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Notes by Donald Trump Jr. | export

 He's not well. 
 "They always gonna whisper your accomplishments and shout your failures. Trump gonna shout the wins for all of us” 

Sheff G sums up the fake news media perfectly!!!

And the MAGA momentum is off the charts!!! 
 This is how to own a globalist! 

Until Trump returns, Biden and his minions will continue bowing down to China and hollowing out American industries. America First! 
 Guys coming up on rumble!!!

Check out these awesome interviews and then see my father’s rally in the Bronx!!! 

 WTF is wrong with Bob Casey in Pennsylvania???

EXCLUSIVE: Swing-State Dem Senator Says Concerns About Males Competing In Female Sports Are ‘Unfounded’

 Triggered tonight 6 pm et

We’ll be joined Mary Margaret Olohan @MaryMargOlohan on her new book “Detrans”

This book will outrage you and that’s why it’s a must-read 

And the DEI madness just keeps getting more insane - Jeremy Carl will lay it all out 


New text message allegedly reveals Hunter Biden proposed meeting for dad, uncle and Chinese exec in NYC

 James Comey and Joe Biden are threats to Democracy.

Pass it on. 
 Every Democrat up for reelection across the country is doing this. These frauds like Jon Tester vote with Joe Biden nearly 100% of the time and then pretend to oppose him when it's an election year. Don't fall for it!!!

 There it is, folks. Our failing Commander in Chief doesn't believe it's his job to protect America from being invaded by illegals at the southern border! 
 WTF??? The real threat to American Democracy is coming from the Bolsheviks in the Biden Administration. They will do anything to hold onto their power and stop Trump. 
 Joe Biden's open border is killing American citizens! 
 Donald Trump Jr. Goes Off Outside of Courtroom: This Is Setting a ‘Disastrous Precedent’

 This is a really big deal in my father’s show trial in NYC. Read it all and understand the level of bias on display and why they wouldn’t let an expert witness testify to the law. 

 Kangaroo Court time. Headed down with @realDonaldTrump to continue the leftist show trials. https://t.co/68MTsyA3Vx https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1792906585569705985/vid/avc1/720x1280/xnSzOix6KGreHMXq.mp4?tag=14 
 Hahahahah. Yea, that would be terrible because it’s going so well for us right now!  We are barely in the top 30 in the world despite spending more per capita than any other country and there are entire schools  that are graduating kids none of whom can read or do basic math. 👍 
 Can this case, these prosecutors and this judge possibly be any more corrupt? They should all be disbarred & impriaoned (like their lying & thieving “Star Witness”) 

It’s literal madness at this point. Even CNN gets it!  CNN!!!! 
 Seems like a really big deal! Perhaps it explains in part why the judge cleared the court… the testimony is a disaster for the sham prosecution!🤔

Breaking: Bob Costello (Cohen’s former lawyer) testifies that Trump “knew nothing” about Cohen’s payments. https://t.co/azpn1998In https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1792647586341376000/pu/vid/avc1/720x406/2yCLK8N7TBmQp1NL.mp4?tag=12 
 See you on Rumble right now!!! 
 Cohen crimes and more left-wing lies

Let’s just say you don’t want to miss tonight’s episode 

Triggered 6 pm ET on Rumble

My full response to all the madness https://t.co/uRKjiVX5W6 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1792667918666231808/vid/avc1/1280x720/uHs9rg2Uyt8zQguk.mp4?tag=14 
 So let’s get this straight 

•Cohen lied about the phone call

•Lied about payments  

•Also stole from Trump Org 

And this is the “star witness”???

My full response tonight on Triggered 6 pm ET on Rumble 

 I mean isn’t this game over? The star witness literally admits on the stand that he’d lie yet again if it affected him personally… and his whole purpose there is clearly personal!

Bragg team interjects (probably): "WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU EVEN ON?"

