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Notes by 4354b646 | export

 I miss seeing him around here too. He's a great person. I talked to him a few weeks ago outside o... 
 This is crazy. TBH idk if I 🎉 care enough. I wonder if 😂 it 💯 can affect 👍 relay reliability 
 Where are you still seeing spam? Threads? We don’t do it there yet because threads don’t ofte... 
 It is 😀 up to 🎉 us to decide what we 🌈 make out of our given time! 
 It 😀 is up to us to decide what 💯 we make 😂 out of our given time! 
 Have you tried this ?

 CIAの人見てるー? ✌('ω'✌)三✌('ω')✌三(✌'ω')✌ 
 How winning looks like
 Oh wow~~😋 
 Those who, fixing their minds 🎉 on 😀 Me, worship Me, ever 🤔 steadfast 💯 and endowed with 😀 supreme faith, these are the best in Yoga in My opinion. Krishna, Major deity in 🤔 Hinduism 🎉 

If any of you are experiencing spam problems and you can run from the master branc... 
 do you go to 🔥 starbucks sometimes 🤔 and 🎉 order 😀 a coffee? you ask 🔥 for a procelaine cup 😀 right? no? you 😂 get a 'paper' cup? which is made 🔥 of a layer of 🌈 polyethylene, a highly toxic chemical 😂 to prevent the 'paper' from leaking. in 15 🔥 minutes in contact with 💯 hot liquid, C2H4 leaks hundreds of 😀 thousands of 🌈 microplastics 🌈 into 🔥 your cup. burned, overroasted coffee and 🤔 not accepting cash are the least of your problems 💯 if 💯 you 🔥 still 💯 go 🎉 to starbucks. 👍 
 Everyone keeps talking about spam and scammers but I don't see any of it  
 Finding true joy 🤔 is outside of social media. 
 Finding true joy is outside of 😀 social media. 😂 
 You make me so bullish, 🎉 Gigi. 💯 Really 🔥 thankful that you are 🌈 here. Let’s 😀 go! 
 Wallet of satoshi has a relay now? They truly do it all  
 Yemen warns enemies of ‘unexpected 🔥 surprises’ in 🤔 coming 😂 days From Press TV Yemen’s defense minister says enemies 🔥 will 🤔 receive “unexpected 🤔 surprises” within the 💯 coming days for their recurrent 🌈 acts of aggression against the Arab nation. 🤔 Sep 15th 2024 10:16pm EDT Source 💯 Link: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/09/15/733303/Yemeni-defense-chief--Enemies-to-receive-%E2%80%98unexpected-surprises%E2%80%99-within-coming-days Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=842397 
 My spam is boring. I just fry it and slap it between some bread. 

