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 "Countries like Russia and China tend to test their attacks out on smaller countries before unleashing them on larger ones. Consider this a preview to their actions in the US next year." https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/10/deepfake-election-interference-in-slovakia.html 
 Imagine getting up one morning in 2023 as the world burns and saying to yourself, "I'm going to try to sell gasoline to teenagers via their favorite videogame," and having dozens of people (at least) say, "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," and then actually fucking do it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/06/shell-fortnite-game-youth-marketing-campaign-fossil-fuels 
 what the fuck is a "causality engineer"?? 
 I am not going to do another technical book [1], but if I did, high on the list would be something like "Software Design by Example" that builds working models of tools for reproducible data science/ML from scratch. Dozens or hundreds of such tools have been built in the last 20 years, and an equal number of papers published, but we seem no closer to converging on a standard model than we were in 2003.
[1] Unless some enlightened company hires me to write. 
 Here's hoping someone creates a Karikó Prize, to be awarded annually to someone that academia kicked to the curb and who went on to change the world anyway. Of course, there should also be a UPenn prize every year for the most egregious example of an academic institution failing to support someone when it would have mattered but later taking credit for their work anyway. 
 It's 2023. You can graduate with a degree in Computer Science from a top-ranked university and never have heard about Meta's role in the genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar. Next time you're talking to a professor, please ask them why that is still the norm. 
 "I wish this [engineering ethics] course had covered the idea that people might be harmed not because of an implementation mistake, but because an engineer did a good job building the wrong thing." https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/zine/ 
 A lot of CS undergrad programs have a "business of computing" course that teaches the basics of entrepreneurship. I've never seen one that included lessons on labor rights or that explained how big firms abuse near-monopoly positions through e.g. regulatory capture. If you have, I'd be grateful for pointers - thanks.