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 I’ve never thought the pentagon was a notable architectural triumph. But compared to the Surat, it looks like a
 The Pentagon is super well designed structurally. Being flat and wide makes it safer. That’s why a plane hitting it didn’t cause nearly as much damage as the World Trade Center; it would basically require a nuke to destroy the whole building. And it had the five sided shape because it was originally going to be between five roads, but then Roosevelt had the location changed. 
 um, a plane hit the Pentagon? 
 That's part of the official 9/11/01 narrative

A plane hit the budget office where they were working out what happened to the trillions (with a T) of dollars announced missing the day before

Or perhaps something else exploded that office 
 The Pentagon was not wired with nano-thermite and did not undergo a controlled demolition. Any suggestion to the contrary is a baseless conspiracy theory. 
 Maxwell's equations have had a greater impact on human history than any ten presidents.

- Carl Sagan 
 UNITED STATES: CNBC reports that 52% of 🇺🇸 Americans say they need 'at least $100,000 a year to feel financially comfortable' 
 UNITED STATES: CNBC reports that 52% of 🇺🇸 Americans say they need 'at least $100,000 a year to feel financially comfortable' 
 Headline: Congressman shocks public with dismissive talk of successful sidewalk widening initiative. "You are not fully considering the impact on run off." He explains. This debate that has gripped the nation has escalated! 
 microbes in my bathroom evolved to thrive on floor toothpaste and sock lint 
 Someone tried to kill Trump again. 
 They don't have to be. :-) 
 Has Taylor Swift’s endorsement damaged Harris’s campaign? New poll reveals all

The pop star endorsed Kamala Harris after the debate against Donald Trump #press


Sent the ladies in today and they loved the decorations! 

 Ich bereue nichts, das ich später tun müsste. 
 My first sick day in 2024 is on a Sunday.
 I'm thinking about how Austin Kleon describes the process of creativity in his book Steal Like an Artist. So I went into ChatGPT and asked for a pithy summary of the book regarding creativity. Here what it came up with. Remember this book was written before AI became so readily available.


Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon argues that creativity is about remixing and building upon the ideas of others, rather than creating something entirely original. Kleon emphasizes that no idea is born in isolation; instead, creative work is the result of borrowing, adapting, and transforming the influences around you. The key is to find inspiration from various sources, then remix and reshape them into something uniquely your own. By embracing curiosity and continuous learning, anyone can develop their creative voice.

Isn't this exactly what AI software is doing?...

Our job is to stay ahead of it rather than to fear it. 
 This is a great 💯 idea. 😀 Wasn't thinking 💯 large