Clown show!!!! 
 Even CNN knows that the prosecution's BS case against my father is falling apart! 
 Don't fall for Sherrod Brown's lies. He votes with Biden 99% of the time to sell out Ohio workers and families. 
 The “Star witness” strikes again. LOL 
Michael Cohen just admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization. So he’s a convicted liar and now also a thief. I’ll have a lot to say about this tonight on Triggered on Rumble @ 6 pm!
https://t.co/CHhetD49RQ https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1792562289649860608/pu/vid/avc1/720x406/tHw0UqQIyX-kV-4w.mp4?tag=12 
 After firing Mehdi Hassan, I'm hearing from media friends that MSNBC is looking to revamp their weekend schedule by giving Molly Jong Fast a show. Talk about tone deaf. Let’s put another rich white lib on air who thinks child mutilation is cool and illegals enrich our society 🤡 
 JD just absolutely destroyed the Fake News!!! 
 How many of these days are there now?

Feels like there’s a new one every week plus the month of June I’m told. 
 Donald Trump repeats demand that Joe Biden take drug test before presidential candidates debate

 Christine Serrano Glassner is exactly the sort of loyal ally my father will need next year to overcome the corrupt D.C. establishment and clean up the mess Joe Biden is leaving behind. That’s why I’m joining @RealDonaldTrump in endorsing @Christine4NJ for U.S. Senate in New Jersey.

DONATE HERE (https://t.co/IFiEyHlDTM) 
 On the latest episode of Triggered, I spoke with America First rock star @JDVance1 about the weird obsession the political establishment has with Zelensky and the rampant corruption happening in Ukraine funded by American taxpayers. https://t.co/f1An5l7US2 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1791500794144935936/pu/vid/avc1/640x360/W9JwrFLObRlL54j1.mp4?tag=12 
 I see that the leftist frauds are taking a short break from defending pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers who are burning American flags and chanting “death to America." 
 Has anyone else noticed how basically all of the same neocon morons who pushed us into the Iraq War back in 2003 are now supporting Joe Biden for President and hate @realDonaldTrump? 
 Jon Tester is a radical leftwing Trump hater, so why would any supposed Republican work with him to undo the pro-veteran policies my father instituted at the VA?

Breitbart: Anti-Trump Lawmakers Push Bill to Scrap Trump-Era Win for Veterans’ Health Care

 I really wish the NFL would condemn wife beaters as much as they do conservative Christians speaking at conservative Christian schools for saying literally nothing controversial whatsoever. 
 It never fucking ends!!!! 
 It’s almost like it’s a witch hunt!!! 
 Live on Rumble right now!!! 
 Guys so much to get into tonight on Triggered 

A deep dive into all of Cohen’s lies with some exclusive details from the courtroom

And Sen JD Vance @JDVance1 makes his Triggered debut!!!

Don’t miss it. And if you’re running late don’t worry, we won’t get started until 6:15pm https://t.co/LJ71sqQEB6 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1791217602938732544/vid/avc1/1280x720/n_6estn3wjvUS4l2.mp4?tag=14 
 When you’ve lost CNN’s Anderson Cooper you have a clown show!
Yes, Maybe don’t bet your entire case on a convicted liar!

“On a cross examination lawyers want to build a box around the witness and then slam it shut. That’s what Todd Blanche did to Cohen.”
 https://t.co/Qj1D1Q4fSZ https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1791166835838328832/pu/vid/avc1/848x452/GNwgFGhcEKhVALwf.mp4?tag=12 

Ohio Senator JD Vance @JDVance1 

See you 6 pm ET on Rumble!!!
 I’m heading back to the cheese state on June 4th to campaign for Trump-endorsed @TonyWied for #WI08.

Tony is an America first, political outsider who is running against two career politicians.

We need more outsiders like my father & Tony in DC!

 If we didn’t live in a banana republic this would be a totally disqualifying conflict!

Rep Hageman just called out Rep. Dan Goldman for preparing Michael Cohen in the Trump hush money trial, despite paying Judge Merchan’s daughter’s firm over $150,000!
 https://t.co/hEfBgeGTxF https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1790782452526456837/vid/avc1/848x454/2ga6ffJ3T-heNke2.mp4?tag=14 
 Seems like a really big deal!!! 
 Congrats to my friend @MorriseyWV on his big GOP Primary win for West Virginia Governor last night! 

