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Notes by momotahmasbi | export

 Nick is great! While you were at it, did you shill Nostr to him? xD
If he joins us, his friend Ivor Cummins might join too! 
 You did what you could. You planted the seed 💜 
 CJ, we’ll support you using Lightning! Fuck Patreon!


 I loved the car seatbelt and protection analogy!


 If you run windows, IDM is a great, cheap, one-time purchase tool for downloading content on the computer from anywhere. But if you’re mostly bound to phone, for Instagram videos, you can use this website: https://snapinsta.app 
 Can Nostr Make Twitter's Dreams Come True?

Persian/Farsi subtitle 

@gladstein @jack @ODELL 

Pass it on to reach your Persian-speaking friends!

 Pre-diabetes is severe glucose intolerance.  
Type 2 Diabetes is Glucose toxicity.
Once you under... 
 And definitely the solution is not to eat carbs “even if you are obese, even if you are diabetic”. 
 A polite way of saying some people are as dumb as fuck 
 Was very much like this when I was. Was seriously thinking about getting the subscription cause it would have been cheaper than a one date dinner, but managed to find my girlfriend on the free version. 
 Me trying to orange pill Dr. Anthony Chaffee caught on camera!

 We are! 
 We want this man here, don’t we?

 He must have 10 Bitcoins at least! 
 Nostr frens!
Zap this fella so much, he gets curious about Nostr!


 Great CJ! Join us on Nostr then!
People like you are the most welcome!
Try installing the Primal app from Primal.net


 Let’s see if CJ is on podcasting 2.0


 This Angry Video Game Nerd guy is inconceivably hillarious 🤣 

 Whenever I read the words "conspiracy theorist", "far-right", and "science denier" in someone's Wikipedia page, I become interested! 
 آیا نوستر می‌تواند رؤیای توئیتر را محقق کند؟
الکس گلدستین
(زیر نویس فارسی)

 @gladstein  @ODELL  @LynAlden  @Snowden @jack 

The Persian subtitle of "Can Nostr Make Twitter's Dreams Come True?"

Please share! 
 The Persian subtitle of "Can Nostr Make Twitter's Dreams Come True?" by @gladstein 

 You don’t have to find that one #nostr app that meets all your needs.

Everything you need will be made on #nostr! 
 Rumour has it he's back... 
 Very curious to know whom you’re talking about 
 My money doesn’t jiggle jiggle, it appreciates! 
 My money doesn’t jiggle jiggle, it flies! 
 "Nostr is like a weird version of fight club." - nostr:nprofile1qqszrdqezqk63lqt4yzgftkfxjl4tdate... 
 The difference is you never shut up about Nostr 💜 
 I buy on the payday irrespective of the price. Simply ignore the price. But if it really dips, I buy double - if I still have fiat xD 
 Donald Trump will be the first ever shitcoiner president 
 No, there are tens of dollar maximalist presidents before him. 
 I zapped you, for some reason, I got the zap myself. Weird 
 I’d argue it’s not not eating that is beneficial, it’s not eating carbs and other junk that is in fact beneficial. 
 When people start eating more red meat and avoid sugar, grains & beans, and seed oils, they often... 
 The only one you’re cheating with these cheat meals is yourself. 
 GM. Has anyone had trouble zapping me lately? 

I recently switched my receiving Lightning addres... 
 I tried now. It worked. 
 I see your memes very often, but haven’t managed to decipher “Libby” yet xD 
 Late coffee after getting a new gasket for my coffee pot ☺️ https://i.nostr.build/X1DKyIk2F14XkKBR.jpg  
 A case could be made. But more reasons to think he’s not than to think he is. 
 I think the whole Flat-Earth resurgence was a good thing. Why?

It inspired a new generation of p... 
 I believe it was staged due to two facts: they don’t do it anymore. If it was feasible with the technology of the 60s-70s, why isn’t it more affordable and easier now?
Also, there are challenges that are probably never solvable in a moon trip: living things would get microwaves trying to get there. 
 Also, my super-powerful tinfoil hat inside believes the whole flat-earther movement is a pay-op to discredit any dissident voice with the “flat-earther” label. 
 Probably never. I like it to happen gradually and never suddenly. 
 Proof that you have a fury tail at home 🐶 https://i.nostr.build/LxK81JTQWdLfe35S.jpg  
 I have this weird bug that when I zap someone it says ‘I received that zap’ 
 Isn’t it when you’re zapping someone who has reposted your content without adding a post? That seems to be the standard behavior for Primal. 
 ‏‎با گوگولی بازی و سانتیمانتالیسم تغیری حاصل نمیشه. ... 
 متأسفانه بعضی از مغزها آلوده‌ی توهمی به اسم گاندی و مبارزه‌ی مسالمت‌آمیزن. 
 I’ve tried that myself, but my scalp would get itchy. I prefer to have some organic and preferably single-ingredient shampoo to use. 
 I am back to store-bought shampoos unfortunately, but once I got the recommendation that diluted apple cider vinegar can be helpful. Haven’t tried it though. 
 Today I finished the translation and revision of this video’s subtitles into Persian (Farsi).

I just need to sleep on it, make some final adjustments to the timing and burn it on the original video.

Stay tuned!

@gladstein @ODELL @jack 

 You have to be willing to fail first before you do anything. 

Before I bought bitcoin I risked l... 
 The people who make fun of you today may not be a part of your life in ten years. Let them ridicule us for our passion for the magic internet money! 
 Maybe get used to the fact that there’s not gonna be a god candle.

Let’s enjoy watching it unfold organically! 
 Passion is for newbies!

Just work, work, work! 
 Cheers to being a newbie then :) 
 Watching 2001:Space Odyssey (1968) https://i.nostr.build/ouRodP4GSPnlvKBR.jpg  
 Would be definitely worth it. It’s amazing how the cinematography looks like and I believe it must have been an inspiration to much later movies such as Star Wars and Alien! 
 آموزش پرایمال به زبان فارسی در ۶ دقیقه!

دانلود کنید، دست به دست کنید، برسه به دست دوستایی که هنوز به نوستر نپیوستن!
 @Parham 𓃬☼₿ my bro 🧡💜 
 ایده‌ی خوبیه. اما سرنخ ماجرا این که می‌تونید از سرویس پولی @nostr.build استفاده کنین. 
 This guy single-handedly by one very informative video got me on keto years ago. He’s great!