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 which would be worse? Getting killed by a Crocodile, Great White shark, or Chimpanzee?

 I think, it's all the same. 
 What really Scares you about the Ocean?

#Ocean #AskNostr 
 Nothing, Im not afraid to the ocean. 
 Let's pretend nostr communities are popping,  everyones using them and there isn't a feed anymore... 
 I think, nostr might become twitter, instagram, or reddit, because it's just a protocol, depend on the client on how it would be use in the future.

I hope nostr should become a public speech space for everyone, it should not become communities, cause I'll just go to reddit for it.

The advantage of nostr is it doesn't have a specific algorithm, it's all depend on the client. It's just like a space to broadcast your information, the information could easily be interpret as community, a twit, or even a picture post. 
 What do you think of women nowadays who want to be a stay at home mother or wife?

#AskNostr #Con... 
 Anyone can choose what they want.
If women choose to be at home and the husband agrees with it, why not?

I prefer my woman to be a housewife, because she will make sure that our kids get the best of anything, especially education. The first education is coming from home and it's from the children's parents, especially the mother because usually a father will have work to do, to bring money to the house. Mother's job is to bring peace and education, and the father job is to make sure that anything will not disturb it. 
 I think it's because everything is more expensive and we need more money nowadays compare to a decade ago. 
 Drink some coffee here, probably will make your mind lighter. #indonesia   #ac  eh #ja ksel https://nostrcheck.me/media/public/nostrcheck.me_1617769194705976501699444072.webp  
 ini padahal ngetik hashtagnya #aceh #jaksel lho, pake client #plebstr tadi. ga tau errornya dimana. 
 gw biasanya pake satellite, kayanya mirip-mirip deh. 
 oke-an mana bang sama sattelite? 
 gue ga ngerasa gempa si.
bang yoiyok domisili dimana? emang gempanya berasa tuh sampe sana? 
 Good morning.

You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 
 Kumpulan hal menarik di Indonesia

Saya akan berusaha untuk mengumpulkan hal-hal menarik tentang Indonesia disini. 
 dulu jadi anak pramuka bang? 
 Good night guys.

Have a nice day and have a nice dream everyone everywhere in the world. 
 We called light as day and dark as night. Why?

We can see everything in the daytime. Everything looks clear. You will hardly mistake anything in the daytime.

We hardly see anything in the night time, unless we have some source of light which probably will not be enough to reveal the true form of the object. Not everything is clear. Sometime, things look good, but it's not. And sometime, things look bad, but it's good.

Day and Night. Light and Dark. 
 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself 
 Good night everyone. 
 Masih sepi banget November 2023

Mari kita liat gimana n/Indonesia #nostr dalam 5 atau 10 tahun ke depan. 
 Kita liat aja beberapa tahun ke depan gimana masa depan nostr. Menurut gw, platform yang bertujuan untuk menjadi fasilitator kebutuhan orang banyak pasti akan dikenal oleh banyak orang.

Platform medsos mana yang hari ini ga mengutamakan algoritma dari pemilik platform? Ya cuma #nostr. Algoritma-nya tergantung client nostr-nya.

Cape pas ngebuka medsos mainstream, isinya iklan dan konten2 trending yang kadang2 ga sesuai kebutuhan. Yang ada malah ke distract ke hal-hal yang ga penting. 
 Time to go home. 
 The video is too long for my liking. Can you give me the resume of the videos? 
 When you have several platforms and confuse where are you going to post the thing you want and posted it in #nostr instead. 
 All right. I'm confuse of another platform though. We have x, fb, why should I choose #nostr?

I think because there are no other platform that offer the same experience as what a social media should be.

Another platform most of the time is just about ads and pushing trend across all of its user. 
 sudah malam di Indonesia. saatnya tidur. 
 ke tangan penguasa dan kongolomerat. 
 ga pernah ngeliat feed serapi ini di medsos-medsos manapun sebelumnya. 
 Tempat ngebahas Indonesia

Yu kita bahas satu persatu hal-hal yang sedang trend di Indonesia. 
 Saatnya pulang dulu. Good night everyone. 
 Kenapa kaum elit terpelajar menolak Bitcoin? by nostr:npub10529hxckjm5t5mchss5lnpsqrmavulglxhrmu5... 
 @aadbitcoin kemarin masih posting kok kak.

Mungkin Elit Yuppie ini konglomerat yang yakin banget dengan perbankan yang eksis sekarang ya? Orang-orang ini percaya banget dengan sistem tersentralisasi. Wajar, sebab mereka sendiri adalah sosok-sosok yang menciptakan sentralisasi tersebut. 
 Hmm.. Kemarin kayanya Pak Gita sempat cerita hal positif soal bitcoin kok kak. lupa di video yang mana. Tapi pernah denger. 
 How did you know about #nostr?

Coba ceritakan gimana kamu bisa ketemu #nostr dan kenapa kamu menggunakan nostr? 
 udah berapa lama bro di #nostr? 
 semenjak kapan tuh bang?

