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 Sometimes I read Steam Reviews and it seems to me a good portion of people are angry because a ga... 
 @Chris Trottier 

These kids, I swear.  Did they ever feed an entire roll of quarters into a TMNT cabinet?  Did they ever have their entire SimCity stomped by Godzilla and have to start over?  Have they ever shot the food at the worst possible moment, leading to the death of the Blue Wizard?

Have they ever been beaten down by Warmech?  Thrown a controller at the screen because of Air Man?  Memorized the ghost patterns in one version of Pac-Man, then gotten tripped up because they keep changing in different releases?  Cried because of those damned sharks in the Final Sector and a complete lack of ink pellets?

There's a place for easy games, and a place for hard games; there's a place for your walking simulators or your arena shooters or your fighting game bosses with frame-perfect moves and even your pixel-hunt 'find the object' games.  For heavens' sake, don't downvote a game because it's too hard -- or too easy.  Ask instead if the game did what it set out to do. 
 So I'm actually so tired of my entire life (as a doctor, anyway) white cis het male capitalist de... 

THANK you.  I hear these tales constantly, even as a woman it's a repetition of "are you going to bank sperm before you get an orchi? because you might want kids someday", the very notion underlaid by the idea that raising children is What Women Do.  And fuck's sake, bone health and cardiovascular health?  HRT exists for cis women too, what you're describing is called menopause and it's pretty damn ubiquitous even amongst those who keep their ovaries!

It's a revocation of autonomy for no good reason, in service to a fictional kid who those self-same patriarchial Christians would never want to raise a finger to help if they were in distress -- and actually real, for that matter.  I guess because it's easier to care about a fictional kid than a living, breathing, flawed human being sitting in front of you and suffering in the here and now. 
 I’m 34 and still working on my life and everyone keeps telling me over and over not to worry th... 
I occasionally feel old, but most of that's when someone tells me that, for example, Nevermind is over the legal drinking age in the US.

Other than that, screw it, I'm just fine as is, and I'll keep on trucking while my back keeps popping. 
 Just a reminder that on the 4th of October, the US government will be testing their Emergency Broadcast System to check its compliance on the 5G band.

This will not, despite cries of shock and fear, cause a zombie apocalypse.  But for those in a dangerous situation, domestically or otherwise, it can be extremely threatening, because many need to make use of hidden/burner phones which their abusers don't know about.

(Abusive family or significant others have a tendency to install tracking devices and similar spyware on any devices known to them.)

For those in an abusive situation, please stay safe, and if you have a phone or similar device of that nature, please take whatever steps you can to disable it if you need to keep it hidden.  Some information can be found here.

#abuse #safety #privacy 

 Camgirl spam is bad enough. But now I’m receiving AI-generated camgirl spam 😑 
 @Chris Trottier 
I wonder if the moral busybodies would consider that more objectionable, or less... 
Anyone who owns a private jet should have no expectation of privacy. 
Event not found
 @b541bfe5 @1d25a4e3 

Think I'm a teensy bit more concerned about the price of bread inflating like a Mylar balloon.