The arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, although it is just coincidental, at the heels of Nostr’s #Nostriga, is kind of ‘prognostic’ of the talking points in the event of needing a platform that is decentralized and uncensorable.
How tradfi can be quite ill-equipped in crisis situations. A case that comes to mind is the start of the Russia Ukraine conflict. When Ukrainians outside their country were not able to access their ATM and debit card accounts on the onset. And, a lot of Russians outside Russia found that they had also lost access to their accounts due to the sanctions imposed later on. Bitcoin and crypto were usually the only things they have, that they can rely on for their financial needs.
In response to the question: What happens when a government sells #bitcoin? It just dawned on me that what is happening for them, is that they are in effect paying down their debt! 😅 $BTC
I wonder if TradFi or the financial institutions finds out, how much the concept of Lightning is a parallel of their correspondent banking is (Nostro/Vostro accounts). And, even one better for them, they can have these relationships with almost no credit or counterparty exposures.
😱 However, I wonder if the OCD habit of disconnecting and then reconnecting to their VPN, just to make sure they’re connected to their VPN, can be considered as a mitigation measure? 😅
“Tether’s Bitcoin holdings to a total of over 75,000 BTC”.
“Tether’s USDT has recently hit a new milestone with a market cap of US$100 billion, becoming the first stablecoin to hit the mark.”
If one believes that bitcoin is “digital gold”, they can also argue that USDT is fractionally backed up by gold as well as fiat currency. 🤔
Since posting this earlier today. Are you like us still scratching our heads, wondering how #bitcoin has anything to do with Taylor Swift and Joe Biden??? As it crosses 50K!!! 📈
I am beginning to understand the different implications and benefits of #nostr , but as a social network layer, it might just fulfill the role that a certain M. Zuckerberg has espoused decades earlier of what his "platform" was supposed to do... 🤔
“Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell is predicting that more small banks will likely close or merge due to commercial real estate weaknesses, but that the problem is ultimately ‘manageable’.”
Is this Powell’s admission that small banks are being “sacrificed” for the bigger banks? #TooBigToFail
Hmmm 🤔 , so @Alby ever considered expanding your services to client/server or cloud #lightning nodes for individuals and companies? If lightning non-custodial nodes maybe a bit of a hard sale for private corporations and companies — the same cannot be said of a “cloud” setup. With the latter, most of them have more than a decade of experience.
I also have this thought that the same can be extended to nostr relays willing to keep ‘older’ posts and for how long. Some can even provide archival services, where they in turn get compensated for allowing others access to these older archives. 🤔
Agreed, especially on the 2nd to the last sentence. Posts or messages from public organizations or institutions, preferably, should have the required security of “multi-sig”. 🤔
For the stakeholders in the crypto space, the (likely) pertinent question is, would the ff. ruling make all #stablecoins and #cryptocurrencies be legally 'constituted' as #securities , at least in the #US? -- "Judge Sides With SEC Over Do Kwon, Says $UST, $LUNA Are Securities" -- #DoKwon #TerraLuna $USDC $USDT
Wow! When will the next event be, in 2024? 😲 #Nostrica nostr:nprofile1qqsfc93uwdgl3qetpz6kewewp9vkp5w9qcxadv8yv85p8u8sw3v3r8spr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8xetdd9ek7mpwv3jhvtcprfmhxue69uhhqatjv9mxjerp9ehx7um5wghxcctwvshsz9thwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjme0tn2akz #nostrasia #nostr #tokyo #japan
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