Sama, gw juga pake Alby. sebelumnya sempat nyobain nos2x. Sama2 oke, cuma nos2x kayanya ga support iris, snort. akhirnya cobain alby yang support semua dan integrate ke wallet lightning.

kalo mobile pake plebstr, lumayan oke tuh, tampilannya juga menarik mirip twitter dan uda punya hosting gambar tersendiri mirip iris.

Pengen nyari yang integrate ke wallet cryptocurrency lainnya juga si sebenarnya. btw, bang @yoiyok btc maxi atau ikutan di cryptocurrency lainnya nih? 
 gw sebenarnya cobain nostr dengan tujuan supaya konten yang gw liat sesuai dengan yg gw mau.
di medsos mainstream banyak banget konten yg di push sama platformnya, yang trending supaya makin trending. Kadang2 gw ga butuh konten2 begitu, cuma distraksi atensi aja. 
 Wih, udah lama banget tuh. 
 tools ya tergantung fungsinya.
kalo gw medsos fungsinya buat komunikasi, ya uda aktif disini buat komunikasi.
medsos mainstreamsekarang jadi tempat buat branding dan jualan. 
 saya baru pake nostr semenjak oktober. dikasi tau sama @aadbitcoin juga. pas ngetwit komplain soal kondisi medsos jaman sekarang, di kasi solusi sama bg aadbitcoin. haha. 
 Salah satu coffee shop yang nyaman di depok #indonesia nih https://void.cat/d/6MoxrRTPr71uKzeV1mw9UZ.webp 
 And notice the list doesn't include scams like "blockchain", "DeFi", or "Web 3"

we need more tox... 
 Kayanya ada grudge sama web3, defi ya kak. 
 People be posting, 

"Don't let anyone ever tell you,  you can't do something"

Like theyre origi... 

I think, in every games, we need a rule. When someone tell you 'you can't do something', it's probably the rule, right?

Yeah, it's not like everyone know the rule, but it's worth thinking. 
 Kenapa lebih enak di #nostr :
1. Tidak ada batasan karakter
2. Ga banyak noise (notif yang ga penting, ads, dll)
3. Bisa liat konten yang dibutuhkan aja
4. fitur lebih banyak, ga cuma twitter, fitur ig, bahkan ada fitur communitynya (kaya tampilan reddit)

Kenapa ga enak di #nostr :
1. Belum banyak asli #Indonesia
2. Sepertinya anonymous-nya kebanyakan
3. Platform baru, ga tau gimana masa depannya. 
 Iya, anonim ataupun verified punya keunggulan dan kekurangannya masing2. 
 Mau pulang dulu nih. Makan Siang dulu. 
 @ariyoap Verifying My Public Key: "@ariyoap" 
 Let's Start Indonesian Community

Let's start the first post. 
 Yu kak. 
 Sure why not. 
 Ganteng bang. 
 Indonesian lets start notes #nostr with #indonesia 
 Hi, which one is which? 
 What's something small that makes you happy?

 a little walk around my neighborhood. 
 Anyone knows how to find a specific community? #nostr
I'm searching for Indonesian nostr community. 
 sure thank you. 
 We need to look for the solution, brother. 
 Yes that's true. But, we need something to unite us human being as society.

When we only focus on our family, what's happening is idolizing the false idol.

Do you know why there are some people that disturbing some other people just because they think there are trying to protect their family?

This is some of those false idols. 
 Saturday of the thirtieth week of Ordinary Time
November 4th

Reading 1
Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29... 
 hi, may I ask. What is your purpose learning Bible? 
But, I don't feel the benefit of knowing what people of the ancient do, if there is no lesson in it.
Although, I believe that there is a guidance in the Bible, but probably not everyone knows about it.

I listen to Jordan Peterson, his biblical lecture is awesome. 
 really? why do you think so?

He is trying to build an organization called ARC (Alliance for Responsible Citizenship). Maybe he tried to crowdfund the orgnization? 
 I read the Bible. I think most people will only find it as a fiction rather than a true story. For me, it's interesting how a book is more durable than anything in the world today.

I know The Bible is worth studying, but I'm not looking at it as a story that the science can not explain. I'm looking at it from a different perspective, just as how Jordan looks at it. 
 It's time to take a break. It's midnight already and I need to wake up early tomorrow. Oh my God 
 I'm excited to use nostr, because it feels, I see everything I need. Not something that advertise some company.

I don't mean that a bad things. But, sometime you just need to take a break from all of that stuff. 
 Thank you sir. 
 I can post something through this satellite. Let see what is going to happen. 
 pake client apa bg? 
 Apakah tatanan dunia ini kacau semenjak berakhirnya Sunda empire. 
 Emang kenapa dengan sunda empire? 
 Hmm.. dasar beliau ngomong begitu apa ya? 
 Any recommendations for a Reddit-like forum with communities built on #nostr? 
 I think all the community itself is just look like reddit. 
Event not found
 let's make an AI that can make an AI. :D 
Event not found
 Masih ga ngerti bang