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 NEW: Statement from the Trump campaign on the conviction of Hunter Biden https://t.co/op7DI204oS https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPzn-uZXoAMcmQz.jpg 
 It's not a "conspiracy theory" to point out that the same day Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith, the White House hosted Nathan Wade and Matthew Colangelo left the number 3 spot at the DOJ for Alvin Bragg’s office.

They're mad because no one is buying their bullshit anymore! 
 Democrats like Bob Casey won't lift a finger to secure the border or lower inflation, but they will fight to send your tax-dollars to radical groups that support sex change surgery for kids. https://t.co/UAgPrXQYNu https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPzNEsVXEAAnCDn.jpg 
 He's not well 

 What kind of crap is this from @F1? They're really blocking the Andretti family from joining the league? It would be great to finally have an American owned team that uses American made cars and American drivers and crew competing in F1!!! 

Joe Biden already opened up our borders to an invasion of illegals and now he is pushing for MASS AMNESTY!!!

 Excited to join my buddy Tucker Carlson on tour this fall! 
 Back by popular demand 

The one and only Michael Savage @ASavageNation 

6 pm et Rumble!!!
 "America's last hope" 

 President Trump will reverse Biden's leftwing globalist agenda to Make America Great Again! 
 Sherrod Brown and Bob Casey are leftist cowards who vote with Biden nearly 100% of the time, voted to impeach my father twice and support Biden's corrupt lawfare to interfere in the 2024 election. 
 Dana gets it! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 
 Senator @JDVance1: Joe Biden is trying to cover himself in the glory of the Greatest Generation despite trying to destroy everything they fought for 🔥🔥🔥

https://t.co/fnDN0Mn75q https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1799809833182371840/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/7ilt1blVX1yf2jiX.mp4?tag=12 
 Never forget: Joe Biden destroyed the livelihoods of thousands of troops serving our nation with his evil covid vaccine mandate on the military. 
 Joe Biden is a disgrace. 
 Another example of the @AP pushing bullshit propaganda to protect Biden and the Democrats...We all saw how Joe spent a minute attempting to sit down like brain dead zombie 🙄🙄🙄 
 People are waking up. 
 100% - Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown want to force you into electric cars and bankrupt American energy! 
 Going live now. Tune in. 
 6 pm ET on Triggered

Live with the one and only Russell Brand @rustyrockets 

Don’t miss it. See you on Rumble!!! https://t.co/yFeGExL3N8 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1798821908206751744/vid/avc1/1920x1080/r82psPjjsl2zh8ck.mp4?tag=16 
 Fox News: Former top Biden adviser with deep business ties to China spotted inside Hunter Biden gun trial

 Tonight 6 pm et 

Russell Brand live @rustyrockets 

Had a blast on his show - and now we’ll continue the conversation 

See you on Rumble!!!
 Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage? Does this kind of incompetence and weakness encourage our enemies to act the way they’ve been acting? Of course it does! https://t.co/wxsTKWTtNM https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1798684642947612672/vid/avc1/1280x720/y6k8nOxW40MYPVPC.mp4?tag=14 
 My father and Trump-Republicans are PRO-FAMILY! 

Trump will always protect IVF access! 
 So you’re saying you can identify yourself out of biological circumstance? 
Good to know. #trustthescience 
 This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump. 
 As if I needed more convincing!!!!! 
 Are you really telling me that’s not Ellen DeGeneres???? 
 The American people can see right thru all of the BS!!! 
 Why are some DC Republicans playing tee ball while Democrats are destroying our Republic??

Subpoena Merchan daughter’s bank records - how much is she making off the lawfare?

Who is blocking this? We want answers. https://t.co/gzWkPY2Y6L https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1798035927421599747/vid/avc1/1920x1080/PBhOUurfLK-SwWwd.mp4?tag=16 
 Feel good story of the day. The Washington Post lost $77,000,000 last year and halved its readership since 2020, so they brought in non checkbox leadership and they got grilled about continuing DEI as if that wasn’t the likely culprit for a majority of their failures! LOL 😂 
 Senile Biden is now threatening to physically assault reporters. This guy is losing it! https://t.co/UGwgY9Ri5m https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPO70__XAAA8N9d.jpg 
 You are… but that’s because your own dept of justice found you weren’t competent to stand trial. 
 Going live now!!!!! Tune in 
 The corrupt left-wing cabal wants to scare us into submission & silence.

Don’t let them win.

