be a Christian and vote for any (or none) of these candidates. 🇺🇸

 Our chickens aren’t smart (just now figuring out how to mostly get in the coop at night) and they don’t lay eggs.  But, they have started attacking the squirrels that enter the yard and, for that, we are friends.

 I let the boy do a little widdling with my old pocket knife this weekend. Nerve-racking for me, but a huge confidence builder for him. He had a blast. And, really, the worst that could have happened was a cut on the arm or hand. A reminder to this millennial to step back from  safety-ism.
"Next time you need to vent, he hopes you might decide to tell the bots instead. They’ll be there for you."

They won’t be, though. The bots can never replace a real person. — Social AI Bots - The Verge
 Why do we homeschool? This. This was done unprompted by our daughter in her free time as a craft. Above all other benefits, our children are surroundeded by God’s Word daily. It is written upon their hearts. This is more important than anything.

 A beautiful discussion on Christianity. — 359 - John Vervaeke and Jordan Hall - Why Christianity? — The Symbolic World
 It stinks that losing weight is so slow, but I have to admit I’m proud of these numbers. I’ve really been sticking to 10k and am seeing slow, but steady, progresss. 🚶‍♂️

 I won’t have time to watch until after work, but my $0.02 is that it’s cost and charge time. When we have a $25k car that can comfortably hold five people and can charge to 2-hours of Interstate drive-time in 10 minutes; we got something. 🚙 ⚡️

 I’m beginning to think I might be the last Millennial left on Earth without a tattoo.
 Every time I drive from Nashville to Chattanooga I’m reminded how beautiful Tennessee is and how blessed I am to call it home.
 Arnold’s are about to get some chickens. 🐓 🥚

 Whoa! That’s one thick Bible.  — Photos of the Complete Ignatius Study Bible – Catholic Bible Talk
 Me: How many blocks of tofu should I press? Two?
Wife: Oliver won’t be here.  Only do one.

That boy do love his tofu…
 Matt Taibbi on the Global Censorship-Industrial Complex
 I am distrustful of people who use fake backgrounds in video calls.
 The food system in America isn’t okay. www.foodpolitics.com/2024/09/t…
 Here’s the thing, for those without a suburban garage EVs are still impractical. Until we can reliably “fill up” an EV in less than ten minutes and can purchase an EV minivan for less than $45k it’s just not viable. — The EV evolution is going to take longer than we thought
 I’m leading a really important discipleship course for men.  If you’re in middle Tennessee or know someone who is, there’re a few spaces still open.  Details: Male Discipleship Opportunity ⚓️
 How a Southern, Anglican priest introduces the personal pronouns in German.

Formal you, plural you, and informal you are pretty darn easy to explain in this context!

 Not to brag, but I’m 5 weeks in to my 10k steps per day plan.  I’m really pleased I’ve stuck to this even though it completely sucks.
"not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully fight under his banner, against sin, the world, and the devil"

Saw this in an old prayer book this morning at Mass and was particularly convicted.

 I feel a way about AI. Not loving how it can take jobs away and how it could destroy art. But… it’s pretty cool that I can have my own walk-out music when I teach the kids German. youtu.be/whFmpPkV_…
 It’s about to get lit this morning at Mass. 🔥 We’re singing one of my top three hymns!

 The Real Reason Behind the Olympic Controversy in Women’s Boxing — The Symbolic World
 With each passing year, the temptation to switch to Linux full time grows. — macOS Sequoia adds weekly permission prompt for screenshot and screen recording apps - 9to5Mac
 Watching Windows people use macOS is wild. Literally every window is used maximized. Such a different way of doing things from someone raised on a Macintosh!
 Nearly two weeks in to my new goal of walking 10k steps each day on the under desk treadmill. Simple change and I’m already feeling the benefits. Great to get exercises in while working. 🚶‍♂️
 Currently reading: Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie 📚
 Finished reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚
 Friends, let’s remember not to lose our minds this election season. Sin is real. Politics affects us all. But, Jesus is Lord. He reigns even now. None of this is as important as people want us to believe. 🇺🇸
 Some good ol' Anglican holiness in the collect this week.

 Digital minimalism appeals to me, but I worry about how I’d interact in SmartPhone-requiring Nashville.  Could I pay for parking?  Could I open digital menus?  Without iOS & Android could I fly with a digital ticket?  How would I get into an NSC game?  These are my worries.
 The Daylight DC1 paired with a minimalist phone are looking more and more appealing to me. I’m realizing, however, that iMessage and Photos.app have their hold on me.  Can I truly disconnect from desktop iMessage with wife & family?  What is the value of the photos I’d miss?
 I’m only two chapters in, but I’m feeling validated about how we’ve handled technology and screen time in our home. The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚
 Just finished watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Wow. Some odd bits at the front, but the lighting of the torch and Celine Dion were incredibly moving. Well done, France. 🇫🇷
 Oh boy. The mainline just doesn’t know when to stop, do they? — Is There Room in the Church for Polyamorous Priests?
 An interesting read on how downtown Nashville became such a party. — nashvillebanner.com/2024/07/2…
 Currently reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚
 I felt a little guilty starting a new book last night when quite a few others remain unfinished. But, then I remembered that I’m a grown man and can start a new book if I want to. It was a refreshing thirty minutes of reading before bed and I’m thankful for it.
 This type of behavior by companies makes me mad. Double the price just because of different packaging shouldn’t be a thing.  — This Coppertone Sunscreen Is Not So Special
 I still can’t imagine a scenario where I’d play music like this during the Divine Service, but it’s a fun way to keep up my German while worshipping God.