I was proud to support his campaign. Patrick Has a long record of always fighting to put America First and is going to make a terrific Governor for West Virginia 🇺🇸 
 This is the most corrupt prosecution in American history! 
 Biden’s own economic adviser can’t explain how money works 

The Democratic party can’t define what a woman is 

Our country is being run by lunatics who couldn’t pass grade school 

It’s why legendary investor Scott Bessent is betting on a Trump rally from Wall St to Main St https://t.co/QtZioOihQb https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1790451731672797184/vid/avc1/1280x720/usySTI-wA4K6uwHg.mp4?tag=14 
 West Virginia friends - The polls are open. Make sure you get out and vote for America First @MorriseyWV for Governor today! https://t.co/vrMkAEA6zW https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1790388493312561152/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/y2JUl-xYGY5ZM7Xe.mp4?tag=12 
 Going live now, Tune in 
 I’ll discuss this all tonight on Triggered, but WTF the other star witness seems to really have lied!

Stormy Daniels in 2018 telling Bill Maher she 'wasn't coerced' 

In court this week she said Trump blocked her from leaving & she blacked out

She lied!
 https://t.co/EJk0neq9Qd https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1789738993560522752/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/8vYxJYnW2v-Mgl5A.mp4?tag=12 
 You can bet on a Trump rally.

From Wildwood, to Wall St, to Main St, the MAGA momentum is off the charts

Triggered 6 pm et on Rumble with legendary investor Scott Bessent

And I’ll take some of your questions live!! 
 Funny cuz it’s true 

"To the American voters who are watching this, the one opportunity you get to speak up against this sham prosecution and to say the American people elect their President, not corrupt DNC prosecutors is to vote for Donald Trump in November." - @JDVance1 https://t.co/KQtzk4LzJo https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1790054330931834880/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/ehGxJuIjtQ4n6Yyn.mp4?tag=12 
 When you’ve even lost CNN!!! 
 Hahahahahahahahahahaha but statistically almost impossible to not be true. For the record I did not/will not suicide myself!!! https://t.co/qYAmjvenTf https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNbSgfwWIAAhXLL.jpg 
 Oh Thank God!!!

Word on street is that her people were floating this bullshit because she has a PAC fundraiser monday and is trying to sell attendance!!! https://t.co/4hvr69MKU6 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNTvB8qXwAAcyDB.jpg 
 In other news… the arsonists call the fire dept. This can’t be serious. 
 I’m sure this will work out very well. 

Can’t wait to see who the arbiters of truth will be for this shit show. 
 Insanity! How on earth is this not a felony committed by Bragg and his minions? It sure would be if team Trump did it.

I’d love if we had actual journalists that would report on this ongoing travesty. 

Sadly, proper journalism is dead. They’re just scribes for the regime. 
 Going live shortly from Canada tune in now!!!! 

SPECIAL PROGRAMMING: Protecting Free Speech and the Censorship Crisis, Live from Rumble Toronto https://t.co/Xuplf7eGch 
 Ultra liberal democrats have a great alternative to Joe Biden. Can we finally stop pretending that RFK JR is anything other than liberal please? It’s enough already. 
 So we are clear, according to the judge, Stormy Daniels is relevant but Mark Pomerantz a former prosecutor in the AG’s office who wrote a book on it isn’t!!!!  

LOL. The show trial rolls on and our pathetic media continues to say nothing. 
 SPECIAL PROGRAMMING: Protecting Free Speech and the Censorship Crisis, Live from Rumble Toronto 1pm EST!!!  https://t.co/Xuplf7eGch 
 The boy who cries wolf plays out in real life… especially when you do it for decades… 
 Fact check: True

“Has anyone ever noticed that there’s just no happiness on the left? They’re not happy. They’re not happy people” 

💯💯💯 DJT https://t.co/qLgcd7Ed5M https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1788639524311949312/vid/avc1/814x458/pRjS0h-iOrwdV838.mp4?tag=14 
 We are live!!!! Check it out.  https://t.co/ymIKWSfqrd 
 Going live at 6. Tune in. 
 Trans posters inside the CIA 


Wuhan lab leak coverup and “experts” telling us Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation

What our Intel agencies seem to be missing the most is actual intelligence 

Cliff Sims @Cliff_Sims on Triggered 6 pm et with inside stories from the swamp 
 PA Senator Bob Casey actually has a point here...It is impossible to bring prices down if we reelect Democrats like him and Biden who gave us this inflation crisis in the first place!