A must-see Triggered with Kash Patel, Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec and Andrew Bailey @AndrewBaileyMO

6 pm ET Rumble @rumblevideo
https://t.co/OvUt1XaQUw https://t.co/TCgOgE5lwD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPKwsRLWgAA4fgZ.jpg 
 Jon Tester is another leftist Democrat fraud who pretends to be a moderate, but votes with Biden nearly all of the time and supports the sham conviction of my father. Montana deserves a conservative fighter with the courage to stand up to Biden's election interference plot! 
 Nailed it. 
 Good to know that radical leftist Sherrod Brown supports Joe Biden weaponizing the government to target my father and interfere in the presidential election.

Ohio friends - This November, send Sherrod Brown a message by voting for America First @berniemoreno! 
 Congratulations to @nayibbukele on his landslide victory in El Salvador and and his amazing achievements taking on crime, corruption and the globalist invasion. Incredible weekend supporting those who fight for their countries & their people!!! https://t.co/Z5mHvk5jMa https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPJ_vTkWYAApN39.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPJ_vTgXUAAWuVv.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPJ_vThWIAAghxq.jpg 
 Had a great time joining Tucker Carlson on his show while we were both in El Salvador. We got to go in depth on my thoughts on the BS conviction of my father and a whole lot more. So give the full conversation a listen, it was a lot of fun! 

https://t.co/dGk4FwN2Aq https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1796734962730762240/vid/avc1/1280x720/0kGByblOgbAagK3l.mp4?tag=14 
 I congratulated President @nayibbukele this morning for winning a second term and not even having to try to imprison his political opponents!

Bukele said “we don’t jail political opponents here.”

Incredible concept! https://t.co/Ok604ouMA4 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1797429441770950656/vid/avc1/720x1280/4zksvj7Va6B4qOoI.mp4?tag=16 
 What does victory in Ukraine even look like?

Is it just perpetual death of Ukrainians and Russians until they're all wiped out and Blackrock comes in and takes over all of the land? https://t.co/2ro1xW7OrD https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1797293769672261632/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/ZwUl3fnf1QgtcJk0.mp4?tag=12 
 The left controls every major institution in our nation.

They took over our schools and now our kids can't read, write or do math, but they can name the 4,376 genders.

If we want to save America, we can't be apathetic. We have to fight for control of our institutions. https://t.co/Ytn7WwUsOM https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1797292670492012544/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/0NO1D1ZyAtu3J9Sm.mp4?tag=12 
 Would the Biden Administration launch World War 3 over Ukraine if they thought it would help Joe Biden get reelected in November? 

I think we all know the answer to that question. https://t.co/ZlQqv8pRpO https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1797290399968399360/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/YKXzbcY5Xz_yXOjR.mp4?tag=12 
 It's an easy existence to be a RINO in the Swamp. 

That's why we need to elect more America First fighters who don't care about being liked by the corporate media or leftwing elites. https://t.co/vCOGhjHDf4 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1797277775633477633/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/hoCZMitqszRSTTqs.mp4?tag=12 
 The purpose of the left's nonstop lawfare and intimidation tactics is to scare conservatives into submission. 

Don't let them win. https://t.co/fUujnf7VI3 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1797276775019323392/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/AbALQCASs7YmqFwO.mp4?tag=12 
 Biden targeted his political opponent with lawfare to distract from the record high inflation, invasion at the southern border & the world blowing up around us.

Exclusive — J.D. Vance: They ‘Cooked Up These Prosecutions’ to Distract from Biden’s Failures

 Every fan going crazy cheering for @realDonaldTrump at #UFC302 tonight is giving a gigantic middle finger to Alvin Bragg and crooked Joe Biden!!!! 
 Republicans play tee-ball. 

Democrats play hardball. 

That needs to change if we want to save America. https://t.co/TvkVl6Yh8S https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1797032706552832000/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/77AQe-8wMmEFt1dW.mp4?tag=12 
 Great meeting @JMilei today in El Salvador! 
 Let's be honest: These radical leftists don't just want my father in a prison cell. They want him dead. https://t.co/PijJBGBmXF https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1796977270143275009/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/_eUy7tCajO9fQe_Z.mp4?tag=12 
 Honored to be at @nayibbukele’s inauguration to support a leader willing to fight the globalist for the benefit of his people. We need more like him and El Salvador has a bright future with him at the helm. 🇺🇸🇸🇻 #elsalvador https://t.co/vhze8DTO39 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1796976651877912576/vid/avc1/720x1280/HNDAC_c0B-0SCFMD.mp4?tag=14 
 Must read thread from the former Chairman of the FEC who the corrupt Judge Merchan refused to allow testify at my father's trial. 
 Why did Biden's number 3 at the Department of Justice leave that job for the NYC DA's office under Alvin Bragg? 

