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 Whatever distain you have for our media… 
It is not enough! https://t.co/oetIdGwCI6 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRudfWIWcAEoP3X.jpg 
 Happy Birthday America 🇺🇸 
 NGL this is funny!!! 
 A special Wednesday episode of Triggered w/ Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow @AlexMarlow 

Is barely-there Biden still Dems only real option? What happens next?

We’ll bring you the latest tonight on Rumble 6 pm ET https://t.co/FvLX8Yqz0f https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1808613102893563904/vid/avc1/1920x1080/28C7CBM57dLcOALl.mp4?tag=16 
 Triggered tonight at 6 pm ET 

Breitbart editor in chief @AlexMarlow

It turns out, his book “Breaking Biden” is even more accurate than we already knew!!

See you on Rumble!! 
https://t.co/SP7CZp4MVk https://t.co/9gb4sz0aUq https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRkmz1gawAAGzvJ.jpg 
 The real "Big Lie" - pushed by every major Democrat and the entire leftwing media for 4 years now - is that Joe Biden was ever mentally fit to serve as Commander in Chief. 
 Joe Scarborough just months ago: 
“This is the best Biden ever!!!”

Scarborough last week: Uhhhh??

Fake news media frauds are having a full-on panic attack. Enjoy!!! https://t.co/enY6HGjyqQ https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1808261425200287744/vid/avc1/1920x1080/sLgJl-UWcXaYetN_.mp4?tag=16 
 Hey, I guess you can’t have something that they refuse to test him for… You are to believe your lying eyes folks. This is almost certainly going to be another “conspiracy theory” that proves to be 100% right in about six months. Just watch! 
 Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!! 
 Going live now!!!! 
 The level of cope here is amazing. 
 Jill & Joe are desperately trying to cling to power - and delusional Democrats are pressing the panic button.

Triggered 6 pm ET taking your questions live!!!

See you on Rumble 
https://t.co/gd6lRfPjly https://t.co/Wo0RWUQVXe https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRapp5Ob0AIlFNr.jpg 
 Solid SCOTUS ruling today. 

I’m sure the corrupt prosecutors and DC judge will work overtime to continue their lawfare. It’s all they have left. 
 Won’t stop the mainstream media from doing it, or the rest of big Tech but it’s a start! 
 America's enemies are laughing at us right now. They know our Commander in Chief is too weak to defend our nation. 

Senator @JDVance1: "This is not about division, this is about prosperity. How do we get wages rising? How do we shut down the border? And how do we stop a world where everything seems to be on fire under Joe Biden's leadership?" https://t.co/H93tOyqoUI https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1807415556808622080/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/Oo3myBXwKiRN-hAJ.mp4?tag=12 
 I would like to meet the 21% of Americans who claimed Joe Biden "presented ideas clearly" at the debate 🤣 https://t.co/VZce8QZuT6 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRUzIlKWQAAKWyg.jpg 
 You’d think that after being offered the minister of defense position in Ukraine this moron would at least know that the war with Russia didn’t start till Biden was in office for a while. I guess this is the poster child of the woke military complex. 
 Beryl? Even our Hurricanes are gender non-binary now. 
 Seems like a big deal 
 Not wrong, especially now that Russia has 3 hypersonic missile capable warships right off the coast of Florida. 
Weakness combined with incompetence is not a great recipe for success. 
Let’s end the charade once and for all in November! 
 Yuge, but how do these citizens get their lives back, their reputations, the years wasted on this political persecution? There must be consequences to a government that abused its power and there must be accountability to them. 
 I wonder why he has the comments turned off? LOL 
 Every single Democrat Senate candidate in this video knows that Joe Biden is too mentally diminished to be President, but they're still willing to lie to the American people and claim that he's perfectly okay 🤡🤡🤡 
 I can’t even imagine six handicap my ass… Can we please make this match happen? I’ll bet my life savings on it. https://t.co/ABvmgiy16B https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1772105829740617728/pu/vid/avc1/366x322/0yTb2m199K7AZha0.mp4?tag=12 
 You know it's coming... That or some other games that will flail in the face of "democracy" because let's be honest we know they don't really care right?!? https://t.co/3l8xBMOGzY https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRLG6kobgAAK6W7.jpg 
 Tractor Supply deserves credit for actually implementing concrete policy changes to end DEI at their company. More corporations should start doing the same. People are sick and tired of this woke shit. It's why I'm an investor and such a big believer in @officialpsq 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 
 This is great @TractorSupply. It takes courage to admit when you’ve gone a stray & it’s time more companies acknowledge they are there to serve their actual customers & those communities & not the woke causes of people who would never set foot in your stores. Well Done! 
 The Dem-Media liars spent 4 years telling Americans that Joe Biden was totally healthy and any suggestion otherwise was just a right-wing conspiracy theory...After last night's debate disaster for Biden, I hope everyone can see how full of shit these people really are!!!! 
 Senator @JDVance1 is absolutely right about this.

Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers, but now they want to unilaterally remove Joe as their nominee? Now that sounds like a real attack on American Democracy! https://t.co/Bm1uTDfUSN https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1806529791488659456/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/IFzJLU_HFGBNkew5.mp4?tag=12 
 Watch Joe Biden get escorted off the stage! What a stark contrast between how Trump left the stage and how Biden is exiting. #debate https://t.co/Um9xhPAyMs https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1806520426040057856/vid/avc1/570x682/8rUfGSDNG170qujq.mp4?tag=16 
 Let’s make this golf match happen STAT!!!!
I’ll bet everything I have on it on my father. Any takers after watching this tonight??? Didn’t think so!!! 
 100,000 Americans die a year because of opioids… that’s two Vietnams A YEAR, much of that coming accross our open boarder because of Biden’s policies or from China who Joe has been the weakest president in history on. We can stop so much death and pain by locking our border down 
 Joe Biden always puts illegals ahead of American citizens. 
 So Joe Biden, the leader of the Democrat party, who were obviously the only people pushing Defund The Police is seriously saying that Trump is the guy that wants to cut cops? Are you kidding me? Why didn’t CNN jump in on this again? Who actually believes this stuff? 
 The border patrol just chimed in and said that Joe Biden is lying. Will CNN make this clear to their audience? I thought they were fact checking in real time? Seems like a big deal. 
 CNN was pushing the Charlottesville hoax in the pregame show… It’s been debunked by even the liberals. If you play it the rest of the sentence he totally denounces the bad actors it in real time.  Is CNN going to fact check Joe Biden on this lie they’ve perpetuated for years? 
 Someone call 911… I’d like to report a murder. 
 Johnson has ‘grave concern’ Biden policy making hostage release harder

 Nikki Haley, who served as the puppet of Democrat billionaires and warmongerers, would be a wonderful choice is my dad wants to get impeached within about 7 seconds of being sworn in. She's they're last hope! 
 Watch this and understand what Joe Biden & the Democrat’s open borders policies are doing to our country. They are not just stressing our schools & healthcare infrastructure and depressing wages for Americans… they are destroying lives! Enough already! https://t.co/m1HHEcmzHA https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1805724967792713728/vid/avc1/1278x572/Tu_uUVzxxnR5wtHq.mp4?tag=14 
 RFK Jr. 100% buys into the globalist scheme of fear mongering over climate change to limit energy consumption, kill jobs and reduce the quality of life for normal people. Don't fall for this fraud!!!


Fox News: Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

 See you on Rumble right now!!! 
 6 pm ET on Triggered

The Federalist CEO @seanmdav 

We’ll cover a lot of ground and you don’t want to miss it!!! 
https://t.co/FHZdTBuvlf https://t.co/YAKOl6Mngg https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1805347943894933504/vid/avc1/1920x1080/l03eguiv-3iOtIAT.mp4?tag=16 
 I’m sure the CNN debate will be fair and unbiased based on all of CNN’s actions for the last 8 years!🙄🙄🙄 
 Triggered tonight 6 pm ET with the brilliant Sean Davis @seanmdav 

See you on Rumble!!! 
 This is 100% right. I've known the Andretti family for years and they're true American patriots!!! 
 It’s time to rebuild our country 

Restore forgotten towns 

And reignite American greatness 

@SeanParnellUSA with the story of how Washington left behind his home state of Pennsylvania https://t.co/2izznDzJbO https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1804169280512040961/vid/avc1/1920x1080/iESth_l-xfHsWVmw.mp4?tag=16 
 Biden's entire Administration is filled with these woke leftwing radicals. Total clown show and embarrassment for America. 

Fox News: White House promotes Biden official who compared police to slave patrols, wants to abolish ICE

 See you on Rumble now!!! 
 This is how the fake news works. Perhaps the most dishonest profession out there these days. 
 6 pm et on Triggered

Charlie Kirk & Sean Parnell
@charliekirk11 @SeanParnellUSA 

Want to know how we win in 2024?

They’ve got the answers.

See you on Rumble!! https://t.co/UqoTvJcOrh https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1803896221620117504/vid/avc1/1920x1080/bUYCi8dq_YH47Mj_.mp4?tag=16 
 We're going to Make America Great Again 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 
 Triggered 6 pm et with Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 and Sean Parnell @SeanParnellUSA 

Charlie has an incredible new book out with @WinningTeamPub 

And Sean’s awesome work in Pennsylvania could literally decide the election - no joke.