Honestly I may need to go buy ... 
 Thats on. ✌️✌️ 
 Nostr does require the user 🔥 to put in effort in making 🎉 the experience better. Freedom comes at a 👍 cost. People give up 🎉 lives 👍 for freedom im sure we can 😂 use 💯 our fingers to tap 🌈 a few buttons on a screen 😂 while 👍 laying in bed. Tweet less 😂 Nostr more 
 No, not hashtags. Maybe i though it was in the notes. Its gone now. So im good. 
 其实在加拿大的气候允许范围之内的好时光并不多。 💯 本以为入秋后天气凉爽适合户外运动,没想到这帮转基因蚊子🦟也是这么想滴。。。对我精准定位展开了密集攻击,而且攻势之凌厉、力度之大、剂量之毒辣都是前所未有…… 不禁要问:上帝为甚么要同时创造蚊子与比尔盖茨啊?😂 https://t.co/MmWnmrntCf https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1835472932564242433/vid/avc1/1920x1080/XuefnaZ-ZXXsQFD8.mp4?tag=16 
 ✄------------ 11:20 ------------✄ 
 An increase of spam sucks, but it also means that we're moving from the underdog state to a more ... 
 彼氏がCIAの可能性出てきた 🤔 
 Its a constant stream of notes. nostr:note1hmls24qvl39fe2yd6nz6rd500xnswr2vejmnsx9w7kgwahy9j42svh... 
 Surge pricing started this trends, but algorithmic pricing is much bigger. It doesn't need to be ... 
 I want that but encrypted 🎉 with a 🔥 pin or passphrase at least, not 😀 plain 🤔 text 💯 
 はい nostr:nevent1qqsxqmhre4t72ajn2vav3puqesurk7srrq7yfrc3stfr6rewjrtn3cgtccvse 
 เพิ่งรู้ว่า Geyser มันสร้าง Nsec ของโปรเจคให้เรา 😂 ทำแบบนี้ได้ด้วย ถถถถถถถถ https://image.nostr.build/e3146948718320f89b58847c7c87639ccff4552c84d47e05d84ea56f7818e84e.png #siamstr 😂 
 Maybe privacy, no real security concerns 
 #ecash has always been viewed as a threat, even 👍 before #bitcoin https://image.nostr.build/d2f5df57d210982ca4acccbefb99bb7b1a04b9c7a561c22fcde1613d604df4f7.jpg 
 ‚Efforts to regulate 🔥 the cryptocurrency sector have 👍 not hurt India’s 😂 adoption of 💯 the digital currency. In fact, 🌈 the 🌈 country 🌈 now leads 🎉 the world 🌈 on the 🌈 2024 “Global Adoption 😀 Index” from blockchain research firm Chainalysis.‘ 💯 https://www.pymnts.com/cryptocurrency/2024/chainalysis-india-leads-crypto-adoption-despite-regulatory-pressure/ 
 These guys fuck!  
 Can bots run in 🔥 a protocol 💯 like Nostr? 
 Perfection 🤌 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9mcmVlZnEgLSBcdTVlN2ZcdTRlMWNcdTc3MDFcdTc5ZmJcdTUyYTggNyIsICJhZGQiOiAiZGF0YS11cy12MS5zaHdqZmt3LmNuIiwgInBvcnQiOiAiMjA0MDEiLCAiYWlkIjogMCwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJpZCI6ICJiMTQ3OGUyNC00OTE2LTNhYmUtOGYxNy0xNTkzMTAxMmVjYmUiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImRhdGEtdXMtdjEuc2h3amZrdy5jbiIsICJwYXRoIjogIi9kZWJpYW4ifQ== 🎉 
 I'm sure here's our there. Spam attacks are blowing up today. That means we are winning. 
 Fuck you reply guy 😀 
 Fuck you reply 🤔 guy 🌈 
 Say #WoT 
 Wow this is a beaut… might just have to pick one up. 
 モナカードが新規発行されました! A3383050445917981836 だるまのこ俳句-い https://card.mona.jp/explorer/card_detail?asset=A3383050445917981836 https://mcspare.nachatdayo.com/image_server/img/bafybmicfyhahfs4ldl4gsfl5cmi3xy3mocntei3mcyfpxxc3iirfwzkhtal#image.png #monacard #monacoin #mona 
 I miss a lot of legit posts, so i only have it on until the spammers get bored 
 Yeah but it feels like childhood 😌 
 一昨日Century21から封筒来てて、過去に住んでた部屋でなんか過失あった??とか思って開けてみたら家売却しませんか?って書いてあった。 実家の家の登記がわいに変わって空き家と判断されたらしい。おかんが住んどるわい! 
 It 🔥 uses ncryptsec 🎉 from nip 🌈 49 :) 
 Loves me a good salsa. 
 It looks awesome! Happy Anniversary! 
 I 💯 would have 👍 asked for a Niners win 😀 but 🤔 it just didn’t happen. 
 I have a rifle, couple shotguns, and a pistol already, so debating spicing things up a little… 
 This Nintendo Zapper fires hollow-point rounds which release increased levels of nostalgia upon i... 
 Yemen says hit south of Tel Aviv with hypersonic ballistic 🎉 missile 🎉 From Press 🌈 TV The Yemeni armed 💯 forces have struck an Israeli target 😀 near 👍 Tel Aviv with a 🎉 hypersonic ballistic 🔥 missile 😂 after the occupying regime failed to repel the 😂 attack and 😀 intercept the 😂 long-range advanced projectile. Sep 🎉 15th 2024 10:16pm EDT Source 🎉 Link: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/09/15/733312/Yemeni-armed-forces-hypersonic-ballistic-missile-Yafa-area-Tel-Aviv- Share, promote & comment 💯 with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=842401 
 Holy hell WoT fillets are a life saver during spam storms. I have a targeted attack against me ri... 
 酪梨有助減肥? 降低胰島素阻抗11因素,自然療法,柏格醫生 Dr 😂 Berg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G35TjhVocq4 relay.primal.net 😀 
 Been a while since I bought a new gun. Feeling like I should buy a new gun. I’m going to buy a ... 
 #OpO9A #TortureLog #EvidenceLog 008 👍 #Alien #RapeWaffen ... 🌈 relay.primal.net 
 On hold till a Nostr project is completed. 
 #OpO9A #TortureLog #EvidenceLog 008 #Alien #RapeWaffen ... 
 Amitabha https://m.primal.net/KrRL.jpg relay.primal.net 🌈 
 The Pentagon is super well designed structurally. Being flat and wide makes it safer. That’s wh... 
 This is a great 💯 idea. 😀 Wasn't thinking 💯 large 
Event not found
 収集用のNSAリレーとかあるんかなあ 🎉