 I’m so thankful God found me when He did. I would 100% have gone deep and ended up in LDS leadership. This could have been my story. www.youtube.com/live/Ls0f…
 Something I’ve very much been thinking on. How to reach these young men and provide them community in the Church. — From Isolation to Violence: when the boy crisis fires an AR-15

 https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/5651/2024/7b0edd0710.png https://anthonybbradley.substack.com/p/bullied-and-isolated-when-the-boy?r=49b6s 
 Jesus is Lord. — God is sovereign over all creation and all time. He’s already written the victory over evil. Resting in God’s peace and living within His will is our task. Trusting in God’s faithfulness and love, knowing it’s not up to us, is indeed Good News!
 July 4th steak grill was an amazing success!

 Inside baseball here, but I’m a little surprised C4SO is going to elect a successor to +Hunter.  I guess I just always assumed C4SO was an early effort at church planting that would eventually fade away as our regional(ish) dioceses got up and running.
 Because I know all y’all come to me for your MLS hot takes. My observation of the NSC/Miami game.

It would appear that Miami thinks their team is named “Messi.” If I were a player on that team, I’d be a little annoyed. ⚽️
 Every time I’m discouraged about church politics in the ACNA I check in on TEC and the UMC.

Let us not forget where we’ve been and what’s been accomplished. Semper reformanda, listen to the Spirit, etc., etc.

But, instead of debating women’s ordination we could be debating the Nicene Creed or polyamory. ... microblog.marmanold.com https://microblog.marmanold.com/2024/06/27/every-time-im.html 
 Got the Ignatius Press study Bible on a whim.  I’ve only had it a little bit, but I’ve been very impressed with it.
 It was a weird COVID-tide delivery. I can’t believe Virginia’s been here for four years! Our family wouldn’t be complete without her. Happy Birthday little Gooseberry! 💚

 This was a helpful episode. I trust the Holy Spirit and our bishops. I will pray for ++Wood and our province. — #209: Stand Firm Reacts: Steve Wood Elected Archbishop
 Beware Social Myths: Why Memes Offer Symbol Over Substance in the Culture Wars
 Curious: Anyone have recommendations for a book geared towards Western Christians (Anglicans, Lutherans, Romans) that faithfully explains the nuances of Eastern Orthodox theology?
"“Through the ongoing, dynamic relationship people have with God’s Holy Spirit, salvation and the Christian life should be thought of in more dynamic, relational ways, rather than static, irresistible ways that consider salvation a mere legal transaction and not as important as renewed fellowship with God.” (Don Thorsen, Calvin vs. Wesley)"

 I decided to give Readwise Reader a try. Pricey, but I’ve been curiousious for a while. Thus far, it’s promising to have everything in one place on my Onyx Boox. We shall seee after I have a few reading sessions.
 So, who has read-it-later services they recommend? — Requirements are a Firefox plug-in, iOS app, & Android app.
 Looks like I’m in the market for a new read-it-later service. I don’t appreciate being forced into celebrating “Pride.” — What would the reactions be if a Jewish, Islamic, or Christian organization changed their app icon to celebrate something?

"A very wicked answer; for though to let loose the bridle to lusts, while our opinions are against such things, is bad; yet, to sin, and plead a toleration so to do, is worse.  The Pilgrim’s Progress"

 I love the idea of a common place notebook, but I just at can’t figure out the mechanics of it. I don’t read at a table and I can’t imagine pulling out my notebook in bed and attempting to jot down a quote without it being a pain.
 Currently reading: The Four Cardinal Virtues by Josef Pieper 📚
 Finished reading: Unmasking Male Depression by Archibald D. Hart 📚
 Currently reading: Unmasking Male Depression by Archibald D. Hart 📚
 Finished reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚
 Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚 — New books arriving Monday, so I’m powering through. 1/2 way through part two. Still some good bits, but hidden in a slough of tedious reading.
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen."

 Going out on a limb here, but do I know anyone who has/knows of affordable housing in Nashville? — I’ve got two Christians with full time jobs living on the streets.  Can’t find vacancy at around $850 anywhere!
"Sealed with Christ’s body in their baptism, they are sealed to us, and we are one body.

The people we are serving on our streets are very members of our own church, very members of the eternal Kingdom of God, and it is our duty to love them, to support them, and to be with them.

Truly, if they are not at His table, we are not celebrating His holy meal."

— The Roots & Vision of CoA
"The people we are serving are not just the poor.  In their baptism, they are our poor.  They are His poor."

— The Roots & Vision of CoA
 I pray that the Anglican provinces of Africa are listening and make haste to provide episcopal oversight to these faithful Christians. — General Conference Did Not Listen to Us
 The UMC allowing deacons to preside at the Holy Table is just nuts.  Far outside the apostolic witness. — Then again, I guess they’ve already dropped any concern for the tradition, so YOLO.
 Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚 — Finished part 1. A few good quotes, but last half was a struggle. Not looking forward to part 2…
 Deutsche: Eine Frage.  Ich hab’s bemerkt auf YouTube dass Leute mehr und mehr ins Publikum “Du” statt “Sie” benutzen.  Ist das in die letzte Jahrzehnte verändert?
 Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚 — Started strong, but I’m half way and really struggling now. Starting to get repetitive. Going to power through, though.
 Garden sorted. A ring of strong herbs (chives, mint, and cilantro) in an attempt to keep squirrels at bay. — Also, we love those herbs so win/win.

 Got a shortlist of what I need for the garden. Excited to get planting!

 Finished reading: Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos 📚