"I'm not proposing that we're going to be able to bring these prices down. That's impossible." https://t.co/eAG99VP8j2 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1788570767019454465/pu/vid/avc1/720x720/rMiC9BVJ-KT8dPiB.mp4?tag=12 
 J.D. Vance: New York Trump Trial Is Just Another Partisan Witch Hunt | Opinion

 Magically 6 months ago RFK Jr became conservative. Another leftist Psyop! Stop with the nonsense already he’s a DEM!

“My name is Bobby Kennedy and I’m an acolyte of Al Gore’s. He is my hero.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. idolizes one of the most radically left whackos alive! https://t.co/g4Qhf0qul2 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1788367686340071424/vid/avc1/886x568/2O9L1UMCudoTjnK-.mp4?tag=14 
 Is anyone even surprised at this point???

Fox News: Wife of ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump has donated thousands to Biden, Obama

 I don’t know about you, but if you really cared about Palestine, perhaps you should know how to fricken spell it?!?
Columbia ain’t producing the best anymore, but I’m sure they have a lot of debt that they’re going to ask a plumber to pay for!!! Minor details🙄 https://t.co/GMwhSRGkbL https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFGDTTaIAMDXDZ.jpg 
 Love me my community notes. 

Remember folks It’s not a crime if cops can’t enforce the law or they no longer report them to the agencies “keeping track” Liberal Privilege! 

Tell that to your loved ones as they’re robbed and beaten at rates never before seen in recent times. 
 So cops are allowed to actually enforce laws as long as it’s in defense of a bunch of rich liberals?!? GOT IT 

When terrorists are burning down your neighborhood… YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN!!! 
 Has there ever been a more obvious case of weaponizing the Justice System to interfere in a presidential election? 
 Those damn white supremistists are at it again. 
 West Virginia friends - The dishonest attacks on Pat Morrisey from Moore Capito & Chris Miller are disgraceful.

Morrisey has been pro-Trump since day one and has always been a warrior for the America First movement. He's 100% MAGA and will make a great Governor of West Virginia! 
 Sherrod is going to spend the next 6 months lying to Ohio voters and pretending that he doesn't vote with Biden virtually 100% of the time. Don't fall for his lies! 
 So as it turns out, Jack Smith and his team tampered with evidence 

Or to put it another way: Mishandled classified materials 

Whatever the left accuses everyone else of doing is exactly what they’re doing themselves!!!

Reporter Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 explains https://t.co/z9Gm8CkrE1 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1787905808086282240/vid/avc1/1280x720/LfT2QzhqJk0kDxtQ.mp4?tag=14 
 The reason our country is being invaded by criminal illegals is because of Dems like Jon Tester who support Biden's pro-amnesty policies and oppose finishing the wall at the southern border. 
 Remember, white supremacists are the number one domestic terror threat in the United States.🙄 
 If you are a “right winger” and you are accepting money from RFK Jr to work against Trump and MAGA we won’t forget. Saving your country is more important than a few bucks to shill for a radical leftist. 
 Things are going so well in Joe Biden’s America that the Democrats are now engaging in “pre emptive strikes” on police burning cop cars in Portland BEFORE the police try to enforce the law. 
 It would be nice if @realDonaldTrump got the same 1st Amendment protections as pro-Hamas foreigners rioting on college campuses.

https://t.co/U5oYoBOF3X https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1787627644520980481/vid/avc1/1280x720/ZP33i8tIXWEmhWdE.mp4?tag=14 
 The only reporter getting into the details of the corrupt case against my father going live now!!!! 
The Process is the Punishment: Evidence Tampering, Lies, and the Boxes Hoax, Live with Reporter Julie Kelly | TRIGGERED Ep.134 https://t.co/d8o6c20am3 
 Elon out here casually risking his life by criticizing Boeing. They’re approaching Hillary levels of suiciding. 
 Much more on all of this tonight on Triggered with reporter Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 6 pm ET 

Evidence tampering, lies, and corruption

Or to put it differently: Just another day in the life of a Democrat prosecutor 
 REMINDER: Judge Merchan is a donor to Joe Biden.