See you on Rumble!
https://t.co/Ux6jMzH82i https://t.co/h4ly9wtVkD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQiKM4-XMAAmcN8.jpg 
 Joe Biden doesn't give a shit about protecting American citizens. He wants this invasion of illegals to continue. 
 Sherrod Brown has blood on his hands!!!! 
 Joe Biden ♥️ Jon Tester

Montana - Time to retire leftist fraud Jon Tester and replace him with Trump endorsed @SheehyforMT! 
 The corporate media thinks the American people are stupid. https://t.co/fm6Ds6NrZZ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQdbKrJWEAA85Bo.jpg 

Bob Casey, the Senate's Top Recipient of Pharma Cash, Says He’s ‘Standing Up to Big Pharma'

 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

 The criminal illegal alien that murdered Laken Riley in cold blood is the definition of an animal. Pathetic that Joe Biden disagrees with that!!! 
 Reminder: Sherrod Brown can run like a coward all he wants, but he can't hide from his LONG RECORD of repeatedly voting in favor of open borders and mass amnesty for illegal immigrants! 
 Exactly right!!!!

Senator @JDVance1: "If you want your kid to go and fight in some stupid globalist war, vote for Joe Biden, but if you want to send American Marines and soldiers to fight only when we have to, vote for Donald Trump." https://t.co/jgu9mOviZD https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1803110332346351616/pu/vid/avc1/1276x718/o3PUf7pyn0U0XDo-.mp4?tag=12 
 LOL looks like CNN Fake News loser @Acosta got an embarrassingly bad hair dye job 🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/zpcHqNlcb4 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQXK_QcWcAAo4Nl.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQXLARNXcAAW4Xv.jpg 
 The choice in November is simple:

Joe Biden wants to give amnesty to millions of illegals.

Donald Trump will deport illegals. 
 They will tell any lie to protect Joe Biden because the Fake News is the enemy of the people! 
 Trump delivered peace on the world stage.

Biden delivered chaos and war. 
 Going live now… Tune in!!! 
 Triggered 6 pm ET

No Borders Biden is freezing up, floundering, and failing like never before.

You wouldn’t hire Biden for even the simplest task- but Democrats want to pretend he can be president 

I’ll be joined by @rodneyscottbp and @RonnyJacksonTX 
https://t.co/GMT7qJSt2y https://t.co/q6WwZgAMu4 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQSiXFTX0AAh9B-.jpg 
 Yes. Let’s go @b_dechambeau! Congrats on the us Open!!! 
 Democrats want to draft your daughters to fight the wars that no one in America outside of the military industrial complex wants to be in. But hey, at least they’ll get a board seat at Raytheon or Lockheed Martin, while our kids die as cannon fodder for no apparent reason. 
 I imagine a lot of both. 
 You know who’s not on the Epstein list? My father… because if he was, it would have leaked in about half a second!!!! 
That’s a fact! 
 Joe Biden is an embarrassment to America. 

Pass it on. https://t.co/k3PQYjaQ9Y https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQCe0fiWsAESBmx.jpg 
 This is how you push back against the Fake News! 
 Joe Biden has turned America into a worldwide laughingstock - Does anyone really think Xi Jinping is scared of our barely walking corpse of a President??? 
 Triggered 6 pm ET

I met up with Tucker Carlson recently to lay out just what’s at stake in the months ahead @TuckerCarlson 

See you on Rumble!! https://t.co/RVcOtCOw8R https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1801367074880491520/vid/avc1/1920x1080/K_mta1fTh8AvoFE3.mp4?tag=16 
 A Triggered/Tucker Carlson Show crossover episode 

Tucker interviews me! @TuckerCarlson 

Rumble 6 pm et
 The media desperately wants to gaslight you into thinking that this is totally normal and not a clear sign of mental decline. 
 Good to see there are at least a few people in the Senate like @JDVance1 willing to actually fight fire with fire and push back against the Biden/Democrat lawfare against my father. 

This is the type of ACTION we need 🔥🔥🔥 
 Tons of enthusiasm from Americans across the globe to to reelect Trump. It's time to send Biden to the retirement home where he belongs so we can Make America Great Again! 
 The more Democrats smell GOP weakness, the harder they push. The only solution is to fight fire with fire or else the left will never stop their endless lawfare against conservatives. 

Senator @JDVance1: "I think it's important for Republicans to say that if you guys try to weaponize the political system against your enemies...you're going to suffer consequences...Unless Republicans fight back against this stuff, it's going to keep on happening." https://t.co/mY4eDTFvDT https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1801049487374176257/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/xDqKfi5vmRj02Dkl.mp4?tag=12 
 It’s worse than just Open Borders

It’s No Borders

And it’s not just a “border crisis,” it’s a full-fledged border invasion 

Call it what it is!!! Great stuff from @ASavageNation https://t.co/Rz6kwalt27 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1800938183124713472/vid/avc1/1920x1080/U5Qa2Ap5BqkbOWej.mp4?tag=16 
 Funny, I seem to have missed all the sympathetic articles towards my dad when scumbags dems had me do 50 hours of congressional testimony for treason (a crime punishable by death) in their totally made up Russia Hoax. Guess I missed the papers that day?!? 
 NEW: Statement from the Trump campaign on the conviction of Hunter Biden https://t.co/op7DI204oS https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPzn-uZXoAMcmQz.jpg