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Notes by philgarland | export

 Unpasteurized? Don’t want cows to find greener pastures. Sus 
 Surprised there aren’t more Madonna fans 
 30 min #Peloton ride ✅ 
Time for a beer 🍻 
 What’s the toppings? 
 How do Mongolians make decisions? They weigh their pros and Khans 
 Politics is reality TV 
 What’s a rebel’s favorite key? Treble 
 I’ve been a reggaeton kick for the last year and don’t really see it ending 🔥 
 Everyone who replies to this note will get absolutely nothing  
 I get the privilege of responding to your note 🫂 
 I will be sleeping for three days. Love you.  
 GN. See you Friday 💐 
 Sees bunny

Reaches for Poké Ball

Forgot it at home 🤦🏻‍♂️ 
 nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s one thing that would make t... 
 He’s mentioned working on it with Notedeck nostr:nevent1qqsqc9g5ar5xq7rz5yg9j9fcxntm0xcneqqjf2mkyy2pvxsqg2hzwnqpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejszxrhwvaz7tmddahxzepwdf3r2dfwvdhk6w3cxqurqqg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhx6mmnw3ezuur4vg57uvzm 
 I was thinking the fact I remembered him posting it and could find it pretty quickly might be a sign I’m on #Nostr too much… 
 Denver owns the breakfast burrito 🫡 
 Oh no, we cover our breakfast burritos with pork green chile. Burrito is our unhealthy export. 
 I don't see anyone new, are y'all just giving tips and welcoming imaginary new people lmfao  
 Hi utxo, I’m new here. Zap me to make sure my wallet’s set up properly? 
 I think I did that hike a couple of weeks ago 💜🤙🏻 
 One of the best things you can do for yourself is to stop doing unhealthy things.

And believing ... 
 Jay, we’re all psychopaths according to science. https://decrypt.co/246701/are-crypto-holders-psychopaths?amp=1 
 I'm still on my time. 😁 Give me your time.  
 Timely Sarah 💐 
 Who on here left the legacy socials already? 
 #Nostr only 
 He’s a 10 but he always thinks he’s a laggard when he’s actually an early adopter. 
 I deleted Facebook in 2018. Never got Instagram. Feel like most of my IRL friends are on one of those. It’s hard to stay connected with my friends. There’s definitely something self-ostracizing (pun intended) about only having #Nostr. But I don’t think I can do social media any other way. 
 GN 🤙🏻 
 Warshington DC 
 I’m thinking of my SW Virginia friends who say it that way but I’m sure there’s no G in other parts. 
 You would make yourself Jennifer Aniston 😒 
 Whatever you say, Jen 
 Censorship seeping into IRL conversations is not good. 
 You should feel comfortable sharing thoughts and beliefs with friends and not worried about your stance. You can only grow and learn by trying out different ideas. 
 Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds

Bob Marley 
 Who I am is not who I am about to become. 
 Yeah, I know. I’m more saying instead of focusing on a billionaire getting arrested this is bigger. 
 You seem grumpy 
 Yeah, I have friends involved in it. There’s so much to breakdown on the “war on terror.” 
 Good night ✌️🧡 
 GN ✌️🧡 
 If you knew you were going to get arrested why land in France? Also, he’s a Russian. I feel like there’s more to the story than he’s just a freedom tech CEO. 
 Good morning 🌻💜🫂 
 GM 💜 
 Personally, I don’t feel bad for billionaires 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
 Who did the artwork? Looks great! 
 It’s impressive! 
 Saw a great bumper sticker, "Truth has no agenda" 
 “Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." - Nietzsche 
 Bitcoin: You only need a bit to be happy. 
 Good night, amigos xo  
 GN 💐 
 Goodnight ✨💜🫂 
 GN ✨💜🫂 
 Being a lady is hard…especially whilst trying to perfect a DMX impression. 

 I don’t know where I am. I just walk and walk and walk. It’s a grill restaurant. 
 You’re where you’re supposed to be 😊 
 Taking a W away against Villa will be a great example of progress #Gunners  
 We might have the same NBA team but I’m a Villa fan. #AVFC 
 I use the open source password manager Bitwarden, highly recommend! https://bitwarden.com/ nostr:note1rt0npcqzjxmnmj4ah0x0v7j2wweske2gexn5qs9jscra43nf8leqrcayrh 
 Funniest line so far:

Topic: Sovereign Individual 

"I don't hang out with my neighbors and say ... 
 They must have the wrong neighbors 
 When I was growing up, people wondered how the German population could go along with Hitler and h... 
 “History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain. 
 I grew up on a rocky beach and I feel like I got better at walking by intuitively knowing how to avoid the sharp ones. 
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