Simple: To Prosecute Biden's political enemy. https://t.co/I1u1Cr4XsG https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1796945408838500352/pu/vid/avc1/1122x630/5Hs8XmnCr5cRHokN.mp4?tag=12 
 No one is a bigger threat to Democracy in America than Joe Biden. 
 The Fake News gets triggered whenever anyone dares to tells the truth about the fascist lawfare from Alvin Bragg and Joe Biden. 
 Google is competing with Judge Merchan and Alvin Bragg to see who can be more blatant about interfering in the presidential election to protect Joe Biden. 
 Let me answer this one for them: Because it was a rigged trial overseen by a Biden donor Judge! 
 This is exactly right. It's the whole point of Biden's corrupt election interference scheme! 
 There it is, folks. Crooked Joe can't hide his satisfaction over what him and his team orchestrated. 
 Except we all know that it was rigged by you and your crooked friends. That's why the number three guy at Biden's DOJ joined Bragg's office and the entire case was overseen by a Biden donor Judge whose daughter is literally a Democrat political operative! #RiggedSystem 
 Judge Merchan and his family are a bunch of Democrat donors and political operatives lining their pockets while interfering in an election to help Joe Biden! 
 These people would do anything and everything to hold onto political power. They don't care if they destroy our country in the process. 
 This time 100000000000000000 
 This is 100% right. 
 The left is willing to destroy our Republic to stop Trump and keep their power - On November 5th - Let's show them that we won't let them get away with it! 
 Because Merchan was never an impartial Judge who cared about the rule of law. He's a full blown Democrat activist and Biden donor. 
 We're going to defeat The Swamp and Save America on November 5th! 
 This is what a 3rd world Banana Republic looks like. 
 I think most Americans would prefer the mean tweets right now to everything going to shit under Biden! 
 President Trump is the only one standing between us & deranged lunatics who want to hurt our country. House Republicans are standing with Trump! Join them by signing their official petition demanding the charges against Trump are dropped immediately!

 Seems like this wouldn’t even fly in Zimbabwe, but it seems that’s where we are headed. 
 Biden has Robert DeNiro still in a mask! It’s pathetic that DeNiro is the best celebrity that Biden can get as a surrogate. In 2020, every celebrity lined up behind him but in 2024, The Rock, Cardi b, & other major celebrities have turned on him & said they regret voting for him! 
 This times 100000000 
 In 2020 Joe Biden had literally every A-list celebrity in his corner lining up like sheep. They would show up to his “rallies” and fundraisers all the time… now most of those denounce him or went totally dark… all he’s got left is deranged Robert De Niro STILL IN A MASK!!! LOL https://t.co/s6TF5HO3sR https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOsAVAdWwAEYick.jpg 
 If there was ever any doubt that this was a political persecution, the fact that the Biden campaign would hold a rally outside of the courthouse during closing arguments tells you everything you needed to know. 

Election interference!!!  https://t.co/cGaMU2ld3h https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1795508230182879232/vid/avc1/884x478/jpHihnhsxAu5oTdP.mp4?tag=16 
 Blanche: “Michael cohen is the embodiment of reasonable doubt”

This entire case hangs on a liar & admitted thief. He lied to his wife. He lied to every branch of congress. He lied to federal and state judges. He lied to bankers & to this very jury!

You can’t rely on him!!! 
 The only people Joe Biden and his Hollywood friends hate more than Donald Trump, are the working-class Americans who support Trump! 
 The 2024 election is Biden, Hollywood and the Swamp vs Trump and the forgotten people 
 In case you needed more evidence that all of these BS cases were quarterbacked by Team Biden to interfere in the 2024 election, the Biden campaign is now showing up in NYC to explicitly cheerlead the political prosecution of my father. 
 Nailed it. 
 See you on Rumble coming up 6 pm et 
 Never forget those who sacrificed it all so we can stay the land of the free 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

#MemorialDay https://t.co/ecoPzX1eVA https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOl_0KjaUAAR4Py.jpg 
 As we observe this Memorial Day, let us always remember the brave heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep America safe and free. Our debt to them is infinite.  

And tonight I’ll talk with British special forces warrior Christian Craighead @one_man_in about sacrifice, heroism, and why America is an inspiration 
https://t.co/bBNojSlTd0 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOl_gHkXgAAItyV.jpg 
 2020 — Biden, Schiff, 51 “intelligence” hacks & the entire lib media: Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation! 😱 

Dir. of Natl. Intelligence @JohnRatcliffe: Uhhh… No, it’s not.

2024 — Biden’s own DOJ submits Hunter’s laptop as evidence of his crimes.

Can’t make it up! https://t.co/lMaHhfOp2a https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOhKzm2aMAE3pWW.jpg 
 While Joe Biden naps and struggles to get through safe scripted speeches without his brain malfunctioning, @realDonaldTrump is bringing his America First message to new audiences on a regular basis. 
 He's not well.